Monday, Sept 24th

  • gourmetana 11 years ago
    Good morning!

    And here we are.... another Monday! This is the last week of September... We'll be talking about Christmas in an eye blink.

    Breakfast is ready. There's oats drizzled with maple syrup, apple ginger muffins, coffee, peach tea, OJ.

    Verna, loved to see you!! Sent you an email a few days ago. Didn't you receive it?

    Susan, your bike looks awesome!

    Henrie, did you get to rest over the weekend?

    I'll have a busy day today. Lots of errands to do and teach in the afternoon.

    Hugs and prayers all around
  • ravenseyes 11 years ago said:
    good morning Ana thank you I will enjoy those maple syrup drizzled oats it is something I love and have been waiting for the cooler weather for to enjoy - and today is just that day - thank you Ana and a cup of hot coffee hmmmm yummy!!
    I did get your email Ana back I will look into how come you didn't get is such a beautiful day the air coming in is just so fresh and so clean - its the kind of weather were you can through on a pair of jeans and a great big ole sweater or sweatshirt - it is just perfect - I thank you all for all of your prayers and ask that you continue I am treading some heavy water right now and it is not easy, but with your help and your prayers I know that I can make it back into where I want to you all ladieis and thank you for your friendship.......Susan, Henrie, Kimmer and Peeta where are you all????
    Ana let me know if there is a day that you think we could do a skype...hugs and prayers all around !!!
  • henrie 11 years ago said:
    Hi Ana and Verna..............

    Trying to get over this awful cold, think I'm getting there but now my husband has it, he's miserable!!! Took Bobby to the doctor today for a wellness check-up, he's doing okay. The doctor commented on this bad cold virus that has been going around since last month, said how busy they've been with everyone coming in with it. He wears a mask to cut exposure and keep from spreading it. I told him I was just trying to get over it, he ask me what I was doing for it so I told him LOL Dr. Pat's hot toddy recipe, he said he knew Dr. Pat and ask what the recipe was, when I told him he said I'll bet that made you feel good :-) Made one for my hubby today and he was surprised on how pleasant the taste was, he also thought it would really be nasty strong. Hopefully he won't get as bad as I was with it.................Anyway before we left the doctors office, the doctor said I'd better look at your throat before ya'll leave, that was sweet of him, he said everything looked fine.

    Just talked to my daughter, she said I sounded a lot better today then I did yesterday so that's a plus :-)

    Hope everyone is doing okay, will talk to ya'll later.......have a good night.

    Hugs and Prayers as always............

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