
How to make it

  • The first thing you're gonna wanna do is drain the hash browns with some cheesecloth once it gets out of the bag. The potatoes aren't *wet* per se, but they're damp and it's enough to keep the latkas from cooking well in the middle.
  • Once they're dry enough, dump them in a bowl, add all the other ingredients and mix well, either with a spoon or your hands, whatever gets the job done.
  • Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Again, I have an accursed electric stovetop, but my roommates finally got their oven fixed! 🥳 So if after they're browned on both sides you cut into them and they're still raw on the inside, which can very well still happen with an electric stove top, even though you did everything right, feel free to preheat the oven to 375°F and let them properly cook.
  • We make due with what we have.
  • Once they're done, pat dry with paper towels and serve with apple sauce, hot sauce, ketchup or whatever the hell brings joy to your heart.
  • Channukah Sameach!!

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