Food Facts....11

  • wynnebaer 15 years ago
    * U.S. - Daylight Savings Time Begins Today
    * Farmers Day
    * National Peanut Cluster Day

    1824 Jean Jacques Regis de Cambaceres died. A French politician and gourmet, A contemporary and rival of Talleyrand and Carême. The dinners he gave were famous, and Cambaceres closely supervised the food preparation. He refused to admit late-comers, and was also said to have demanded complete silence while dining.

    1923 The Coca Cola 6 bottle carton was introduced.

    1941 American author Sherwood Anderson supposedly swallowed a toothpick or a swizzle stick while at a cocktail party in the Panama Canal Zone, and died of peritonitis.

    1992 Christian K. Nelson inventor of the Eskimo Pie died at age 98.

  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Oh that would never fly at our house, complete silence. Chaos reigns around here.
    Noisy is the norm.

    Poor Sherwood Anderson, what a horrible way to die.

    Daylight Savings Time will be cursed mightily in the a.m. I'm telling you now!!!!
  • lovebreezy 15 years ago said:
    Hubby's family had the habit of falling asleep in a chair, with a toothpick in their mouth and their head tilted back. Can't believe none of them ever choked.
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    Silence at a dinner table what were they Monks. There was a lot of cross talk at our table unless something special came up.
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    I raised 4 kids and the only time I could count on us all getting together and sharing the day was the supper table....And it was the most precious time of my day.
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    * National Crabmeat Day

    1839 The Great Pastry War ended this day. A brief conflict began on November 30, 1838, between Mexico and France caused by a French pastry cook who claimed that some Mexican Army soldiers had damaged his restaurant. The Mexican government refused to pay for damages. Several other countries had asked the Mexican government for similar claims in the past due to civil unrest in Mexico, without any resolution. France decided to do something about it, and sent a fleet to Veracruz and fired on the fortress outside the harbor. They occupied the city on April 16, 1838, and through the mediation of Great Britain were promised payment of 600,000 pesos for the damages. They withdrew on March 9, 1839.

  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Yum, crabmeat, cue the Homer drool.

    So, there was really a Great Pastry War....interesting story, fascinating.
  • lovebreezy 15 years ago said:
    Ditto this: So, there was really a Great Pastry War....interesting story, fascinating.
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    * National Blueberry Popover Day

    1845 John Chapman, ‘Johnny Appleseed’ died. An American pioneer and legend, he planted apple seeds in the Ohio River valley area (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois)

    1867 Lillian D. Wald was born. She was a scientist and nurse, and among her activities, she helped initiate the enactment of pure food laws in the U.S

    1873 John Torrey died. He was the first professional botanist in the New World.

    2005 Patience Gray, British cookery writer, died. ‘Plats Du Jour’ (1957), ‘Honey From A Weed’ (1986)

  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    * National Oatmeal-Nut Waffle Day

    1791 Samuel Mulliken of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania received a patent for a machine to thresh corn and grain.

    1853 Self rising flour was supposedly invented by Henry Jones of Bristol.(Dates vary, 1845, 1852 and 1853).

  • lovebreezy 15 years ago said:
    It's good to have the flour no matter who invented it.
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Oatmeal nut waffle. Now my mom used to make an oatmeal cornmeal waffle that we adored....she never added nuts. Now that would be a taste twist. Thanks for the idea.
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    * National Baked Scallops Day

    1841 Orlando Jones of Middlesex, England received a U.S. patent for a process to make starch from rice or corn.

    1894 Coca Cola was first bottled by Joseph A. Biedenham of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Before that it was only mixed to order at the soda fountain.

    1912 Juliette 'Daisy' Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts of the USA in Savannah, Georgia.

    1929 Asa Griggs Candler died. In 1887, Asa Candler, a wholesale druggist, purchased the formula for Coca-Cola from John S. Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, for $2,300. He sold the company in 1919 for $25 million

    1930 Mahatma Gandhi began his march to the coastal village of Dandi, to protest the British salt monopoly.

    1993 Christian Kent Nelson died. He was the inventor of the Eskimo Pie in 1919 in Iowa.
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    * National Coconut Torte Day
    * St. Ansovinus' Day, patron of harvests

    1764 Charles Grey, 2nd Earl, was born. Earl Grey was given the recipe for Earl Grey Tea by a Chinese mandarin with whom he was friends

    1813 Lorenzo Delmonico, famed restaurateur was born at Marengo, Switzerland. In 1851 he joined his uncles in their catering and pastry shop in New York City. He transformed the business into one of the most famous restaurants in the country.

    1915 Wilbert Robinson (Uncle Robby), manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, attempted to catch a baseball dropped from an airplane. Someone had substituted a grapefruit instead, which virtually exploded in his glove on impact, covering him with grapefruit pulp and juice, much to the amusement of his team

    2006 Robert C. Baker died at age 84. While a Poultry and Food Science professor at Cornell University from 1949-1989 he developed chicken nuggets, turkey ham, poultry hot dogs and many other products. He founded Cornell's Institute of Food Science and Marketing in 1970, and in 2004 was inducted into the American Poultry Hall of Fame.
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Oh, I love Earl Grey tea. It is my favorite cup of warmth with a tender madeleine to nibble.

    Delmonico's conjures up such rich images and luxe dining......and I never saw the place. Just the name alone sounds delectable. If only the walls could talk, imagine the tales of romance and intrigue that occured at the legendary Delmonico's???
  • lovebreezy 15 years ago said:
    Geeze, I feel sorry for the grapefruit.
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    * National Potato Chip Day

    1794 Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin.

    1893 The original Waldorf Hotel opened. It had 450 rooms and almost 1,000 employees.

  • lovebreezy 15 years ago said:
    Hubby thinks everyday should be potato chip day.
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    * Bock Beer Day
    * National Artichoke Hearts Day

    1915 Absinthe is outlawed in France and several other countries. Absinthe was a licorice/anise flavored liqueur that contained wormwood, and was 132 proof. The high alcohol content, and the presence of the toxic oil thujone from the wormwood, seemed to cause hallucinations, convulsions, and severe mental problems amongst hard core absinthe drinkers. Henry-Louis Pernod, who manufactured Absinthe, came out with the lower alcohol, wormwood free liqueur 'Pernod', to replace Absinthe.

    1990 A Third Michelin star was awarded to Restaurant Louis XV in the Hotel de Paris. Chef Alain Ducasse, 33, is the youngest chef ever to have his restaurant receive 3 stars.


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