How to make it

  • Pour water into a (one cup size) measuring cup until it reachs the 1/8 mark.
  • Fill the rest of the measuring cup to the with top with Ivory flakes.
  • With a spoon, mix the water and soap flakes together. It may seem as if there is not enough water, but keep mixing until you have a thick paste without any big lumps.
  • Add 30 - 40 drops of food coloring to the soap mixture, and stir very well until all of the white is gone and the soap has color.
  • With the same spoon, scoop out some of the mixture and put it in one of the cube spaces of the ice cube tray. (A one piece plastic tray works best.)
  • Press the soap paste down into the cube until you have filled the cube to the top. Do one or two cubes with the remaining mixture.
  • You might want to make a few more batchs of soap paste in different colors before drying the cubes.
  • Find a warm, dry place to putthe cubes for one or two days until the soap gets hard (test with your finger).
  • Pop the soap crayons out of the tray and they're ready to use!

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    anndeek ate it and said...
    really cool
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