Pendog's Pineapple Shrimp Packets Photos

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  • I worked with already cooked shrimp because we were on a budget constraint.
    by chefmal
  • I've always been very liberal with spices. By the way, that's not butter, it's non-hydrogenated margarine. I suppose butter would have added to the sweetness, but with the pineapple it wasn't necessary. I was going for more savory to balance it out.
    by chefmal
  • I folded them like corn on the cob. It was a bit hard to open but these things produce a lot of juice so I didn't need them busting open and leaking all over the damn place, you know?
    by chefmal
  • The smell of these when we cracked them open was downright euphoric. The sweetness and the spices were like a symphony in your mouth. But yeah, tons of juice. Be very careful not to puncture these babies or you'll have a huge mess.
    by chefmal
  • The diners were very pleased, and yours will be too!
    by chefmal

  • by keni

  • by keni

  • by keni