
How to make it

  • Roughly chop the Leek and the Onion. Get your stock ready and waiting!
  • Over a medium heat, melt the butter, then throw in the chopped vegetables, covering the pot and cooking for 5 minutes, or until the onions are starting to clear.
  • Meanwhile, finely chop the clove of garlic, then when the onions are clearing, add the garlic, cover and cook for another couple of minutes.
  • Roughly chop the potato, then add to the pot (give it a good stir), cover, and cook for another couple of minutes.
  • Grind in a really good whack of black pepper, turn the heat up a bit, then add the 500ml of stock (I used a Polish Chicken soup stock powder, which is pretty salty, but also pretty good :)).
  • Bring the pot back up to the boil, reduce the heat, cover, and leave to simmer for about 10 minutes.
  • Add the milk and half of your washed spinach leaves. Mix this well, bring back to a low simmer, and cover again. Cook for another 15 minutes or so. (Probably worth keeping an eye on it at this point, as boy does that milk boil over :)).
  • Check that the spinach has well and truly wilted away, then take the soup off the heat, and allow it to cool for a few minutes. It should be looking a very pale green colour with lots of spinach floating around.
  • When it's cooled a bit, blend it until it's completely smooth.
  • Now - the cool 'spinachy' trick I heard from someone - add the remaining spinach leaves, and blend again down to smooth. This'll make it 'seriously' dark green (and taste just spangly!).
  • Add another good whack of black pepper, the tub of low fat crème fraiche and perhaps a pinch or two of salt, then stick the pot back on a low heat, and bring it back up to a very very light simmer whilst stirring the mixture. It does work without the crème fraiche if you fancy it that way, but I found a pot, and it needed using up!
  • Eat.
  • Feel nice and warm!

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