My kind of Monday

  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago
    It is my kind of Monday! 3 inches of snow on the ground and possibly another 2 coming. The 4 - 6 inch model must be the right one!

    We had a mutual aid fire call last night before the snow -- 19F is no time to fight a wildland blaze, but fortunately for us it turned out to be a controlled burn. So we were sent home. The heater went out in the brush truck, so our the crew in it had COLD feet when we got back. My sole contribution would have been to use our truck for enabling people to take a break and get warmed up a bit, no way I could trek half a mile over terrain at night. Getting old is not for the faint of heart.

    I love this kind of winter - as long as I don’t have to drive in it! We picked up a few things at WalMart yesterday so we are prepared for a day or so inside. I will try to post a couple of pictures - NOT SO DRAMATIC as Tina’s fantastic snow picture!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    The pictures are very pretty Karen and I'm glad you finally got some snow since you've been wishing for some for a while now! :) Dastardly cold here this morning. -25C/-13F. Ugh on the Fire call last night. Neat on your Grandson's swim meet. Hope he was happy with his times. I give my Mom grief over 'expired' food items. The oldest thing I found in her cupboards was ten years expired. And even if it doesn't taste or smell or appear's bound to have so many preservatives in it that it wasn't healthy to begin with! :)
    The steak were good last night as was the dessert. We watched "Lucy" on Pay-per-vu as parts of it were filmed in Taipei which is kind of fun. The guys stayed up 'til 2 a.m. but the 'girls' headed to bed by 10:30 wise women that we are. :)
    I'd never heard of a balloon that sings when its tapped Tina. LOL @ Lola's response. Did you find the ring yet?
    ROFL @ Joy getting the obnoxious toy back Laurie. I do remember when she had it before and it was driving you crazy. :)
    That's excellent that Rick's Dad ate all the things you guys brought for him Marie. :)
    Our company will be heading home today after breakfast. And then the three of us are meeting up with my girlfriend and her husband to have dinner at The Lone Star. Fajitas and Frozen Margueritas all around. :)
    I'd personally like to just relax 'til then. I'm still feeling wiped.
    Gotta go undo the dishwasher. Wishing everyone a great day.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good morning Karen:) Beeeutiful snow pics! I agree 4-6 inches of snow on the ground is just about perfect!

    I'm thinking about going to Chico and picking out some new eye glasses..then I need to finish up everything for our taxes. Not much going on GD wise yet..but that can change..he does have a customer in Chico who just needs a remote coded in..that will be a freebie since this lady has done business with us a few times in the past.

    Dinner will be some sort of a pasta dish..I've been craving pasta!

    Hope everyone is safe with all of the crazy weather going on in the east..supposed to be 70F here today..I sure miss having a Winter...

    Have a wonderful Monday everyone:)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    I see I downloaded the wrong pictures. These are from an earlier snow. Boo! But I guess all snow is white and I aimed at the same area so it will suffice. We have a bit more than in the pictures, not much but a little. Probably should have titled this Mistake-Prone Monday - LOL. I have a feeling either my camera or the old laptop is at fault -- my goal for today is to finish the fire dept. report (kept on this one) and plug in my new laptop to start using.

    Tina, I discovered the LowCarb Group that you are in, and it looks super promising. Every time I "SURF" this site I find something new. Ah well, such is life. LOVE the group avatar above - we haven't had that much snow in 40 years, and we were in Michigan then.

    Homer is hurting. His arthritis really hit hard this morning and he could hardly stand up to come back inside. Wayne gave him a pain pill and he is currently lying in the sun room on his dog bed (which is so grody -- have to either wash or recover it or BOTH!) He needs a bath - will have to use the blueberry-scented dry shampoo (it was the only one I could find at the time).

    Still snowing. It should stop, then restart about 1 or so. Laurie, feel free to send more!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    SP Janet and Marie.

    I agree on processed foods, Janet. NOT healthy. We are trying to cut down and either have fresh or frozen if possible. At this time of year it is either dried or frozen! I have the Fire Dept. stuff to do, then absolutely have to get some cleaning done before the dirt overtakes the house. Grrr! Wise decision to hit the sack early.

    I think we are staying home today, Marie. My camera or laptop or iPhoto or something is not functioning correctly. It throws pictures all over the place instead of grouping the days pictures together, and even when you add them to the computer the most recent ones don’t show up for a while. We have talked about getting a new digital camera. Maybe it is time to break down and do it!
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    SP Janet..You deserve to get some rest after the big weekend you had! You are such a great hostess! Yes, it made our day when we heard his Dad actually ate something..I think he is well on his way to be able to go home..he'll have some in home health care to help out as well..getting a hospital bed all set up for him so he can keep his leg elevated and be more comfortable.

    Karen, the pictures are still pretty even though they are the wrong ones! Hope Homer feels better, I'm sure your cold weather doesn't help at all with his arthritis..
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Glad you finally received some of your much need snow, Karen. Ugh on having to go out in the cold on a fire call though! Try to keep warm and stay all cuddled up inside today if you can.

    Tina, Maybe you lost Fred's ring in your bed? Just a thought. I have never heard of a balloon that sings either! LOL Lola really is a little character and a hoot!

    Janet, Sorry to hear you are feeling wiped today. Try and get some rest and hunker in by the fire and read or something like that after your guest leave. You did a great job as a hostess for the weekend and now it is time you relax. If you don't feel up to going out for dinner tonight I am sure Ben and Jim can handle things without you if you don't feel up to it. Please take care of yourself.

    Marie, Very pleased to hear Rick's Dad is doing so much better and eating again. Is he very far away from you in the nursing home? If not maybe you or Rick could drop by and keep bringing him better food everyday possibly?

    Den is on vacation for a little over a week which will be good for him. It is much too cold for me to go out anywhere as Janet mentioned it was -25C this morning. We will probably have chicken for dinner and a Toasted Western Sandwich for lunch. Den might defrost the freezer today or tomorrow? Not sure which day? Our the garage is like a big freezer at this time of the year and is handy to put everything in there while the freezer is thawing out. I also need to clean my oven sometime this week as well. Another thing which is good to do at this time of the year, b/c of the heat generated from it while it is cleaning itself.

    Wishing everyone a good day!
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Omg! I just woke up! It's almost 11am. Frank came in to check on me and said go get some coffee! Lol. My alarm went off at six because I forgot to turn it off for the holiday and then I laid in bed for a while and then fell back to sleep.
    It has stopped snowing but it's freezing out. My joints are killing me.
    Anyone watch SNL 40 last night? I watched most of it fell asleep in the middle but woke up for the end.
    No idea what's for dinner.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi Joce, sounds like a good plan to just stay home where it's all warm & cozy..I'm envying your weather, believe it or not:) We are running around in short sleeves weird...
    We are about 30 miles from Rick's dad, there are the twins (our nieces who live close by and a nephew who actually lives with his Dad) who go by on a daily basis so he has family close by to take care of his needs. We aren't able to go by every day:( Rick just got a call and he's gone, I'll wait for him to get back so we can go to Chico to do the one job and hopefully order some new eyeglasses for me! Rick's younger borther from Sacramento was there yesterday as well. I feel sorry for some of the other people at the acute care center..they don't seem to get the visitors that Rick's dad does..we were walking out yesterday and there was a sweet little lady in a wheelchair smiling at us, we said hello and I told her she looked very pretty today..she had on a brightly colored blouse:) She was a sweetheart...I called my Mom to let her know his dad was doing much better and also mentioned they had a game of bingo going on (my parents love playing bingo) and she said, "Good! At least we have something to look forward to!" Ha Ha , my Mom cracks me up:-D
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Marie, Rick's Dad is lucky to have so many people checking in on him. I know what you mean about some not having any visitors. When Den's Mom and Dad were in the nursing home we felt so bad for some of them just sitting out in wheelchairs in sun rooms etc. just looking at the walls. Den's Mom would go around and visit with them when she could. She felt so sad for them. LOL Your Mom is a character.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi all! I'm glad the fire was controlled Karen! You are a trooper getting out in the cold night to help out :) VERY pretty snow pictures even if they aren't the right ones.

    Hi Janet! Yum on the fajitas and margaritas tonight, but like Joce said if you don't feel up to it, don't go!! You have been really busy taking care of a house full, all while you weren't feeling well, so please take it easy :)

    Great that you got Ricks Dad to eat Marie, and that he may get to come home soon! Have fun picking out new glasses Marie, I used to love doing that and now have a blast doing it with Briauna :) Her newest ones are black and teal, very cute! Enjoy your pasta tonight :)

    Lol, Joce, when I first read that Den was on vacation, I though you meant he LEFT on vacation and your home alone. I was like WHAT!! Lol, then I caught on :) Good luck with defrosting the freezer, and I bet that oven on such a high heat does heat up the house for you :)

    Awesome on sleeping in Laurie, you must have needed it if your body let you :) I did not watch SNL40 but my Sister did, she texted me the same question, if I was watching it, last night!

    It's about 70 degrees right now. We are supposed to get some rain today that is going to bring in a cool from and get down in the 40's. Made chocolate chip pancakes as request this morning for Briauna's birthday. She's 10, double digits now! She has dance this evening then my Dad and Sister are coming by to bring her gifts. Not sure when we will have time to eat honestly lol! Will have to make it work. Probably a quick stir fry or something. The rain just started, I love the sound of heavy rain :) Wishing everyone a great day!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Exciting to go get new glasses Marie! :)
    Sorry Homer's arthritis is giving him trouble today Karen.
    That's lovely Den is on vacation for a bit Joce. Our freezer needs defrosting too.
    Didn't even know about the "SNL 40" until you mentioned it Laurie. Googled it. Too bad I didn't know it was on and I could have PVR'd it. :(
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Wow on the sleep-in, Laurie. After a bacon-eggs-hashbrowns breakfast and 2 cups of coffee, I am ready for the day! So glad Rick's dad is getting visitors and doing better. It is certainly lonely sometimes for patients whose families don't visit often, Marie. Staying inside sounds like a wonderful idea, Joce.

    Speaking of staying inside, Wayne just suggested a Gator ride later - or maybe now - and I think he is serious. I will definitely dress for the weather. It does have a heater, and after about 5 minutes we end up turning it off because that little Gator is warm! So glad we went for the enclosed "cab" version!

    It is still snowing - about 5 inches so far on the ground here. No idea what our daughter has 25 miles South of us. They were in the 7 to 10 inch area. I am happy now that we have a decent snow, although the 18 inch snowstorm a few years ago was AWESOME!

    Wayne is dozing as he types. The coffee has me wide awake and ready for a Gator ride. We shall see who wins. Bwahahaha.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    SP Janet and Michelle.

    Homer is sleeping on his dog bed with no inclination to get up and go anywhere. He is still itchy (no fleas, just winter itchy skin) and has even chewed a small patch of fur off of his tail. Poor baby. Coconut oil helps when I can get him to eat some. He is so suspicious of anything new and quite good at detecting medications in his food and eating around them. Crazy dog.

    The neighbors have evidently acquired 2 new dogs - that makes 4. Alt least there are 2 strange dogs hanging around. The original 2 are no problem. One is really sweet. I think one of new ones may be the dog we got on a game camera running deer.

    Wayne is going to take a nap. I am still running on caffeine. We will check the live trap when we go out (he checked it last night, not this morning). Can't stand the idea of an animal out in this cold. I doubt anything is in it, they usually hunker down just before a storm, but we will look just in case.

    Loving my mini-blizzard / faux blizzard / Canadian snow flurries! Have a good day, all.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Last year someone posted on the Everett (the town I am from) facebook page that he was a contractor doing work in a nursing home and there was a sweet old lady that had no one visiting her. He wasn't from Everett but thought people should know that she was a retired Everett teacher and she still remembered a lot of students. Turns out a lot of students remembers her, she had hundreds of visitors come by after that. Sweet story. I didn't have her for a teacher.
    Try giving Homer fish oil pills, you can get them cheap at Walmart. People version is the same according to my vet. The pills are huge and I thought geez I'll never get joy to take this but she loves them. She thinks they are a treat and runs and hides in her bed with it. Helps the dry skin. Joy gets very flaky.
    I just went grocery shopping. Tonight I'm making a spoon roast, mashed potatoes and gravy.
    You can keep the snow! It's supposed to snow again tomorrow!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    The snow is winding down. Flakes are bigger now, but it should be ending soon. We went for a Gator ride over the place. It was nice to get out. Fire Dept. meeting is cancelled - postponed until ? maybe next Monday. Fine with me. Estimate 5 inches on the ground. Laurie, I will have to try the fish oil pills on Homer.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    lost my post.....Fell again last night, landed face first. Thought I broke my nose. Liv found me in a pool of blood. Had to call the fire department to get me up of the floor. Can't talk and can't eat, my lip is shredded by my teeth. I haven't found the ring--I'm taking a pain pill and going to lie down.

    Fish oil pills help our four dogs. They get flaky too. And their fur is silkier.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Den ended out shoveling snow most of the afternoon so defrosting the freezer will be put off until tomorrow. LOL @ you thinking Den was taking off on vacation leaving me alone at home, Michelle. A very Happy 10th Birthday to Briauna as well!

    Laurie, What a sweet story!

    My goodness, Tina. Please do be careful and take good care of yourself. I am not sure if we could call the Fire Department here to get help like that? You are lucky they will do that.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Tina, so good Olivia was there to find you and get help. If I were to fall, ummm, I AM part of the fire department -- aargh! Get some rest, please. If you want to eat something, maybe a shake or -- ugh! -- the dreaded ENSURE we were discussing earlier. I think I would opt for a hot fudge malted, instead. (Bad choice! LOL.)

    Ugh! on the fall.

    Take care, have a good nap. I hope you feel better soon.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    SP Michelle! Let's weigh this......go out for Fajitas and Frozen Margueritas with my son who is only here for three more days or........stay at home by myself, eat leftovers from the fridge. Hmmmmm.....easy decision I think. :) But thank you guys for your concerns. I do appreciate it. :) But I bet you'd make the same choice as I did. :) Did Briauna get her sample contacts yet? Happy 10th Birthday to her! :) I love the sound of rain too. Used to like to stay outside to play in it when I was a kid. :) Have a fun visit with your Dad and sister.
    Your breakfast sounded wonderful Karen and I love the selfie in your Avatar! :) I think it'd be a blast going for a Gator ride through the fresh fallen snow.
    What a lovely story about the Lady at the Nursing Home Laurie and how nice of people to answer to it. That's a cool idea about the fish pills.
    Oh Tina, goodness me. Poor you. You've fallen an awful lot lately. Again I ask if your meds may need adjusting?
    I went out for a Hot Tub with Jim and Benjamin. Tired of staying in. :) Watched "the Great British Bake Off" and "Masterchef Canada".
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Found Fred's wedding ring. It was in my empty water cup by the side of my bed, around the straw. How it got there I don't know.

    Laurie, I love that story. How nice of her students to visit.

    Janet, how could he be leaving so soon?

    Happy Double digits Bri!

    Karen love your avatar.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Happy birthday Bri!
    When I was in high school I had walking pneumonia and was supposed to stay in bed but instead I was up and about while my mom was at work , walking to nearby bakery and McDonalds. Then when I went back to doctor he was so puzzled how my pneumonia was so much worse. Be careful. Janet but I'm sure it is worth it!
    Ok guys send some positive vibes, I just applied for a new job at the town hall in North Reading. Although it is next town over it is about 5 minutes from my house. This would be full time but 35 hours a week.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Tina, so glad you found the ring! Hoping you get the new job, Laurie!

    Janet, I do wish we got the "Great British Bakeoff" here - i ran across it once but haven't seen it since. Probably on during one of Wayne's must-watch CSIs. Maybe some day I'll break down and get a whatever-it-is-called --- to record it.

    Fire Dept. Meeting was cancelled tonight due to weather. So was the Ash Wednesday service at church -- they got 8 inches snow on top of ice. So was Wayne's noon meeting tomorrow. Schools are closed all around, some for the entire week. I think Wednesday night is supposed to be down to 0 F. NO MORE FIRE CALLS, PLEASE!

    Have a wonderful evening.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hurray on the ring being found Tina. How's your face feeling?
    Totally sending positive vibes for your new job to come through for you Laurie. :) 5 minutes from your house! That's excellent!
    Lots of cancellations on your end Karen! Sending you vibes for no more fire calls. :)
    Fajitas and Margaritas hit the spot as always. Benj forgot how good they are. :) Now parked in front of the fire again. It's so bloody cold outside.
    Night all! Sleep sweet Kimmer!

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