Frantic Friday

  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago
    It is 5:30 and the no sleep fairy has been sneaking around again. Thought I would try to doze off but no such luck, so Mauser and I are in my recliner. Debatied turning up the heat but decided to wait a while , I like it a bit cooler and am more apt to doze if it stays cool.

    Today is the PET Scan. Should be no problem except for lying still on my back. We have a hair appt. at six, probably will go home since it is a royal pain to sit around town for...then drive back. We had decided to go to Matt’s Steak House, but may have to wait on that. We shall see.

    I see the stupid love spell posts are back

    Hope everyone is well and the no sleep fairy decides to retire!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Karen. Sorry you didn`t sleep well. Good luck with the PET scan. Have a good hair cut and enjoy your dinner if you do go out. I have to admit I was surprised how `against` a natural hair wig you are. I actually thought all wigs were natural but what do I know?

    There`s some blue sky out there. Jim`s cousin from Montreal and family arrived last night around 8 so we went over and had a little visit. We`re meeting them and going for breakfast this morning. The Celebration of Life is at 1 and Jim has to be there an hour ahead.

    Wishing everyone a good day!
  • mommyluvs2cook 5 years ago said:
    Morning Karen! Sorry you didn't get any sleep last night, cooler is better when you have a bunch a blankets to cuddle up under. Good luck on your PET scan. Hope you get to eat out, steak!!!

    We are in for a ton of rain! Supposed to storm here starting around 2pm and not end until until tomorrow afternoon. We have a tournament that Bri is super excited to play in since she's been on hold for her knee. It will probably be canceled. Caiden also had a karate thing tonight that got canceled because of upcoming weather.

    Dinner tonight will be taco soup with cornbread. Have a good TGIF everyone!!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Ugh on the no sleep fairy keeping you company last night Karen. Someone seems to be pretty good about getting the junk off the home page lately and maybe once they wake up it'll get done. They make colored clip ins that may work if you want a splash of color. "Google" colored clip in hair extensions, there are all kinds. Good Luck with your PET scan. I do hope you are able to get to the steakhouse, you deserve a nice dinner out.

    The Celebration should go nice today Janet. Sounds like a lot of thought went into it. Enjoy the visit with family despite the circumstances.

    Yikes on all expected rain Michelle. Sounds like an "indoor" weekend. Maybe good time to get started on Christmas baking if you do a lot.

    The bathroom bench people asked to come today late afternoon to measure so I said yes. We will do stuff around the house today and probably go out for dinner. I put a Google review up of my experience with the first company and do you believe he's called me 3x since I posted the review! I only answered the first call and he wanted to know if I found another company.
    I'm going to make this recipe today for IMI2's challenge Almond Puffs I seen the recipe on Pinterest and sure enough someone posted it here too.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle! What a shame Bri`s tournament may get cancelled although an extra few days of healing might not be a bad thing. Poor Caiden that his Karate event got cancelled. Taco soup sounds lovely, especially in rainy weather.

    Morning Linda. I`m thinking this Funeral service today is going to be quite the shindig. A Choir is singing, there`s a program and they say maybe 200 in attendance. I`ve not been to many funerals I`ll admit, but I suspect this one will be like no other I`ve attended. Great the Bathroom Bench people are coming right away to measure. The Almond Puffs look lovely.

    I`m all dressed and Jim`s just in the shower. I`m looking forward to breakfast. We`re going to The Apricot Tree Cafe
    We went there the last time we were here in Mississauga for Jim`s Uncle`s Birthday. It`s lovely.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Was a tad disappointed with breakfast. My poached eggs were under done so they had oogey white bits floating in the yolk. Bleck. Didn`t complain as I had lots to eat without it.

    Heading off to the Church.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Hi all.

    Sounds like a rather large funeral Janet. He must have been well liked in the community. Ugh on the runny eggs.

    Too bad about the rain canceling Bri’s tournament, Michelle.

    Hope your shower work goes well, Linda.

    The forecast storm fizzle. From predicting up to 12 inches in some areas it is now 2 inches in Northern Arkansas. Pffft! We get nothing but cold.

    PET/CT scan went well. So easy. Lay still and relax. My kind of test.

    The institute had a party for the patients so we went since we were there. They had breakfast items then lunch items. Ham...pork roast...cheese...crackers...dip...several cakes...homemade fudge...2 kinds of mashed potatoes...creamy corn casserole....three different salads...a yummy spinach pasta dish that even Wayne liked (even after I let him know it had vinegar in it) muffins with caramel or chocolate frosting swirled on, lemon water, etc. to drink. Chatted with a couple who were getting treatment for cancer. The entertainment was so good! The gentleman who played piano was playing “Do you se what I see” without notes, by memory, never missed a note!

    Wayne is building a fire. I am ready for a nap. Mel left my lap in indignation after Trouble wriggled into HIS spot. Mauser is stretched out on my lap. Mel just returned. It is musical cat time.

    Will go to Matt’s after hair cuts.

    Have a nice day.

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