Brown Sugar

  • chuckieb 4 years ago
    So I've run out of brown sugar a couple of times in the past few months and loads of people keep encouraging me to just make some with a mixture of white sugar and molasses as Point's describes in his post about it.
    Brown Sugar
    So I did it finally. :)

    It was super easy. The food processor makes quick work of the mixing. My molasses was almost out AND it was very sticky so it didn't mix in as well as fresher molasses would have I'm sure, or...perhaps I didn't pulse it enough.

    I really like the colour. I took photos below of a dish filled with store bought brown sugar and one with home made. The lighter coloured sugar is the store bought.

    Final judgement. I prefer store bought. It tastes more caramel-ly and the home made one I can definitely taste a hint of molasses. Perhaps it calms down/smooths out after a few days. I'm not sure.

    However, it was a fun experiment. I will use it if I'm in a pinch and I had fun trying.
  • DIZ3 4 years ago said:
    Chuckieb--I've never tried making my own brown sugar. It looks neat! I don't like the taste of molasses so I can imagine it would have a strong molasses taste. Maybe you have to use more or less molasses to suit your taste. Don't know how the commercial companies make it, but I know I like light brown sugar over dark brown sugar.
  • LindaLMT 4 years ago said:
    I'm glad you tried it Janet. I like the comparison picture! I love my homemade brown sugar and the darker the better. I use black strap molasses which is even richer than the standard. I prefer the taste to that over store bought. I use my stand mixer which does a great job.
  • Good4U 4 years ago said:
    Very cool idea. You probably don't notice the difference in something baked. I must remember this when I am out of brown sugar.
  • chuckieb 4 years ago said:
    Diz, indeed the molasses flavour would be stronger with the more you add and the sugar itself would get darker. I prefer lighter brown sugar over dark myself although in a blind taste test I don't know if I could differentiate. :) The molasses flavour wasn't pronounced, but I could taste it.

    I don't think I've ever tried blackstrap molasses Linda nor if I'm sure if I've ever seen it in my grocery store. Where do you buy yours? I'll have to keep my eye out for it. I use it primarily to make gingerbread cookies with. LOL.

    And you're right Joce....I used the brown sugar in making a streusel mixture for the top of rhubarb muffins and it tasted like regular brown sugar. It's a good trick when you're out for sure.
  • mommyluvs2cook 4 years ago said:
    Awesome Janet!! I have always thought about trying to make own own brown sugar, but just haven't done it. Is it cheaper than buying store bought you think? I use black strap molasses too Linda, love the stuff :).
  • chuckieb 4 years ago said:
    Points said making your own brown sugar was a lot cheaper than buying it but brown sugar isn't very expensive here. I've thrown out the plastic bag but a 'normal' size bag of brown sugar here costs less than $3 and again, I'm not up on my prices so I don't know what an equivalent bag of white sugar costs in comparison. For me, the main benefit is being able to make some if I happen to be out and don't want to run to the store. :) Gotta go find Blackstrap molasses. LOLOL.
  • LindaLMT 4 years ago said:
    I forget where I found my blackstrap molasses, probably at a health food store.
  • LindaLMT 4 years ago said:

    The article says not to sub black strap for regular because it's that strong but when making brown sugar since the recipe is sugar I like to sub some of the regular stuff out and use it.
  • pointsevenout 4 years ago said:
    If you prefer the caramel flavor, pick up a bottle of caramel flavoring in the spice aisle.

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