An Aspartame Experiment

  • invisiblechef 16 years ago
    At first I was thinking how horrible it was for these rats to be 'tortured' like this. And I do think that still, as they are not willingly putting this into their mouths as so many people are even when they know it's not good for them, what is wrong with the FDA?

    Aspartame is not just in diet soda as you will read on the first page, this experiment was done by a women whose family was addicted to diet soda and she wanted to see for herself just how bad it was for her and her families health.
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    Here is the FDA report of 92 documented symptoms including death, also
    acquired through Freedom of Information. The FDA says they list blindness
    under vision loss (the component methanol converts to formaldehyde and
    formic acid in the retina of the eye).

    Headaches, dizziness or problem with balance, change in mood quality or
    level, vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain and cramps, change in vision,
    diarrhea, seizures and convulsions, memory loss, fatigue, weakness, other
    neurological, rash, sleep problems, hives, change in heart rate, itching,
    change in sensation (numbness, tingling), grand mal seizures, local
    swelling, change in activity level, difficulty breathing, oral sensory
    changes, change in menstrual pattern, other skin, other, localized pain
    and tenderness, other urogenital, change in body temperature, difficulty
    swallowing, other metabolic, joint and bone pain, speech impairment, other
    gastrointestinal, chest pain, other musculo-skeletal, fainting, sore
    throat, other cardiovascular, change in taste, difficulty with urination,
    other respiratory, edema, change in hearing, abdominal swelling, change in
    saliva output, change in urine volume, change in perspiration pattern, eye
    irritation, unspecified, muscle tremors, petit mal, change in appetite,
    change in body weight, nocturnal, change in thirst or water intake,
    unconsciousness and coma, wheezing, constipation, other extremity pain,
    problems with bleeding, unsteady gait, coughing, blood glucose disorders,
    blood pressure changes, changes in skin and nail coloration, change in
    hair or nails, excessive phlegm production, sinus problems, simple partial
    seizures, hallucinations, lumps present, shortness of breath on exertion,
    evidence of blood in stool or vomit, dysmenorrhea, dental problems, change
    in smell, DEATH, other blood and lymphatic, eczema, complex partial
    seizures, swollen lymph nodes, hematuria, shortness of breath due to
    position, difficulties with pregnancy, (children only) developmental
    retardation, change in breast size or tenderness, anemia, change in sexual
    function, shock, conjunctivitis, dilating eyes, febrile

    Found here_
  • trigger 16 years ago said:
    I decided a long long time ago when these products first came around that I would never consume any artificial sweetener and now that you have enlightened me. I am glad I adopted this policy.

    The FDA approved DDT along with many many strange harmful drugs and herbicides, pesticides all for prosperity for the American farmers. It all lead to soil erosion and a toxic environment that produces a huge amount of poisonous food, through out the entire food chain.

  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    I was standing in line at the grocery store and noticed they have this new gum I think from Dentyne and on the front it says " now with Xlyitol" but when I turned it over aspartame was still listed toward the bottom as one of the ingredients, why? I can only find one gum that just has peppermint and xlyitol and that is in the health food isle of my store. And another thing I'm upset about is they ( I'm not sure who they would be" but I"m going to look into it, took away Zingers to go! it was the one flavored tea powder that I could find in the store made with Stevia, I can only find it on Amazon but the price for shipping it is crazy. I'm going to talk to my grocery store manager and find out what happened, it's not even at Super Supplements.

    You know in Japan they have been using Stevia for over 20 years in their products, much as we use aspartame here, why aren't we? There are no side effects, it's actually been known to regulate blood pressure. I'm going to post some information on sugar substitutes through a new topic. I already did a bunch of research for another group I go too that wasn't too happy about me sharing this information on aspartame, so to make them feel better I added alternatives- I should have done that here too and will.
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    I meant to say "known to regulate blood sugar levels" and is safe for diabetics too.
  • trigger 16 years ago said:
    I try to use natural alternative and avoid chemical substitutes of any kind. Stevia so far has not bothered me, they sell it in bulk form to use for baking , in packets and as a liquid form at my health food store. To be honest I have yet to use it for baking yet.

    Marie you do a lot of research and post a lot of information if some people are upset then that is on them. There are many many people who grab up what is popular to save on calories and to them that is there goal period. They do not give a hoot if there are consequences down the road health wise. If the weight comes off That is all they care about and when I try to tell them they tell me their doctor told them tu use those products and that I am not a doctor or a nutritionist.

    Everyone has to make their own choices in life, I choose what I see as healthy and some one tells me it is not a good way to live. They are usually the same ones that are on ten different medications and out sick every month.
    I trust you more than I trust them, however I still look things up even when recommended by doctors.
    A chance of stroke to me is not a side effect. which was stated on one of the medications another was " May cause suicide" that was on an anti-depresent , to me. a side effect would be. You may feel better in the morning.


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