Monday's Marshmallow Blaster!

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! I saw the Marshmallow Blaster online last week. What a hoot. It retails for $24.95. I think it's hilarious. It can shoot marshmallows up to 30 ft. It fires one at a time and then it's time to lock and reload and continue having a 'blast'. Ar-ar-ar! The Blaster is made by the Marshmallow Fun Company. It's first product was a Marshmallow Shooter that held 25 “rounds” of mini-marshmallows. The company had $4 million worth of sales in 2008.
    Jim and I picked up a bag of marshmallows last week as we were thinking the girls would enjoy roasting some over a bonfire this weekend but we had too much on the go and never got the chance to build one.
    I'd also came across a cute video that shows how to make flowers out of marshmallows.
    Who thinks of these things? Love it!
    It's an overcast rainy day this morning. Not sure what our game plan is today. I think outdoors work is on hold. Jim and I head to Rainy River to visit my Mom on Saturday so I'll need to cut the grass before we leave so it doesn't look out of control by the time we get back.
    Game night tonight Tina! It'd do Tampa well to win this game obviously. Can't blame Liv for wanting to meet up with Scottie if their shifts hadn't lined up and they hadn't seen each other for awhile! Boyfriends usually trump parents and that's the way things go. :)
    Laurie, sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. That new Judy Blume book sounds good. I totally remember reading "Are you there God? It's me Margaret" (published in 1970) when I was in public school. She's only 77! What a career. Anyway...thanks for bringing the book to my attention. You've directed a lot of good books my way. :)
    You made me giggle at ' that a word' Marie. :) So glad to hear Tippi is speaking her mind in a very loud manner now. :) Your dinner last night sounded wonderful.
    Safe drive on your travels today Shona.
    Joce? Did you and Den have a nice day yesterday?
    I hope Mel doesn't have anything lodged in his throat Karen.
    Not sure what to make for dinner yet this evening. For sure it'll be some sort of comfort food probably baked in the oven to warm things up a tad! :)
    I just love the sound of the rain falling on our metal roof. I could curl up with a book no problem. :) Must go make us some breakfast. Jim was up before me and I can sense he's getting restless. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Morning! Too funny on the marshmallow shooter Janet...I'd never heard of it! Comfort food sounds perfect for a dark rainy day :)

    I must go check the post from yesterday since I couldn't pop in yesterday. Our family get together was at my house yesterday, no theme, but we had all agreed on gumbo! We pretty much followed the guidelines of this recipe but used shrimp and cod (my MIL is vegetarian but eats seafood) and added fresh okra from my garden. It was so delicious!! We also had hot crab dip for an appy, corn bread and double chocolate chip cookies. My MIL is moving to New Mexico in 2 weeks so she is wanting to spend as much time with the kiddos as possible so she took them home with her when they left and is bringing them home this afternoon. It was a nice quiet night :) I woke up a little earlier than I would have liked to this morning though lol. Need to go raid the freezer and see what to make for tonight. We have dance class so it will be a little difficult. Okay off to try and catch a nap before the kids get home! Have a great day everyone! Oh and I forgot to mention Caiden turned five 3 days ago!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Good Morning Michelle! HAPPY (belated) 5TH BIRTHDAY TO CAIDEN! Hope he had a fun day! Nice on the Gumbo party at your place. LOVE crab dip. Never had it hot. Obviously double chocolate chip cookies are amazing too! I've never, ever, ever made a gumbo before and you know, we may like it. I don't think I've seen 'Creole seasoning' in the stores here. I pinned the recipe. I'd find it really hard to move far away if I had little grand children close by. I intend to fully spoil my grand children if I'm every lucky enough to get any! :)
    Ran out of eggs so just had to have peanut butter toast and a banana for brekkie. Jim had ordered 10 face cords of firewood recently and the guy just called and said he may deliver them this evening or tomorrow. The wood has just been recently cut so it doesn't matter if he delivers in the rain as we're just going to dump it up on our flat rocks and let it dry 'til fall time.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Well Caiden's birthday is the same weekend as graduation parties every year, so it kind of gets pushed aside in some way. We do celebrate either the weekend before or after, so his party is this coming weekend, we rented a big blow up slide/bouncy house that will be delivered Saturday morning. Here's the one we are getting: The kids should have a blast! Oh, I think you would love gumbo Janet!! I have eggs and am starving but I'm so tired from yesterday I can't get up the energy to make something lol. If only my nap would happen :)
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    That marshmallow shooter is cool, never heard of such a thing! I've decorated with marshmallows, but cutting them is a pain as they are so sticky so you need a lot of powdered sugar to dip the sticky parts in. Pete bought the kids marshmallows too but haven't had a fire yet. They like smores but I'm not a fan of marshmallow really...Comfort food sounds great, ahh rain, please send some this way, it's too hot and dry here! :)
    I've made that gumbo a few times Michelle! That's actually my picture on the front page, lol! I've never had okra though, probably an acquired taste! Yay for the quiet night!! Happy Birthday Caiden!
    I've got some phone calls to make then off to Edmonton! I hope to make it to Ikea this time as last trip I skipped it. I don't really need anything, but I love to go! lol! Colter is not much of a shopper, so we'll see how that goes, we'll have dinner there or somewhere nearby. Pete and Sophia have burgers we grilled up last night, we grilled extra. They just have to heat and eat! I made a potato saald and some fresh veggies are cut up for them.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Good morning. It is RAINING here also. Wayne is frustrated that haying is put off AGAIN, since the grass is now lower in nutrition than before.

    I put in a call to the vet and waiting for one of them to call back. Mel is a bit lethargic, but otherwise he is normal, eating, drinking, even playing a bit with the kittens. A.C. even played, chasing Mauser across the floor and batting at Trouble. He even batted at a miniature bullwhip / horsewhipp that I have had for ages and now makes a cool playtoy for kittens to pounce on. The kitties played until they were exhausted this morning and are now asleep on my lap!

    Happy Birthday to Caiden! Hot crab dip is so-o-o-o good! Yum!

    Judy Blume is a popular kid's author, for sure. Her adult books are more racy. It can be a problem when parents are looking for a good child book and accidentally latch on to one the adult reads.

    Wayne is getting anxious to head to town so I have to call the vet to give them my cell number so I can go along for the ride. Gee, I might even get lunch out of the trip. LOL!
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    The picture on that recipe is a gumbo I made with leftover turkey after Christmas. I've also made it with leftover chicken. It's just like a chicken ala king but with the Cajun seasoning. I make my own Cajun seasoning and creole seasoning. I've been using the creole seasoning more, theres not much of difference except maybe the creole uses more oregano? not sure! Anyhow, I like making my own so I can control the salt and the heat level.
    This is the creole I make:
    and this is the Cajun I've made, they look almost the same!
    Oh, and that gumbo recipe I halve the roux but leave everything else the same (I use different type sausages too) and serve over rice.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    LOVE the bouncy house for Caiden's party Michelle. It even has a Rock climbing thing in it! And I had to laugh at the "Can be used wet or dry" feature. :)
    Hope you make it to Ikea Shona. It is a fun place to wander around in and I always pick up something little, a pkg. of serviettes or a little vase, etc. Have a good trip and my fingers are crossed for good news for Colter.Thanks for showing me the Creole and Cajun seasoning mixes. I pinned both recipes.
    I've never read any of Judy Blume's adult books before. Have a nice lunch out Karen.
    I have a craving for Cabbage soup. Gonna google recipes and see if I have all the ingredients. STAY AWAY ONE INGREDIENT SHORT FAIRY!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    I'm set....making a riff on this....
    Have a Kimchi craving going on too so will heat up the broth with some Sriracha and chili paste. :)
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Gosh all the foodstuffs mentioned sound good. I have a serious kimchi craving, Saw a organic brand advertised and it started the craving. Of course, all the DIners Drive-ins and Dives shows I watched this weekend featured lots of Kimchi sandwiches, omelettes and soups.

    I love Ikea and I like getting a little something there myself. The store is so huge too navigate.

    Happy 5th birthday to Caiden.

    I've never read Judy Blume. Shameful.

    Don't revoke my Southern membership but I don't like okra. Gunbo and roux are wonderful.

    Hot crabmeat dip is divine!!

    Liv will be gone for days. I'm on my own, as it should be.

    Hugs all. I'm on hockey watch tonight. Need a nap first.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    I join you in your serious Kimchi craving Tina. :( I used to be able to get it easily at a little Vietnamese Grocery store not far away but she closed down last month and I'm very sad about it. I'm thinkin' you still need to work on establishing your support network. Somehow you have to find an agency or person or company that can give you easy access to groceries and food stuffs in addition to doing all the repairs, fix its and maintenance that is just part of everyday living. Gentle hugs. Listen for me hollering during the Hockey Game this evening. 'GO TAMPA'. :)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Soup turned out pretty good. Jim liked it more than I did.
    Just realized it's almost 4 p.m. and I haven't thought what to do for dinner yet. Oh my goodness!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Phew....had Meatballs and spaghetti sauce up in the freezer. Lucky! :)

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