Frosty Friday

  • Good4U 8 years ago
    Just stopping by to say Hi. We have a frost warning for overnight. I will have to put the plants in the garage once again! I am thankful I haven't planted very much yet as they always say not before the May 24th here. I have been busy with phone calls and a bunch of other hectic and frustrating stuff. Sorry I haven't had a chance to catch up! I briefly read some of yesterday's thread and I can't remember very much. My mind is a bit foggy from some of the drugs i have to take.
    Laurie, Enjoy your vacation in Jamaica! I am sure you will have a blast!

    Shona, I am so pleased to hear Jersey is doing much better.

    Marie, I hope you get your septic system up and running smoothly soon.

    Karen, How are your babies doing today?

    Janet and Michelle, Thank you so much for your lovely reviews in IMI.

    Tina, I am delighted you are enjoying the hockey so much:) It can be very exciting to watch.

    Den is having rib eye steak and oven fries for dinner and I might too. Minus the oven fries for me which I don't care for. I will probably have a baked potato and a salad with mine.

    Wishing everyone a Happy TGIF!
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Morning! I was just sitting here trying to figure out an F word when you posted! Frost warning in May? Crazy!! Hope today is a little less hectic for you. Yum on steak and I would choose a baked potato over fries too ;)

    About to start picking up the house some because my mom is coming by later to pick up the kids for the weekend and we will pick them up on Memorial Day. Yay! We won't be doing much tonight as Michael is working all day today, but we are going to go back to Nobi tomorrow evening. I will try and find the menu and post it's SO GOOD and their CRAFT beers are excellent. Also my dad gave me a nice hutch which we just stuck in the hallway until I figured out where to put it, so we will get that moved into the dining room, but our dining room table has to be situated differently. Now I can finally put the China my MIL gave me in it plus there is storage on bottom and I can clear out some of my pantry floor of kitchen gadgets and it not look so cluttered lol. I think dinner may be leftovers or I may make a homemade pizza if I can get my butt in gear and get a dough going. Wishing everyone a great day!!
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Just woke up. I stayed up all night and fell asleep around 7 am. I walked into the bathroom and gave myself a fright. My hair is a tornado top. My pillows are scattered all over. Must have had a fight in my sleep. Olivia chastised me for greeting her hello at 6am. You didn't sleep again? She is babysitting Ayva tonight. I'm watching the Rangers/Lightning game.

    I'm making finger foods, mushroom burrata crostini and a toasted tomato bruschetta. Basically two toasts with toppings. I want old fashioned tiny pea salad with cheddar cheese cubes, minced onion and mayo. I was digging deep in the pantry and found the peas. But one ingredient short.....cheddar cheese strikes again.

    Marie, I'm happy Rick requested the cheesecake.

    Karen, surprisingly Charlie will stay off the new furniture on my voice command. He likes the plush carpet. Molly follows voice command. Lola likes to sit under the coffee table. Skippy hides. They never leave my side so I'm good. I'm the Pied Piper of dogs. Now when I leave the house, I'll need to cover the stuff. But since I rarely leave....Now If I could voie train my daughter to get her dirty feet off the couch. Honestly.

    Janet, that is a chilly start to a weekend.

    Michelle, are you high and dry?

    Joce, any plans this weekend.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    I hope you're doing ok Joce? Sorry your frustrated, hope it all gets worked out ((hugs))
    ((hugs for you too Tina)) I hope your sleep improves, and like Olivia, I too chastise you for you staying up too late ;) But your up with us out West, you're on Pacific time you could say!
    I made the best pork chops yesterday, my husband couldn't stop eating them! I'll have to post the recipe, it was an amalgamation of several recipes and my own madness, muuhahaha, LOL. Seriously, they were good if I do say so say myself! Petes Epic Pork Chops I've been on a quest for a good loin chop recipe that's not overcooked and stays moist and juicy, after years and years of marinating, baking, slow cooking, quick fry, I think I did it last night. I do prefer the good old chop with the bone in, I must say, but I often only see the family packs of loin chops.
    Tonight is Tacos night. The kids favorite meal! I'm trying to teach Colter how to make them so I don't have too, it's just one of those mundane things I don't like to cook, lol.
    Jersey is so much better, the pain med's ran out and she has had more energy because of it. Maybe not a good thing because she's not suppose to go up or down stairs etc, and she's doing just that! We bought a pen for her to stay in though. Just as the Animal Control Officer suspected, the lady flaked off and is not returning our calls or texts. Now I am stalking the back alley's of our little town, she must live close as she usually walks her dogs behind our house everyday. There's only a few hundred people that live here, I'll find her dogs in a backyard somewhere I'm sure, don't mess with this momma, wink wink :) Lol...
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    I hope you meet with success re: your phone calls and frustrating stuff Joce.
    ROFL @ "trying to think of an F word" Michelle. Made me chuckle. That's really nice you and Michael have a weekend to yourselves and go out for dinner. Nice on the hutch. I enjoy moving things around in those circumstances and seeing how it looks. Yesterday I had a laundry basket full of items from the dresser in Benjamin's room that I had to deal with. I kept maybe 1/4 of the things. I have three "Benjamin" totes full of things since he was a baby down in the store room, his first pr. of rubber boots, report cards, old Valentine's day cards, etc. The other 3/4 of stuff got sent to the trash. It took me a while to get through it all. Home made pizza sounds good. I need to try that more often.
    We'll be cheering for Tampa on our end tonight as well Tina. Finger foods are perfect for game night. Argh on the one ingredient short fairy. :(
    Those pork chops sound nice and flavourful Shona. Yum on Tacos. Super glad that Jersey continues to feel better. Ugh on the lady fading. I can picture you with sunglasses on creeping down alleys and peeking over fences. :) LOL!
    Well...I've had a very crummy day. I'm still feeling sorry for myself having to wear this prosthetic palate for two months and then I decide to go get a hair cut and maybe that'll give me a pick me up. I have had the same hair dresser for a million years. I had an appointment two weeks ago but had to call and leave a message to cancel as my surgery got booked for that day. I asked her to call me back and see if she could sneak me in this past Thursday but I never heard anything. Thinking it may have just slipped her mind I called again this past weekend and asked her to call me in a couple of days and she hasn't. This happened once before a year or so ago and she told me after she was having panic attacks, so it's possible that is what is happening now as well but I have no clue. Anyway....went to a First Choice, told the lady basically how I always get my hair done and she asks me to take my glasses off which I do but then of course that means I can't REALLY see what is taking place on my head. She finishes up, holds up a mirror, I put my glasses on and it was all I could do not to burst into tears. She scalped me. I have a man's hair cut. I don't know how my description could possibly translate into what she did but I look HORRIBLE. Talk about feeling even worse now. Man....I'll try fix it better tomorrow and try some hair gel (do I have any?) or something but there's not a lot of hair to work with. :(
    This morning I got an email from a cousin of mine that lives in Dryden, Ontario and he and his wife are on their way to visit their son in Halifax, so they are going to drop in tomorrow afternoon for a visit and stay for dinner. They travel with a camping trailer which they park up on our flat rock by the pond so they'll stay overnight and head out again Sunday morning. So I quickly made up a menu this morning and Jim and I headed into town to get some groceries, wine, etc. We also went over to Ikea and bought the picture frames for Benjamin's room.
    Now I'm going to clean the house. Jim is outside trying to finish the orchard fence. We pulled some lamb chops out of the freezer for dinner so will do
    Spicy Cumin Lamb Chops
    and something? on the side.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Oh, Janet. I'm so sorry about the hair cut and you most definitely entitled to feel a bit down. Going through Benjamin's stuff is bittersweet. I can only do so much of Fred's stuff before I just have to quit. Argh on unexpected company, you are the better hostess.

    Joce, I didn't get my phone calls done today and it is maddening. I can only tolerate being on hold for just sol long. Why is a beneficiary change so difficult?

    Shona, I'm glad Jersey is better. Skippy really perked up 10 days after her fight. She even teased Charlie Brown to play. That woman is a coward. I like tacos but I don;t like making all the stuff to go with them.

    Michele, Happy you get a weekend together. Even if Michael has to work all day. I'm editing my hutch to get rid of it and the dining table and ten chairs. I want a small dining table.

    I'm feeling a bit queasy. I might just make milk toast for supper. I'll take a rest before the puck drops.
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    Hey all. We made it to Jamaica.
    Long day of travel yesterday. Went right out to the ht tub when we got here because it started raining lol why not but cleared up pretty quick. Went to the Italian restaurant last night. Frank had the bolognaise and I had a pan fried sea bass wth roasted potatoes. Very good.
    Not sure where we are going tonight yet. It's white night and then late night they have the chocolate buffet if we can stay up that late lol
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:

    We have ten little chickens in a box in the chicken coop, with a heat lamp to keep them warm. Hopefully they will be safe in the chicken fortress. We put a screen over the box so they would not get out, since the are only two days old and need protection from the cold. They will be able to get out of the box when they are older. We got Americana-Auricana crosses, so the eggs should be somewhere between pale blue and sea green. Wayne thought we should have gotten twenty!

    Joce, good you brought the plants inside. Drugs can fuzzily your brain all right. Wayne was on some pain pills that about did him in. He went off them rather than stay so fogg-brained. Have you asked the doctor about something with fewer side effects?
    The kitties are growing! Mauser is not destined to be inside for long. She is stubborn, and does not want to litter train. Definitely a barn cat in training. Trouble is an intelligent, active little one......another A.C. in attitude! She should do well. She later trained right away.

    Michelle, 😎 cool to have the weekend kid free. Enjoy Nobi!

    Tina, people are harder than dogs to train, for sure! LOL! Maybe you shou.ld just keep it covered. We saw some sofa throws at the Case Outlet Store for 29.95. They were pretty, but I want rustic, horses, farm stuff, not peacocks and birds and lighthouses. Hope you feel better. Stomach flu is making the rounds. We have to feed Wayne's buddy's horses tomorrow. He is out of town for a while.

    Janet, It is sad that she got your hair so short. I think I would get a lavender wig and tell everyone I decided to color my hair. Lol! Do remember it will grow back in time! Our hairdresser retired so I am still not sure where to "light." Probably stay with WalMart. The PX is sporadic and the wait time is forever even with an appointment. Enjoy your company! I would have to evict Wayne for a month in order to clear out the stuff he insists we keep!

    Sounds like you are having a good time, Laurie! Chocolate buffet? I would gain fifty pounds overnight!

    We have to go check the temperature in the chicks box. it is supposed to be at least 95F! They will take a lot of care for a while. As soon as I can, I will put their pictures on FB. See you later!

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