What? It's Wendsday Already

  • LindaLMT 7 years ago
    Good Morning!! Can't believe it's Wednesday already.

    The attached photos are of an Anole, the tiny little brown lizards we have all over the place here. I caught this one peeping in my window so I took his picture. His body was only about 1.5" and then their tale is often as long.

    Just an ordinary day planned here. Already made a pot of turkey chili for lunch (DH loves the stuff) and will go to the gym later. Not much else planned and don't even know what to pull out for dinner. I know what ever it is I make I'll have green beans as a side because I bought 2 packs the other day and need to use them.

    That's it. Looking forward to hearing about your day ...
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Oops, see I spelled Wednesday wrong in the title.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Oh my goodness Linda!!!!!! It's ADORABLE! How fun is that? We don't get those here, at least where I've ever lived. I googled Anole and learned that they belong to the genus of iguanian lizards. So fun! When Jim and I used to travel to California for Jim's work I used to see little lizards there at the Hotel we stayed at. Nice on turkey chili! You're productive first thing in the morning!

    Hope your reno plans are proceeding smoothly Bren as well as cleaning out your MIL's place. You sure have a lot on your plate! LOL @ your stewing hen not being found. I still haven't found the dried mushrooms that I KNOW I have and I cleaned out each and every item in the pantry last week! :) Your rib and rice dinner last night sounded awesome.

    Your potato soup sounded fantastic Shona! Jim actually didn't seem to ache at all yesterday, lucky man. Today is the membrane installation day and I'm his right hand woman, so hopefully it'll go fine and we won't be divorced by the end of the afternoon. :)

    How'd your Shepherd's pie turn out Michelle? I've had it and like it, but never made it myself.

    I got my closet all cleared out yesterday. I have one huge over-stuffed garbage bag full of items to donate and then about 1/3 of a bag of things that had paint on them or were too worn to give away that I'll throw away. I still need to work on the floor underneath as there are literally some dusty shoes down there that I should also look into giving away or throwing away. It did feel good though to go through it.

    The rainbow trout last night was really delicious and we shared a baked potato and had sliced tomato with olive oil, black pepper and balsamic over it. Very yummy.

    Put this
    Lemon Rosemary Brined Roast Chicken
    in brine yesterday afternoon to do up today but didn't add the lemon, rosemary or honey as I'm going to do a Piri-piri rub on it before I rotisserie it for dinner this evening. Am kind of craving a potato salad on the side but we shall see.

    Wishing everyone a really good day.
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Morning! Cute pics. you caught of the Anole Linda, I’ve never heard of them :) We have albino gecko’s here, they are great and eat bugs. We got a new bug guy and they put these little sticky traps down in our garage to catch insects and the geckos were getting caught on them and we would have to kill them to put them out of their misery, it was awful :( We threw away all the sticky traps and told the bug guy to never put them back. I have green beans I need to use also!!

    Hi Janet, we really enjoyed the shepard pie a lot! Michael had seconds so I guess that’s good lol :) Yum on your dinner, I made a piri piri chicken a long time ago and remember it being very good!

    Finishing my last cup of coffee then Michael and I are going to get outside and mow and do some other yard work. Haven’t pulled anything out for dinner yet, but like I said, it will probably involve green beans if they haven’t already gone bad. Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!!
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    That's what I said this morning, I can't believe it's Wednesday already! Cute little lizard, it's small like the salamanders around here! Aww, LD looks so cute in your avatar picture too :) Yum, I love turkey chili..I have a recipe that uses zucchini and white beans. My favorite chili! :)

    Hi Janet, that's good Jim wasn't sore. Lol, hopefully your not divorced by the end of the day! Good for you on the clear out! Yum on the piri-piri chicken!!

    Hi Michelle, hopefully you get all the yard work done today. Don't you hate it when food goes bad in the fridge before you use it?!! Hopefully they aren't bad yet.

    Another lazy morning here. Just finishing the last of my coffee and some breakfast now. I'll probably do a quick clean of the house, and hopefully the weather gets nicer before I walk the dogs. It's overcast and looks like it will rain. I'm not sure what dinner will be.....I still have that ham but I feel like having chicken something? I might have to run to the grocery store.

    Hey Tina, if your lurking....we could use a change to our group photo. It's Fall now!! :) :) Hope all is well! <3

    I hope you're all having a great day so far! :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Shona I do hate to have to throw things out, it always breaks my heart a little. I just checked the green beans though and they are good :) Last week when I went to the store one of my bags opened on the way home and I didn't realize it and the next day when I opened the back back door 2 lunchables, sour cream and a bag of frozen corn came falling out. What a waste!

    Yard looks nice now, I love a freshly mowed lawn :) Went to do a much needed grocery store run, we were out of so much stuff and coffee was one of them so there was no holding off :P

    Decided on this for dinner http://allrecipes.com/recipe/85256/easy-honey-mustard-mozzarella-chicken/print/?recipeType=Recipe&servings=4 along with the green beans and Michael really want's me to roast some potatoes rolled in salt, like a lot of steak houses do. Never done it, but it should be simple! I will probably do myself a sweet potato as I'm still white potatoed out from the shepards pie last night.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Good afternoon everyone. That lizard is adorable and LD is a real cutie.
    The plans are going slowly, Janet. Thanks for asking. The house, MIL's, is another story. I think that we will be packing for weeks. I bet my hen is hanging out with your mushrooms. Cleaning closets is a big job and sounds like you did a great purge. I must get to that soon.
    Glad that you enjoyed the shepherds pie, Michelle. That's on my menu for tomorrow. Aww, poor little geckos. So sorry about the wasted groceries, I hate throwing anything out.
    It was very overcast here this morning Shona but the wind blew the clouds away and it's really sunny.
    Dinner will be salmon, steamed cauliflower and rice.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Aw at the geckos getting caught in the glue traps Michelle. :( That's good you told the bug guy to discontinue using them. Glad your mowing went well. We just went and filled our little gas can so I can do some of that tomorrow myself.Ugh on the misplaced groceries in the back of the truck. I hate when that happens. :( Let me know how the roasp potatoes rolled in salt goes. I've seen it but never did it either.

    Hi Shona! Good luck with your house cleaning.

    Hi Bren! LOL @ your hen and my mushrooms hanging out. :) I'm quite tickled now every time I go into the closet and I can actually push things around. :) Yum on salmon for dinner. And speaking of cauliflower, I have a mushroom in my front garden that looks like cauliflower kind of. It's really weird. I should go take a picture.

    Jim and I actually worked quite well together on the waterproofing membrane for the garage wall. Our first piece we put on was a disaster and it's SO sticky that we couldn't get it off again, but we just sliced it off, aborted our initial plan and decided on another tactic which worked very well and the job was done from start to finish in 2 hours which is awesome. We went out for lunch to the "Cheshire Cat Pub" to celebrate. I ordered the Reuben sandwich (hold the 1000 Island dressing, bleck) and Jim had the flatbread with salad. My sandwich came with celery soup but it was just blah. I make a way better one (Point's recipe), so I didn't eat it. They ask if anything was wrong and I said "It was okay, but I couldn't possibly eat the sandwich and the soup anyway, so no worries" but they took $3 off my bill which I thought was very nice of them.

    Dropped off my clothing donation and got some gas for the mower and I think a hot tub is in order next. :)
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    I've gotten pretty good at catching the anoles when they are in the lanai. Fast little things but if they are cornered I can get them.

    Nice that you got your closet all cleaned out Janet! That didn't take too long, you must have been very determined. Yum on the chicken dinner and Happy to hear you and Jim are still married (LOL!). Is the garage project completed or do you still have to move dirt back?

    Happy to hear you got rid of the glue traps Michelle. Those traps do more harm than good. Good to know too that the Shepard's Pie recipe was all that. I'll have to try it. When they are good they are great.

    Bummer to hear Bren that your MIL house is taking long to do what is needed. In all good time, right.

    The Chewy Chocolate Coconut Blondies look great Shona! Saved!

    Went to the gym and when we walked in they had a table with lots of big individually wrapped cookies on it for "Client Appreciation Day" ...yea, right ... it was Chick-Fil-A promoting their store. Attached to the cookies were guest cards for a free drink. Of course I took a cookie on the way out and was so happy it was awful and will now go out to the raccoons and not in my belly.
    Pulled out steaks for dinner and grilled them along with steamed ... you guessed it ... green beans, and parsley baby potatoes.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    LOL. I was determined Linda. It's a job I've been dreading to do for a couple of years now so I finally thought, "Okay, this is ridiculous...if you haven't been wearing it, out it goes". I was harsh. :) Yes, we still have to move the dirt back and re-plant the flowers and shrubs but Jim will do that tomorrow while I mow lawns. ROFL @ being happy the cookie was awful. Nice for the raccoons though. Your dinner sounded lovely.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:

    It has been another run run run day and tomorrow will be worse. Have to get diesel for the tractor as Wayne is baling the last hay of the season. It is a bit stemmy but his buddy wants it for his goats .... They evidently like the stuff horses won't eat.

    I agree on the horrible glue traps. Won't tolerate them used in the house because they catch more than just bugs! Yuk!

    Cute little lizard! We have the salamander types that are really fast!

    I need to finish cleaning out the closet.....we sent tons of clothes to the yard sale but I still have more sorting to do.

    Ha ha on the icky cookie!

    Cleaned the kitchen counters are removed excess clutter so it looks nice again. Need to attack the rest of the house!

    Michelle, congrats on moderating IMI. It is sad FA is leaving, but the state of the site does worry me, especially the blatant ads and lack of control. I do love the chit chat on O.D.D. and the way GR is set up. Most sites seem to either Pinterest wannabes or a lot of stupid ads.

    Got yo go. It is late and we have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow! Aargh!

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