Cinnamon is sensational

  • beckysc 16 years ago
    Want a healthier dessert Add cinnamon. Swedish study says adding cinnamon to rice pudding slows digestion and steadies blood sugar. Rapidly digested foods are more likely to spike blood sugar and insulin, factors that promote diabtes and overeating. In the study, healthy people who addied 2 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon to a 10 1/2 ounce bowl of rice pudding had blood glucose levels about half as high after 90 minutes as those who ate plain rice pudding.
  • divaliscious 15 years ago said:
    Excellent point - it truly helps those -pre-diabetes people possibly prevent them going diabetic, it helps stabilize how your body and even your liver metabolizes sugar and regulates your insulin levels. I take two capsules everyday...
  • pointsevenout 15 years ago said:
    OK. I love cinnamon, or what I thought was cinnamon. Come to find out that what is generally sold in the store is not cinnamon, but something else that looks and tastes like cinnamon. So where can I get real cinnamon.

    The following is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

    "The name cinnamon is correctly used to refer to Ceylon Cinnamon, also known as "true cinnamon" (from the botanical name C. zeylanicum). However, the related species Cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum), Saigon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi) and Cinnamomum burmannii are sometimes sold labeled as cinnamon, sometimes distinguished from true cinnamon as "Chinese Cinnamon", "Vietnamese cinnamon" or "Indonesian cinnamon."[citation needed] Ceylon cinnamon, using only the thin inner bark, has a finer, less dense, and more crumbly texture, and is considered to be less strong than cassia. Cassia has a much stronger (somewhat harsher) flavor than Cinnamon and is generally a medium to light reddish brown, is hard and woody in texture, and is thicker (2–3 mm thick), as all of the layers of bark are used. All of the powdered cinnamon sold in supermarkets in the United States is actually Cassia. European health agencies have recently warned against consuming high amounts of cassia, due to a toxic component called coumarin.[2] This is contained in much lower dosages in Cinnamomum burmannii due to its low essential oil content. Coumarin is known to cause liver and kidney damage in high concentrations. True Ceylon cinnamon has negligible amounts of Coumarin.

    The two barks, when whole, are easily distinguished, and their microscopic characteristics are also quite distinct. Cinnamon sticks (or quills) have many thin layers and can easily be made into powder using a coffee or spice grinder whereas cassia sticks are much harder. Indonesian Cassia (Cinnamomum burmannii) is often sold in neat quills made up of one thick layer, capable of damaging a spice or coffee grinder. Saigon Cassia (Cinnamomum loureiroi) and Chinese Cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum) are always sold as broken pieces of thick bark as the bark is not supple enough to be rolled into quills. It is a bit harder to tell powdered cinnamon from powdered cassia. When powdered bark is treated with tincture of iodine (a test for starch), little effect is visible in the case of pure cinnamon of good quality, but when cassia is present a deep-blue tint is produced, the intensity of the coloration depending on the proportion of cassia.

    Cinnamon is also sometimes confused with Malabathrum (Cinnamomum tamala) and Saigon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi)."

    There is also a picture at Wikipedia showing the difference in Cinnamon sticks and Cassia.

    So, which are you guys referring to, real cinnamon or cassia. In case you just glazed over the excerpt from Wikipedia, All powdered cinnamon sold in stores in the United States is actually Cassia.
  • pointsevenout 15 years ago said:
    Here again, is the nut of the Wikipedia exerpt:

    All of the powdered cinnamon sold in supermarkets in the United States is actually Cassia. European health agencies have recently warned against consuming high amounts of cassia, due to a toxic component called coumarin.[2] This is contained in much lower dosages in Cinnamomum burmannii due to its low essential oil content. Coumarin is known to cause liver and kidney damage in high concentrations. True Ceylon cinnamon has negligible amounts of Coumarin.

    I don't know what is considered "high amounts" of cassia. And, divaliscious, are you taking true cinnamon or cassia?
  • divaliscious 15 years ago said:
    high does of either is not two capsules, let alone 2 teaspoons of the stuff. Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.

    Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.

    In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.

    In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

    It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.

    In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.

    When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.

    One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.

    Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.

    10. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

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