Reasons for not eating animals

  • gindot 15 years ago
    I have not always been a vegetarian. I began eating animal friendly about 1 year ago, now it is a way of life. I mostly eat vegan, but occasionally I have cheese. I began this journey by reading the book Eat Right for Your Blood Type. My blood type is A- and I found out that I should not be eating meat. Then I started doing research into the production of meat. If you have not, it is a real eye opener. For those of you who want to protect this planet, eating meat is not helping. Plus all the torture and abuse these animals are made to endure, I will not eat meat ever again! Yes, that includes fish. We don't need meat to survive, and it is making us sick to add to the mess.
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    Thank you for forming this group there are so many myths out there about Vegan or vegetarians . I told a nutritionist at a hospital I was Vegan. So she said to me we have fish or chicken since you do not eat meat. So many professionals are un trained as to what a vegan or vegetarian is.
    At work I get laughed at because I choose vegan or vegetarian meals by my pears.
    The Food And Drug Food Pyramid still is corrupted by the meat and dairy industry who lobbied to have it altered to represent what they believe is nutritionally sound advice.
    Many people believe that meat is necessary for health when research proves just the opposite is true, a well balanced can consist of vegetables and grains without any protein source from meat, fish or foul.
    The amount of Protein and the source is another myth produced by the meat industry.
    That Calcium needs can not be obtained from vegetables is another myth too.

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