Tuesday, November 17th

  • LindaLMT 3 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone.
    It's a glorious start to a day here. Cool (74f), sunny, and low humidity. I'm hoping it stays on the cooler side so LD and I can get out for a walk later.

    We had pan seared bison patties last night for dinner with steamed broccoli and carrot slices, and a salad. Not sure as usual what I'm making tonight.

    How did the onion soup turn out Janet? I'll wait till after the holidays to get Ken Follet's book when the price drops. I'm one and done with books and hesitate to spend over $13 if it's not something I'm going to use over and over (like a cookbook, health related book, etc.). Hope you can sneak out to Costco without Jim knowing so you can get it for him and have him be surprised.
    Ouch that Benj. had to have a spot frozen. I know it hurts because my DH is a wreck now every time he goes to the dermatologist and has to get zapped.
    Glad your mom is home and too still has food to heat up that you made while visiting.
    The stir-fry recipe looks excellent! and nice that it uses readily obtained ingredients.

    Not sure what your spending amount is for Den's gift Joce but would a subscription to some sort of 'food of the month' or a delivery of steaks from an on-line steak company be an option or is that considered a gift certificate?
  • LindaLMT 3 years ago said:
    I have 'Harvest Bread' dough to bake today and will get that on the counter in a minute to rise so I can bake. Haven't had one in some time and am looking forward to sliced toasted bread in the morning with my cold brew.
  • Good4U 3 years ago said:
    Nothing better than the smell of freshly baked bread, Linda. YUM! They won't let us have a gift certificate, something about it being taxable? It would have been nice if they were willing to do so though. Who knows? It is $500.00 plus any applicable taxes for the purchase. Den is just tired of arguing with the head office in Toronto about it so we sent in the links to things he wants and they can send it directly to us. Lol, whatever, it isn't a biggy and he wasn't expecting anything.
    It is burr cold and there has a heavy frost on the cars this morning. Yesterday the wind was downright bitter. I think I will wear my winter jacket today when I am out. Den wants pizza for dinner and I am not a big fan of pizza. So I will have to decide what I want for dinner.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 3 years ago said:
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Hi Linda! LOL! The French Onion soup is taking a while. LOL. I started making it in the Crock pot but to me, the onions didn't cook enough, so then I took them out and sauteed them in a frypan, threw them back in the crockpot and proceeded, but then when it was time to give it a try you're supposed to add more beef broth (as the recipe is a condensed soup) and I ran out. LOL. So yesterday I grabbed a couple of boxes and TODAY for lunch, we will finally try it. I'll let you know. :) I'd be over the moon if I could get new hardcover books for $13. Benjamin said that his procedure didn't hurt as much as it felt extremely cold. The Health care system in Taiwan is so different from ours. He'd just gone in and ask about the bump on his nose and the Dr. said "Would you like me to take care of it now?" and Benj said 'Sure' and voila it was done. Oh yum on Harvest bread!

    It's lovely Den was recognized Joce and nice you guys picked out some fun stuff. We didn't get the heavy frost you did but we got just a wee bit of snowflakes. Yum on Den's pizza. I picked up a Tandoori Chicken flatbread in Loblaws when I was there yesterday. Haven't ever seen that there before. Hope you figure out what you would like for dinner.

    Jim has requested
    Individual Shepherds Pie With Scallion Cheese Potato Crust
    so that's easy and I can make those up this afternoon.

    Just hanging out at the house today. I'm going to wrap up my Mom's Christmas presents so I can mail it off tomorrow and then that's it for mailing stuff. Whoop!

    A fried egg and bagel for breakfast. Must go rustle it up. Have a great day everyone!
  • LindaLMT 3 years ago said:
    Do the young men still live next door Joce to help with snow shoveling like they did last year? Hoping Den can get some good use out of what will be sent from his company. LOL, what about clothes and a new coat? I know though you already sent in the list.

    I don't see onion caramelizing in a crock pot Janet like they would stove-top but then again I never have so I wouldn't know for sure. Even cooking them stove-top takes about an hour to caramelize if I remember correctly.
    I buy books on my Kindle reader thru Amazon and I think $13 is plenty enough for that. Most best sellers will price out there but I'm noticing even those prices increased lately and now up to about $15.
    Ha!! I wish we could get appointments as quick as Taiwan offers. During the non-seasonal months it's better but November thru April can takes months. It's how I wound up with a $7,000 bill from the hospital 2 years ago ... because I couldn't get in to see a doctor without waiting months and had no choice but to get evaluated taking an emergency visit at the hospital.
    Shepherds Pie sounds great!
  • chuckieb 3 years ago said:
    Oh right! I forgot you buy books for your Kindle Linda and indeed they're a lot better priced that way. Taiwan is crazy in how fast you can get things done by a Dr. or Dentist. I remember when Benjamin went in about needing a possible root canal and the Dentist said 'Sure, no problem' and was willing to do it right then and there. Benj made an appointment for that for a later date though because he had to teach and needed to choose a time where he could heal up a bit afterwards. And it's SO inexpensive. Benj gets some sort of Health Care program because he teaches but he pays as he goes and the procedure on his nose cost him $32 Canadian. LOL. It's hilarious.Ouch on the $7000 Hospital bill. Makes sense that you do such due diligence each year re-evaluating your Health Care provider.

    We had a video chat with Benjamin this morning and he looks great. He meets up with a group of people (a lot of whom or maybe all of whom we've met previously) every Wednesday night and next Wed. he's going to make Cabbage rolls and perogies for them for dinner. :) So fun. He recently bought two lovely big cook books written in Mandarin as it's hard for him to take Canadian recipes and then try and find the proper substitutes all the time for ingredients they just don't usually carry there. It'll be fun to see what he makes.

    Kitchen is clean and today is the first day of my 'Project Feederwatch' count for the 20/21 Season. I'm sure I've mentioned it in the past. Home birders across North America count the birds in their yards at their feeder stations once a week from Nov. to April and send their numbers in to Cornell University who use it to monitor the health of species and the fluctuations in the bird populations. I've been doing it for at least 20 years I think.
  • LindaLMT 3 years ago said:
    Very cool on the bird watching! and for doing it for so long.
    Hope Benj is able to find all the ingredients he needs for his dinner next Wednesday. I'm sure it's a treat too to have Canadian cuisine or something that isn't Taiwanese.

    I took a ride with LD to get the battery replaced in DH's watch. It's a nice watch so needed to be taken to a 'watch repair' place and I found one about 1/2 hour away. We took the scenic drive thru the country and it was gorgeous. I would love to live out that way but then it's all the further you need to drive to get to doctors and such so not a wise option. So odd to have such a specialized place out in the country.

    I have chicken breast thawed and need to make something with it for dinner. Can always grill it but it's what I do with it all the time and I'm kinda tired of it.
  • LindaLMT 3 years ago said:
    Change of dinner plans. I had my chicken breast on the top top shelf in the fridge so it partially froze. Ut-Oh. Pulled a filet to thaw for DH (they thaw quick) that I'll grill for him with sides and a salad and I'm in the mood for an egg scramble with toast.
  • chuckieb 3 years ago said:
    Your drive in the country sounded lovely Linda!

    I chatted a bit online with Jim's sister today and also a couple of ladies I used to work with at the Hardware store. Am almost finished wrapping Mom's Christmas present. Prepped the Shepherds Pie and then Jim and I went out for a Hot Tub. Goodness it's starting to get nippy! Won't be long before we don't go out the second front entranceway anymore. In the winter time we go out to the hot tub through the basement walk out door. A shorter way to have to brave the weather. :)

    Had some French Onion soup for dinner. It was nice but I would never make that recipe again. Will do a post in IMI11 shortly.

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