For Laughs - Dreaded Childhood Food

  • sparow64 16 years ago
    We've had a few nostalgia threads about Mom's cooking and comfort foods we all remember from childhood in some of the other groups. I'm going to go in the opposite direction - just for laughs! (Love my mom, and she's a great cook!). Remember the few nights you were calling your friends to see if you could get a sympathetic invitation to supper when they found out what your Mom was having??

    Mine was LIVER. Bryan's 2 1/2 year old grandson says "I can't yike it!"!!! And greens....ICK. I love spinach, but not the other greens, that you put vinegar on...ICK.

    I remember one meal vividly in my mind...Mom had made Liver, Greens, and she had cut yellow squash in half lenghtwise, and in the little bowl that formed in the squash she had made a brown sugar/butter concoction and filled the hole with it, then baked or broiled the squash. (I might like that now). plate was put in front of me, and I knew that I would be sitting at the table til bedtime, cuz NO WAY was that gonna go down and stay...LOL...I finally said "This is the kind of dinner where you close your eyes and hold your nose..." Normally I would have gotten in trouble, but, it struck my mom funny, and she laughed so hard I didn't have to eat it!!! Whew...what a break! LOL
  • eeks 16 years ago said:
    My mom used to get a Hog Head...(not kidding)!! she used to set it on the cutting board in the kitchen and cut all the (what she called 'meat' out of it) to make's a nasty lookin' gelatinous sausage-like concoction that makes the normal individual GAG upon seeing it!!
    As she cleaned the head she pushed on it and one of the eyeballs (yes, they were in it yet) squirted some kind of clear nasty juice thru the air and onto my cheek...I almost threw up, but I held it back...but from that day forward for about 15 years, I constantly spit and wiped my mouth on my shirt every time I saw or smelled something gross!! Has anyone ever heard of Soulze?? ICKY...I don't want a recipe!!
  • pleclare 16 years ago said:
    Never heard of it. I think I would have thrown up too!!
  • eeks 16 years ago said:
    Yeah...but you'd have washed your mouth out with a martini...I know you!!!
  • pleclare 16 years ago said:
    Yea,you're right!
  • eeks 16 years ago said:
    I don't remember exactly what the stuff was called, but it was nasty smelling, looking and it made me nauseated to be in the same room with it...and the HOG'S HEAD was eerie looking with the eyeballs looking up as she cut it's brains out...and it's tongue and whatever else she mixed in that slop!!! I've got an email into my Mom to ask her what it was exactly called, I wanna remember so I can warn all of you to stay clear of it!!

    Oh well....I'm grossed-out enough...time to have another cup of Joe!! Catch ya'all later Pat!!
  • sparow64 16 years ago said:
    This has reminded me of this HORRIBLE thing they used to serve in elementary was a piece of balonga that had been fried, had a scoop of mashed potatoes on top, and a small piece of melted cheese on top of the, this might now have been so bad, except it was COLD. EEEEWWWWW Never warm...I like each of those things, but, for a kid that never wanted her food to touch, that was just ghastly! LOL...funny, I don't mind it touching now, just rake it all in!!!
  • eeks 16 years ago said:
    it was called Souze...Headcheese!!! was awful...I could never make myself eat it...I was too young to drink scotch, and that's about the only thing that could've got me to eat it!!
  • eeks 16 years ago said:
    sparrow...and they say school lunches are healthy and wholesome food...what the heck is a piece of cold balogna, powdered cold potatoes and fake cheese doing in a school lunch???Where's the nutrition in least the headcheese has protein in it...Of course, you can't eat it, cuz it's so gross, but at least it has protein in it!!!

  • sparow64 16 years ago said:
    yeah...that school had horrible food. School lunches were so much different for my kids...nacho bar, salad bar, etc. I have no idea what headcheese is, but, I know I don't like it!! LOL... As Bryans 2 year old grandson says, "I can't yike it"!
  • rml 16 years ago said:
    sparow, I STILL don't like my food to touch. Every once in a while, we'll go to Cracker Barrel. Hubby orders runny eggs, pancakes, sausage, gravy, grits....and mixes Everything together. Double Eeeewwww!
  • cherylannxo 15 years ago said:
    My mom used to make the best headcheese, had a real strong sage smell. My most unfavorite was cabbage, on those nights, I was so glad to sit next to my sister at the table. She didn't like cabbage either so threw it under her chair if she didn't eat it. I threw it under her chair, too. Well guess who got into trouble. Dad didn't notice that there was more cabbage under her chair that was served on her plate.
    I love cabbage now, and EAT it regularly.
    Also I could not eat sourkraut. Dads favorite was Polish sausage simmered in Kraut. I wouldn't even eat the sausage unless it was cooked by itself. I can eat it now, But like with some things, it has to do with acquired taste.

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