Concert in the Park Thursday!

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's a gorgeous morning here but going up to 32C/89F this afternoon which is WAY too hot for me!

    Jim and I are going to do a little jaunt over on the Quebec side of the river this morning and visit a winery called "Lavender Ridge" that we discovered a couple of years ago. I have a quick Dr's appointment this afternoon, just to get the results of some blood tests I had and then this evening we are going to go to a local park where they are having a free concert put on by the City and are selling hotdogs and hamburgs so that will be dinner. :)

    I'm LOVING the pictures Laurie is putting up on Facebook of her, Frank and the girls in Puerto Rico. Looks like they're having a fabulous time.

    Goodness Michelle you are a Supermom and how you manage to get everyone to where they need to be, feed the gang and still have time to breathe yourself is amazing! Cute on the kid's parts in the play. Ugh on the costume making. Add me to the 'non-creative' group.

    Oh no that the guys have to take apart the bales of hay in the field to let them dry after the storm Karen. That sucks! What's your temperature hitting today? :(

    Wishing everyone a super great Thursday!
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone! Wishing all a wonderful day ...

    Janet, your visit to the winery sounds fun. What type of wine do you favor ... reds, whites, sweet, dry? Good luck on the bloodwork results, hoping all is well. If anything is "off" my advise is to not be so quick to react and read up as most doctors are still stuck in their conventional wisdom which can be outdated. The concert sounds great too.
    Yes Michelle, not sure how you are doing it all. By the time the kids get back to school you'll need a vacation yourself ... on an island with no cars and the only thing you'll have to do is wake up, go to the beach, relax, eat, and sleep.
    Bummer on the double work in the field Karen. Hate when you have to do something twice and too when the task is laborious.

    The other day I went up the Corporate Side for Public Storage, the place where we have a unit now that we are not happy with. The biggest problem is it is suppose to have a secured gate so only people with a code can get in and out and be accounted for. Well over a week ago the gate blew out and it's still not fixed so it sits wide open with no accountability of who is coming or going which is why we found another unit with a different company. Received a phone call from the district manager this a.m. pleading his plight and long story short we will be refunded some money (about 1/2) and he will be on site to inspect everything else I complained about. Whether or not things change at least I made the effort.

    Just the usual today. Kenpo this afternoon and will get something to eat out after.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Morning Linda! My fave is an oaked Chardonnay. :) I'm not too worried about my blood results. I've got a great Dr. Not the greatest Dentist, but a great Dr. :) So you didn't move your belongings to the other storage place yet? I can totally see why you'd be dismayed. Good for you on the refund! Have fun at Kenpo and a nice meal out!

    Just fed the birds, squirrels and chipmunks. It's so nice out.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Tomorrow is the big day to move all the stuff from one unit to the other company's unit. We had to coordinate a truck and also our time and tomorrow morning works. Just hope it won't be raining ...
    I like oaky buttery Chardonnays too and also Pinot Noirs for red best but then again my palette is not so refined that I'd turn down other types (lol!).
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    LOL. I was just coming back on to say that I also adore Californian Pinots. :) I do not have a refined palate myself, but I do have a lot of experience trying. :) Crossing my fingers for no rain for you tomorrow morning. You can totally send it to us.
    Watered the flowers and fed the big gray fluffy squirrel some more peanuts.
    And we're off!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Have fun at the Winery, Janet and I hope all goes well with your blood results at the doctor. Enjoy your concert tonight as well.
    I would be quite miffed as well, Linda. Glad you went after them to get a refund. Bummer you will have to move things again, though! I hope you enjoy your dinner after your Kenpo.
    Karen, don't overdo it in the heat.
    Michelle, I don't know how you keep up with the kids schedule! You are always the busy one!
    I did finally go to my Farm Kid's Stand and they have corn, green beans, yellow wax beans, tomatoes, carrots, and zucchini. I bought corn, tomatoes, and yellow wax beans. We had the yellow beans for dinner last night with boiled new potatoes and BBQed chicken. Tonight we will have corn on the cob with cold cuts, potato salad, deviled eggs, sliced tomatoes, cheese, olives, pickles etc.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Yum on the farm food finds! Your dinner sounds perfect tonight. Which reminds me to put cold cuts on my next grocery store run so I can make rolls of whatever to top a salad. That's all I need this time of year for dinner.
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Morning! Cool on the winery Janet, I have still yet to go to one, even though we have one nearby. Have fun at the concert!!

    Lol, I so wish I could take that vacation Linda, sounds perfect!! Especially the no car part, I am so tired of driving everyone everywhere!! I don't blame you for finding another unit, I would too. It's very nice though that they are refunding you some money!

    About to get some chili going in the crock pot. It's another busy day and I am skipping the working out part, too much! Caiden has been complaining that his throat hurts, and although I don't think it's anything major since he isn't running a fever, Michael is going to take him to the Redi Clinic this morning. Better safe than sorry! Wishing everyone a great day!!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Good morning.
    Temps to hit 96F today with another excessive heat warning so it is supposed to feel like 100+.
    The guys spread out the hay so it can dry for baling tomorrow. We only got a little rain, not like a bit further South.

    Winery trip sounds like fun, Janet. Enjoy.

    Boo on the storage problems, Linda.

    Joce, your farm stand purchases sound great! Love farm stands!

    Michelle, I agree with Linda on the beach vacation idea, minus kids and errands. LOL!

    I am inside and will stay here. The only excitement today is a battle with pantry moths that have invaded the cupboard. So far have not lost much but will freeze some stuff and buy some storage jars to keep them at bay and some bug traps to control them. They arrived in a bag of almonds! Yikes! Oh well, cupboards need cleaning anyhow!

    See you later.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Hi Karen ... May be true, may not be, but our pest guy told us not to use pantry moth traps as it attracks them thus inviting more. From where I have no idea. I had brought them home in a package of crackers. I caught it early enough and cleaned out the pantry and went thru everything. Called our pest control company and asked them if there was anything more to do or what they recommended and they said just clean out the pantry and wipe everything down, go thru the food items, especially anything in cardboard and toss what you find is contaminated, and not to use the traps. Did that and haven't had any more problems. Now when I shop anything I buy in cardboard (crackers, cereal, etc.) I open the box part at the store and check the inside. If it's good I buy it but if it's not I bring it up to customer service. I've had issues here a few times and learned the hard way.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Nice veggie haul Joce! I haven't had any new baby potatoes yet this year and that's something I love. Must look out for some when we go to the Market on Saturday.Your dinner sounds wonderful!

    Hope it all went fine for Caiden at the clinic Michelle.

    Oh goodness at 96F Karen. I had a battle with pantry moths years ago and have since put all my beans, rice, etc. in the pantry in mason jars. Mine came in the big bag of sunflower seeds that I bought for my birds. :(

    Jim and I have had a really nice day. We took the ferry across the Ottawa river to the Quebec side and had a really nice drive to the winery. Very scenic and fun to see the Ontario side from the Quebec side. :) Did a wine tasting at the Vineyard and had a nice chat with the owner who is really big into agro-tourism. She also grows lavender there and makes both foodie items and soaps, body lotions, etc. We bought a bottle of their oaked Chardonnay, six baby lavender plants and a bar of lavender soap. :)
    Nice drive home a different way as well. Grabbed a Shawarma for lunch (VERY good) and went to my Dr.'s appointment, groceries then home. Jim's decided he would prefer to go for a hot tub and have a nice dinner at home and relax with our bottle of wine as opposed to going to the Concert in the park. A storm is forecast as well.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Ugh on pantry ant trap problems! I have since Googled natural methods and will try them first. Thanks for the warning, Linda. Heard that olive oil in small dish will attract them and they die bec. can't get out....knew I kept lots of EVO around for some reason. Ha ha.

    Cleaned out the affected corner cupboard and will have Wayne reach the top one where I could not get to. Only jarred items are now in the lower and middle shelves. I must check all rice etc. to be sure. Probably will have to redo everything. Aargh! Found a lone bug in the other side but it was dead probably from starvation -- only dishes there! Have three shelves to go through (food on two) then can relax. These came in a bag of almonds - it was loaded with the nasty little critters within a few days after I got them.

    Wayne is raking the field using my tractor so he does not have to undo the baler again - real pain! But mine is not air conditioned so I will run some more ice water to him in a bit. Well, it is not MINE, ha ha, but he needed a slightly smaller one for some chores so when the neighbor guy (who always has to surpass, not just keep up with, his neighbors) saw it we just told him I wanted one, too. Hee hee hee hee.

    A nice dinner at home with a chilled bottle of wine sounds perfect, Janet. I think we are going to WalMart -- not really a celebratory evening - LOL -- but there are things I have to get if we want to eat.

    Wayne's buddy picked up the remaining bales and brought four teenagers with him to help - the two girls spent fifteen minutes rousting with Fritz - one happy dog. He adores them and is so happy when they come.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Unfortunately the pantry moths have a cycle too and you may experience this problem again within the next couple of months if they had a chance to lay any eggs around. Eggs? You know what I mean. Keep at it. Ugh on no air conditioning for Wayne. Nice that Fritz had some playtime. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    I found larvae in some brown rice and pitched the bag. Think we got it before the whole clan moved into set up housekeeping. L.o.l.!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Forgot to say what we did for dinner! Grabbed some corn from the roadside stand on the way home. 6 cobs for $4 and he gave me 8! :) It was DEElicious! Way better than the first batch we had last week. Bought two nice thick salmon steaks at Sobey's and made Cedar Planked Salmon on the BBQ with fresh dill, lemon and garlic. Most lovely meal. Most lovely day.
    Sleep Sweet Kimmer!!!! :)

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