
How to make it

  • Take off heads and scales an inside guts of fish and wash them with warm water to clean them .
  • sprinkle salt and pepper onto them.
  • Place black pot onto burner
  • pour hog lard into pot
  • turn on burner let this get hot ( away to tell if oil is hot get a large white tip kitchen match and throw it in ..if it lights up for a second then goes out is ready for frying)
  • Now you are ready to fry..
  • Take one of your brown paper bags
  • pour some of the bag of corn meal into the the brown paper bag with salt and pepper
  • then add a few of the fish at a time .
  • close bag and shake this will coat the fish
  • now take one at a time and place into hot oil do not over load your pot with fish put just a few at a time around 5 to 6.
  • let them cook until brown or another way if the fish start to float it is time to take them out.
  • While the fish is frying
  • take the other 2 brown paper bags and place one into the other for some of the paper towels inside of the bag. to help absorb the oil from the fish.
  • After fish is cooked place fish inside the bag onto the paper towels and close bag.
  • this will keep them warm until all the fish is fried. repeat the paper towels in between each frying of fish.
  • This can be served with a salad or french fries.....

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    " It was excellent "
    janetc ate it and said...
    This sounds simply delicious..can't wait to catch me some perch and try this..Yummy
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