Milky Monday

  • LindaLMT 5 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone.

    I was reading about the 2 types of Casein in milk, A1 vs. A2. It's a protein and long story short it seems A1 is the one that gives people problems and most cow dairy in the states is A1. Goat's milk is A2. I wanted to see if I would feel "better" using goat's milk and bought a quart (that is how it is sold, either that or dried) and I do. The goat's milk however is expensive! A 1/2 gallon of organic cow's milk cost the same as a quart of goat's milk. Thankfully I only use it in my cold brew in the morning. Taste is good too, tastes just like the cow's milk. It's not legal to sell raw milk here which is the ideal way to consume. I'm not sure if I'd even be brave enough to even try it.

    DH is starting to catch the ODD "no-sleep" bug, the both of us were up till 2:00 last night. Went to bed like we always do, turned the tv off around 11:00 but the both of us were wide awake so 45 minutes later I turned it back on till we were again sleepy.

    It's easy to fantasize and see only the enchantments of Yellowstone Karen but I'm sure the reality is different. WOW, on all the earthquakes! You never hear about that but I do know it sits on a large underground volcano that they say when it explodes will be catastrophic.

    Not sure what our plans are yet today but it looks like the rain may have moved out. Not sure about dinner yet either.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    We buy raw milk directly from the dIry farmer. Legally you are supposed to go to the farm and get it, not have it transported. I understand the gov requirements but see it as another intrusion into my life...heh heh! Actually the milk is for daughter....I seldom use it in cooking except for cream sauces etc. The raw milk is definitely better for is the only kind daughter can drink.

    On the way to chiro. See you later.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    There is a farm here Karen that is suppose to sell raw cow and goat milk but they can no longer sell direct and it has to be for "pet usage" so they sell from a health food store which I'll check out someday and see what's what and what exactly they do sell.

    Good luck at the chiro today.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Hm. I buy “pet usage” stuff also. Guess the raw milk could be for the cats!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    I just think it's to get around the FDA Human Consumption laws that's all.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
  • Good4U 5 years ago said:
    Hi all!
    The whole idea of drinking pasteurized milk is to prevent TB which is very prevalent in raw milk. I have had raw milk and never noticed the difference. A goat doesn't produce much milk compared to a cow. I had a bunch of goats and the milk they produced wasn't as much as I expected. So I am guessing that is why it is so much more expensive to buy. I had a nap yesterday afternoon for about 2 hours and I slept like a log last night. So much so that I feel groggy today. We had pork chops last night so tonight it will be chicken something.
    Glad to hear your Mom is doing so well, Janet.
    Lol, I had to laugh out loud when you mentioned the water in the alcohol, Laurie:) I haven't heard of that being done for years:) I hope you friend sorts her problems out. jealousy can certainly cause problems and sometimes the person who is jealous doesn't even know what jealousy is.
    Congrats on the new grandchild, Kimmer! Quite a surprise but life is full of surprises.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    I saw shooting stars last night!!!!! Two huge gorgeous ones!!!! My girlfriend Tammy came out to the house after I dropped my Mom back at her apartment after dinner. We sat out on the front lawn overlooking the Rainy River and chatted for almost three hours. Very nice. The sky here in Rainy River is black, black, city lights at all, so it’s a perfect viewing place for the Perseid Shower!!!! 😊 Guess it’s winding down now.

    Hi Kimmer! Hope your Grandson had a good time with his Meemaw in North Carolina. I don’t believe we Canadians use “Meemaw”. I’ll have to google where it comes from. You did an awesome job shopping and got a ton of stuff! It will be very hard indeed for Michael to be away from his son while he is in Alaska but I’m sure he’ll find ways to stay in his life on a regular basis. Where in Alaska is he going to be? Jim’s sister lives in Anchorage. Your dinner sounded amazing. I should put grilled burgers on our short list. Mom would like that.

    Oh dear Karen, at waking up at 5 a.m. ☹ Hope you managed longer this last night. I agree that it is hard of farmer’s that loose their cows to wolves, but the Government was helping them out by subsidizing things. Sorry to hear your daughter twisted her ankle. ☹ Would your tens machine help at all for her?

    Mom loved the Chalet Style Chicken for dinner with baked potatoes and green beans. I have lots of chicken leftover which I will perhaps make Chicken a la King with maybe. I also made her up a freezer container with leftover chicken and baked potato. Her freezer is almost full now with soups and meals I’ve made up for her. I’m going to ask one of my girlfriends if they have extra room in their freezer so I could store more there and they could bring it over to her in a month or so.

    Have another appointment for the car this aft. The part they ordered in for us last time wasn’t the right one so they had to do it again. It comes from Winnipeg. Library is closed Monday’s which is a drag as it’s an air conditioned place where we could have waited and got caught up on email.

    It was stifling hot yesterday and supposed to be so again today. Cooling down on Tuesday and then getting hot again. I’m going to invite my Aunt Irene and her son for dinner tomorrow night.

    Wishing everyone a great Monday.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    That makes sense about the goat milk being more expensive Joce. I'm not sure if I could do the raw milk thing especially not knowing the source, I too would be concerned about "picking" up something. Milk is baby food for that animal yet humans consume it. So many varying opinions about is it good/not good for you. Just haven't found anything as creamy and rich to compliment a cup of cold brew coffee. I've tried nut milks and some will do but they are not the same.
    Glad to hear you got good sleep last night. Hope that continues on. I love a good afternoon nap.

    Time to get ready for the gym. Tomorrow DirecTV is coming out in the afternoon to fix/resolve whatever is going on with why we can not get On-Demand anything so it's the gym today or wait till Wednesday and I need to burn some calories.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    I`ve never tried goat`s milk before I don`t think Linda. If it`s only a bit to use in cold brew then that`s not too bad. Ugh on being up past 2. I couldn`t do it.

    Hi Joce! Glad you got a good night`s sleep last night.

    Made steak sandwiches for lunch at Mom`s. Have leftover chicken from last night. Hoping to find puff pastry at the grocery store so I can make Chicken a la king over puff pastry but I won`t hold my breath. Went to the Bakery this aft. to buy some buns but they didn`t have any? Ai yi yi. There are certainly challenges living in a small town.

    A cousin from Dryden and her husband are coming for lunch and a visit tomorrow and then I invited my Aunt Irene and Cousin Wayne over for dinner so it will be a busy day.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    SP Janet.
    Awesome to have your mom's freezer filled with good home-cooked meals. Hope your friend has room in theirs for more. Lucky you seeing some shooting stars!!! Our sky cleared up somewhat last night and I went out for a bit and didn't see diddly. Bummer the library being closed, you would think they would be closed on a Sunday if that. I'll have to look up Chix a la King and see what's in it … I usually make pot pie with leftover chicken (if I have that much), either that or chix salad.
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Well, have to say my hubs caught the ODD "no sleep" bug last night as well. We was up most the night. I had a good sleep thankfully. I don't believe I have every had goat's milk either. I'm not a milk drinker though. Do use some in a bowl of cereal on occasion. I was going to ask you Janet, since your mom is enjoying your meals (and eating well) if you would be cooking ahead for her and freezing stuff. That will be so good for her. Hope one of your girlfriends has some room in the freezer. I believe the base Michael will be at is just outside of Anchorage, can't remember the name of the base but I'm sure Jim's sister would know it. And yes, he will do everything possible to be a part of his life. Now a days with the face time, at least he can visit with him and keep daddy's face in his memory for when he sees him again. It kind of breaks my heart but there is nothing he can do about it as he has orders and military is military, lol!

    Making a pork tenderloin in the IP tonight. Excited about that! The pork tenderloin only takes 7 minutes in the IP. Then a natural steam release for about 8 minutes. Beats the heck out of firing up the oven for longer! Doing one with a honey balsamic glaze. Will have with some potatoes, either just boiled or I might mash. Not sure of a second side yet. Either green beans or corn. Yet to be determined, lol.

    Hope all enjoy the rest of their day!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Finally got an install date for the hurricane shutters. Sept 17 and 18. My calendar is starting take on commitments in Sept and b4 anymore I called the hurricane shutter company 3 x today insisting on a commitment from them. Enough was enough. I need dates.

    Oh My on ODD "no sleep" now becoming contagious!! We are passing it on to our spouses.
    Powder Goat Milk is awful! but the regular stuff that is in the cold case taste just like cow's milk. I'm not a big milk drinker and only use it in my coffee and if I'm baking. Every now and then I get cravings for chocolate milk but it doesn't last long. Wow on how quick an IP cooks Kimmer!

    Oddest thing. After the gym we stopped in the grocery store for a few things. I had a very short list on a piece of paper in my hand when I walked in. Within minutes the piece of paper vanished!! For the life of me I had no idea what happened. I retraced my steps thinking I would find it on the floor or where I stopped to pick up produce but nothing. How does one have something in their hand one minute and not the next??
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Here's the recipe I use for Chicken a la King Linda.
    Chicken A La King
    Unfortunately but not surprisingly the local grocery store didn't have puff pastry shells nor puff pastry. So I basically just did a repeat of last night's dinner which we still enjoyed. Mom ate a ton which pleased me as she lost 7 lbs when she was in the hospital.She's at 115 and I really don't want her to dip lower than that. LOL @ the disappearing grocery list. That is the norm in my life. LOLOLOL.

    That's fun that Michael will be just outside Anchorage Kimmer.. My SIL loves the place and the nature is downright gorgeous. That's incredible that the IP can cook a pork tenderloin in 7 min.

    We found a used lawn mower today. The old Shop Teacher at my high school who is now 92 used to fix used ones up and one of Mom's homecare workers told us to go see him. His son put some gas in it for us and it fired right up. They said make them an offer and Jim said $25 and they said SOLD! It's a nice heavy duty one by Yardman. We're quite pleased.

    May not be able to check in 'til later tomorrow evening. Have a great Wednesday everybody.
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Um......isn't it only!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    😂 ... maybe Janet is back on International time. LOL!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Thank you for chix a la king recipe Janet. It looks a lot like pot pie except no pie, puff pastry. I’m Looking forward to making it.

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