
How to make it

  • Sprinkle 18 x 24 inch strip of heavy duty foil with powdered sugar.
  • Mix first three ingredients in large heavy sauce pan.
  • Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves.
  • Boil without stirring until temperature reaches 310 on candy thermometer or forms hard brittle threads in cold water.
  • Remove from heat, and stir in flavoring oil and coloring.
  • Pour onto foil.
  • I let it cool just a minute, and then score it with a knife, thus making it break into uniform pieces when entirely cooled.
  • Store in air tight container.
  • ====================================================
  • Notes: From writer
  • This is so simple, it is something that children can do. You can also pour the candy uncolored and put serveral drops of food coloring on poured candy when hot and swirl it through with a tooth pick.
  • Note: Techdeb54 wrote:
  • Techdeb54 15 hours, 17 minutes ago said:
  • Hi, I'm new. My name is Debbie. I started making hard candy many years ago. When I first started I couldn't figure out why my hard candy would only have flavor on the outside and not on the inside. It turned out I wasn't letting it cool to 240 degrees before adding the candy oil. The only exception I found was peppermint oil. You can add that at any temp and it will not cook out.

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  • friendlybbw 15 years ago
    Can this also be rolled?
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  • techdeb54 15 years ago
    Hi, I'm new. My name is Debbie. I started making hard candy many years ago. When I first started I couldn't figure out why my hard candy would only have flavor on the outside and not on the inside. It turned out I wasn't letting it cool to 240 degrees before adding the candy oil. The only exception I found was peppermint oil. You can add that at any temp and it will not cook out.
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    " It was excellent "
    madmommy ate it and said...
    OH WONDERFUL!!! My maternal grandfather used to make homemade candies that my mother, aunts and uncles would then go out and sell. We still have some of his peppermint oil - he shared his supply with mom, giving it to her in an old glass medication bottle. I can't wait to make some peppremints now....Thanks for a great trip down memory lane! ^^^^^5 and a hug! :)
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