Gordon Ramsey

  • drocean 16 years ago
    What else can I say. The guy is just out of his mind. I like his ideas about "keeping it simple" He does not hold back. He says exactly what he thinks. Cussing and insulting in order to make his point.
  • mrtnzangel8 16 years ago said:
    I love Gordon! He is somebody I would like to meet...just not in my kitchen!
    He's actually a sweet heart IMO. I know he rants and raves, but when it comes down to it, he's got a big heart. Ang so funny! On myspace one of my 'friends' is Gordon Ramsey, it's a fansite. One nite there were videos of his UK show..Cookalong with Gordon.
    I just checked it's still there..was very good.

    Oh crap, gotta go watch Big Brother...be back after!
  • barmy 16 years ago said:
    he may rant and rave but he can afford to. he know what he is on about, he wouldnt be where he is at the moment otherwise. ur right about his 'keepin it simple'. food doesnt have to be fancy and full of a million flavours and processes for it to taste great! My fav tv show of his is Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. some of the kitchen's he's been into and transformed are amazing. its more commen sense than anything.

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