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How to make it

  • 1.At least 30 minutes before cooking, rub in the seasonings on the skirt steak vigorously by hand and let sit at room temperature until ready to coo.
  • 2.Meanwhile prepare the sauce by mincing the garlic and ginger pieces. Add all ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a boil until it thickens. Over a small bowl, pour sauce contents over a sieve or strainer to catch large pieces. Discard remaining garlic and ginger pieces while pouring sauce back into saucepan. Let simmer on low until steak is complete while adding the thinly sliced scallion and sesame seeds just before plating.
  • 3.For the salad, wash the spring mix salad under cold water a few times and discard rotten or bruised sections. Using a paring knife, skin the orange to the flesh and thinly slice round pieces. In a large bowl, bring the salad vinaigrette ingredients and whisk until well mixed; add spring mix. Plate orange slices and spring mix together with dressing of choice or lemon wedges.
  • 4.For the asparagus, be sure to rinse under cold water by removing any debris or sediments that may be trapped. Drain and stir fry with 1 tbsp olive oil and garlic salt for seasoning. Cook for 7, 8 minutes or until asparagus begins to "bend" but retain crispness.
  • 5.On a non-stick skillet or fry pan, cook the skirt steak on medium-high heat about 10 minutes on each side or until slightly charred. Transfer to a cutting board and let sit for 5~10 minutes. Make sure to slice/cut against the grain of the steak.
  • 6.Cut the skirt steak in thin, diagonal slices against the grain. Baste with the simmering sauce and serve with the spring mix salad and asparagus. If available, sprinkle with remaining lemon wedges.

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