Recipes on the Home page

  • frankieanne 13 years ago
    This isn't a complaint or a problem, but can you explain how the recipes on the home page work? Does the more views a recipe gets move it closer to the top of the list? Just curious as to how it works...

    Thank you, Kris, and thanks for all the hard work you've put into the many improvements here.
  • wynnebaer 13 years ago said:
    I was wondering the same thing, Frankieanne.....I see on my home page in the bubble thing a recipe that has been posted and then sometimes it's not on the list of "today's" posts.
  • kristopher 13 years ago said:

    Great question. There a *many* variables in the ranking equation. But essentially the goal is to help the best stuff get seen. That being said, there will be (and needs to be) a significant amount of tweaking done to it in the near future. We still have some pressing bugs to quash, before we get to work on this.

    Also keep in mind that the list will change over the course of a day.

    @wynnebaer, as far as the top bubble, that is a "recent" recipe posted, and the homepage list is only refreshed at certain intervals, so there can be a delay before that recipe shows up.

    The bottom line with the homepage is that like most of the site, it is a work in progress. We've got a lot of great ideas coming.
  • frankieanne 13 years ago said:
    Thanks so much.
  • wynnebaer 13 years ago said:
  • ttaaccoo 13 years ago said:
    Who decides which recipes are the BEST? It seems very subjective to me. I still cannot post new recipes here. As I read more and more of this new format, it makes me sad that the original is no-longer.

    And not all of us are saavy with internet lingo. by the way, how do I write a personal email to a fellow gr person?

    thank you for your attention. trish
  • keni 13 years ago said:
    ttaaccoo, from the home page(not your profile page) there is a list of four options to the right of the top of the page under your name/avatar. They are groc. list mail bookmarks planner. Click on mail and it brings you to your inbox for mail, and there is also an outbox and a compose tab. Click compose and start typing your "friends" name... GR will start to supply you with options once you start typing and someone from your friends list matches the letters you are typing, so, if the person you are writing to shows up in that drop down list, then click it. If they don't, that's okay, you can still just complete the name on your own, type your message and click send.

    The thing about "lingo" is, it's best to read what is offered as help and try it step by step because then things make a lil more sense, even if the words or phrasing is unfamiliar.

    I hope this helps and I hope you get more used to the site... I, for one, love the new format and think it's a vast improvement, with more, still, on a very regular basis.
  • kristopher 13 years ago said:
    "Best" is decided by YOU (more specifically, members like yourself). As mentioned, we are going to tweak the way it works in the future.
  • ttaaccoo 13 years ago said:
    What if I do not know what is "best"? (one of the delights to me is foreign-to-me dishes). I will be happy with the daily list of all the new postings.
    Thank you Kristopher and Keni for your help. I will try it all out. also, is there a "button" for "Upload grub" ?
  • kristopher 13 years ago said: (you can get there from the "recipes" navigation button at the top of every page.
  • ttaaccoo 13 years ago said:
    Thank you, y muchas gracias! Yesterday after Keni's info as well as Kristopher's , and I also got to write a few of my friends, it is 1000,000,000 times more comfortable. thanx!!
  • ttaaccoo 13 years ago said:
    With using the "favorites stars" to register my take on the posted recipe which i had baked with great results, I spent time finding the original page.

    I marked the 5th star to express my "happiness " and even wrote a few words when the notetaker appeared. Next, "you have already posted" and my 5 Star rating does not show, and neither did my "a few words" comment.

    I hope this is comprehendible. trish

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