Apple Cider Vinegar...

  • divaliscious 16 years ago
    This is a major cure all.....if your curious, it has helped my dog's yeast infection and allergies he got from hid dry dog food - has helped me to lose weight (it's slowly melting away) cures sore throats - there are too many to list here...

    mix 50/50 solution with water - and rinse/gargle throat when sore, drink 2 tablespoons with orange juice and a little honey 1/2 hour before meals to get your metabolic going to aid in losing weight.

    I don't normally post other links but here - but do check out can look up a lot of cures there that we can post here...
  • rml 16 years ago said:
    Great idea for a group, jett....Thanks!
    diva, I've heard of using apple cider vinegar for weight loss....I'd be curious to know more uses for it. Thanks for posting earthclinic...looks like a neat site.
  • notyourmomma 16 years ago said:
    How did you administer it to your dog for the yeast infection? I have three dogs that are highly allergic and I'm at my wit's end with their skin issues. I'm all over a natural cure, I can't afford the vet bills and feel like a terrible pet owner when they have such issues.
  • divaliscious 16 years ago said:
    Theo - my four legged mutt kitchen helper (see personal foodie page for photo of him in his st. padd's hat) was scratching his smelly ears (just lovely), shaking his head to and fro and licking and chewing on his paws where they looked rusty colored (not from any blood) just from the yeast infection. His fur was dull looking, lethargic energy

    I thought he had ear mites, and treated him to no avail for that.

    After researching long and hard, (he is also part collie) I learned he was probably suffering from the yeast infection and an allergic reaction to corn which being was the first main ingredient in his dry kibble. I also learned that his food had a lot of yeast as well. Not good!

    Definitely check out the for exact proportions - but this link (I had to look back) should give you some ideas.

    But definitely look up how to "cure your pet for yeast infections" up on the net and read several sources to make sure you dog is showing the typical signs...

    For his ears I took a 50/50 ratio of apple cider vinegar and water. Using cotton swaps, I wiped his feet and inside his ears. You need to do this daily. ugh - I know, but within days he was feeling much happier and showing off his smiles.

    Also there is some suggestions to drop a few drops of the apple cider vinegar in their water. Also check out their food - try to avoid yeast (brewers yeast) in any form including the dog biscuits! (which were simply full of it) - It will take a month or two for his coat to get shiny. I also add the liquid from a capsule of flax seed oil (which I got from walmart and use myself).

    good luck and let me know how things work out!
  • notyourmomma 16 years ago said:
    Have the flax seed oil already and a pantry full of apple cider vinegar. Both of my white dogs have the itchy scratchy areas and rusty colored areas from licking. Even the black poodle is getting rusty fur....along with the huge amount of grey from age. I'll read up and give it a shot. I'm already swapping to better foods and the dog biscuits are strictly homemade. 3 sizes 3 cutters custom biscuits. Thank you very much Leah, you are a gem.

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