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How to make it

  • Chop the Veggies - I slice the celery into 1/4 inch peices and then cut the bell pepper into similar size pieces. I store the celery (usually overnight) submerged in cold water in the fridge so they soak up the water and get very crisp.
  • Broil the Okra - I lay the okra on a silicone baking sheet, spritz it with olive oil and put it under the broiler until it gets light brown.
  • Sautee the Holy Trinity - Coat your pan with a thin layer of olive oil.
  • Put in onions, half your bell pepper and half your celery and sautee until the onions are carmelized. This gives you your aromatic base.
  • Make the Sauce - Combine potato starch and slightly hot water in a glass bowl. Stir until potato starch is more or less dissolved. Pour water and starch into a sauce pan over low heat. Add butter, seasoning and salt. Stir until well mixed. I use a Silicone spatula to keep the bottom clear. I add back water and adjust heat to keep the consistency right for my taste.
  • Stir Fry the Veggies, Beans and Rice - Add the rest of the peppers and celery, some additional olive oil, beans, rice and okra. Stir over med high heat for a few minutes.
  • Add the Sauce - Begin folding in the sauce until you have everything evenly covered. you can add water to things if your sauce is too thick but this might also effect your overall texture somewhat.
  • Note - if you have a meat eater in your family you can add in pan fried baby shrimp. chopped chorizo sausage or both. We add meat for my husband's portion and the family ends up with a one course, healthy meal for all.

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