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Scenic Sunday....

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning everyone. Jim and I are heading off early this morning to pick my girlfriend and her daughter up to join us for a Christmas House Tour in Carleton Place. I think we visit 8 different homes in the Carleton Place area that are decorated to the hilt for Christmas. Proceeds from the tickets and any sales will go to the local Hospital. I think there's a couple of spots that are selling baking and Christmas crafts and there's a free lunch at a Senior's Home, sandwiches and desserts. Should be a hoot and a fun jaunt!

    So I'm going to make
    Chicken Lickin Good Pork Chops
    for dinner as then it can just simmer away in the crock pot while we're out. Mashed potatoes and spinach on the side.

    Looks rather gray out there at the moment. Hope it won't rain.

    Sens Game on this evening so hopefully we'll win another one. That chicken I made last night was super good and the bok choy went very nicely with it. I might post the recipe.

    Wishing everyone a super nice Sunday! I'll post a pic of our Christmas tree as well as one of my favourite ornaments. Benjamin of course, as a wee little gaffer. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning! Enjoy your day Janet, sounds like you'll have a blast! Your dinner sounds easy enough, yum! Yes, please do post the recipe, I'd like to see it :) Cute little pic. of Benjamin :-D

    It's super quiet in my house. Michael is on nights right now, so he's sleeping and Caiden hasn't woke up yet, which is unusual, but I did let him stay up until 11 last night until I finally made him go to bed.

    Going to pick up the girls from camp today then meeting my Dad for lunch at Fudruckers. It's a burger place. Michael is doing a guy at work a favor and going into work early so the guy can leave early. Instead of going in at 5pm he is going in at 1:30pm. Going to be a LONG 15 1/2 hour shift for him :( He's not happy but at least the guy owe's him one now if he ever needs a favor lol.

    Haven't thought about dinner yet, but I need to figure it out before I leave. Maybe chicken something? The sausage pasta last night was DELICIOUS!! Rich, but oh so good :) I like to cook an extra fattening meal every once in a while lol. Off to fold a load of laundry, have a great day everyone!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Love the tree, Janet. Your tour sounds like lots of fun, seeing decorated homes around the Christmas holidays.

    Fritz is on my lap, He will stay for a few minutes, then hop on to Wayne's recliner. Wayne just left and will be back Monday. Poor dog is unhappy and will try to park on my lap as much as possible this afternoon, and be quite clingy until Wayne is home tomorrow, then he will ignore me .... LOL!

    I have lots of laundry to do. After church I will pick up something for lunch, probably Chester's chicken at the truck stop. It should stay warm until I get home. Then the day is open. Question: do I be good and clean / reconcile the checkbook / wash clothes or putter around outside and enjoy the day? Fritz would enjoy the walk, and when Wayne is not home his late night walk ends thirty feet from the front porch.

    Bow and Barrel has a shopping night Tuesday, so I may just decide to go. If we don't have GS, that is. Several vendors are going to be there...Young Livivg oils, Scentsy (?spelling) and the like, Range time s free for members and you can shoot or not, depending on your inclinations.

    It is going to be a warm, sunny day. Monday rain is supposed to come in. Hope so, as the fire danger is severe. Friday the temp is supposed to be below freezing with snow flurries. We will probably start a fire in the wood stove on Thursday or Friday.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    SP Michelle.

    Boo on the long work day for Michael. No fun.

    Laundry is facing me also. After church I need to start some, unless the great out of doors calls my name.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Aww..that's cute Karen that Fritz misses Wayne :) I say get outside and enjoy the day! Or you could do both? The Bow and Barrel thing sounds like fun. Bri LOVES her Scentsy warmer. It's one of the only "air freshener" type things that are safe for rats, and smells wonderful too. The waxes last forever so you really feel like you getting your money's worth :)
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!

    OMG, what an adorable Christmas ornament of Benjamin when he was little. I love your tree too! The pork chop recipe looks great. I'll have to short list that as I love crockpot dinners. The Christmas House tour sounds awesome. Enjoy!! I bet the houses will be amazing.

    Enjoy the "calm before the storm" Michelle. How do you all manage to stay quite enough for Michael to sleep thru the day? Uuggh on his long day of work but sounds like you have a nice time out planned. Enjoy lunch.

    Aaaw, you have new "best friend" Karen. If the weather is nice I say partake in the walk. Hope you are able to go to B&B to shop Tuesday night. Is there something particular you want to buy?

    My computer needed to do an "update" this morning and it took over 2 hours. Not sure what it was updating but I never had one take that long.

    Janet ... I looked for Hallmark's 'Christmas Festival of Ice' and it's not playing here. I even went out a few more days hoping to find it and set it up to record. I'll have to keep looking.

    Dinner is going to be chix something. I took out chix breast and will probably season and bake it along with a baked sweet potato and vegetable.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Found it Janet ... Here in the states it doesn't air till December 17th.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle and Linda!

    Back from church. Cole slaw tasted off so did not finish it. Green beans had bits of stem. Chicken was time I will get the chicken only. Or go elsewhere.

    Fritz got his morsel...he snarfed up the bit of chicken but ignored the bit of biscuit. He is in his bed letting the heater warm him up a bit. Trouble is on my lap. AC is going from door to sofa meowing his displeasure at staying inside, but I am in no mood to try to break up a cat fight alone, so he is out of luck. Mel is dozing. Mauser is into something in the guest room....but Mauser is always into something somewhere!

    Have to put some laundry away and clean up the kitchen. Later...after letting lunch digest. A cup of tea or hot cocoa really appeals to me, too lazy to fix it at the minute but it will be great to sip while cleaning the kitchen.

    Weather is calling for possible severe thunder storms tomorrow afternoon. Not cool! We need rain, though!

    Going to relax for a bit before tackling any chores. Have a good day.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Hi Linda! Staying quiet is not fun. Michael swears he doesn't hear us, but I think he's just being nice lol. Regardless we tiptoe around and I try and refrain from going in the bedroom at all, which means before I go to bed, I gather everything I will need for the next day (clothes, toiletries, etc.) and bring it in the living room. Lol! Your dinner sounds nice and healthy!

    Got Bri back home and she (and her friend) said they HATED this camping trip. For some reason they weren't allowed outside, the food was horrible, and one of the main ladies in charge was very mean. Sounds like prison to me! I will be calling someone when I can find a number and complaining. The girls filled out review reports at the end and they left bad reviews. I'm betting that the camp people just go through them and throw away the bad one's anyway. I'm really not happy about this and have NEVER had a problem with a GS camp being like this. They didn't even take showers because they said they were filled with dead roaches, bleck!

    Well I pulled out chicken but I still don't know what to do with it lol. Maybe going to ask Bri what she would like with it since she hasn't had a decent meal in a couple days :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Ugh on the camping experience. Do you know if any of the other parents have complained?
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Bummer on only the chix being the good part of your lunch Karen. Did you tell AC he would be allowed out if he wasn't such a bully? LOL!

    I remember my father working shift work Michelle and it was horrible for him trying to sleep with 3 children in the house and our house growing up was small. When my mother could kick us outside she did but that wasn't always possible. I never thought much of it then but now I feel really bad for what my father endured with us.
    That's awful about the camp. Is there a corporate location to call instead of the place itself. Like you say, they probably hide the bad reviews.

    I too pulled out chicken breast and haven't a clue what to do with it. I also made meatloaf mix and will now have that tonight instead. I forgot I bought the ground meat mix and needed to us it. For the 2 of us the mix makes enough for two meals so I'll freeze one and cook one. I'll poached the chicken breast and make chicken salad with it.
    I'm going to make a banana poppyseed walnut no-knead dough tonight for baking tomorrow. Going to use a recipe for pumpkin bread (not the quick bread kind) and replace the pumpkin with mashed banana and change up the spice. It should work. I joined 2 FB groups specifically for bread baking for help and too to see what others are doing and hopefully learn more.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Fudruckers is a funny name Michelle. :) Ugh at a 15 1/2 hour shift. I used to do 12 hour ones when we first opened the store in Kanata, but 15 1/2 would be nasty. Are there rules/laws that oversee how many hours employees can work consecutively? What a shame that Bri's camp was so awful. Such a shame as camp is supposed to be a high light. Very weird they didn't let them outside??? Isn't that how young people get to run off steam?? And bad meals and dirty showers??? That's horrible. That being said I swear Benjamin never took a shower when he was at a Cub scout camp. We'd get him home and send him straight to the showers to hose off. He'd smell like wood smoke. Could have been worse I guess. LOL.

    Awww poor Fritz missing Wayne already! I vote for puttering around and enjoying the day. Life is short. Laundry can wait for another day. Wow on fire danger this time of year.
    I hear about these Scentsy things all the time but don't think I've ever seen them anywhere. Eeesh on the coleslaw being off with stems left on the green beans. :(

    The Porkchop recipe is very basic Linda, but it's super good. Comfort food at it's finest. Glad you found "Festival of Ice" on the TV guide. I'm very excited!!!! I already know there are scenes in it showing the old Almonte Post Office with the clock in the tower. As you know, Jim and I are in Almonte a fair amount. It's such a pretty little town. The Post Office now has a restaurant in it called "Cafe Positino". We haven't been there since Benjamin got his braces. :) And supposedly there are scenes shot in the "Superior" restaurant which is a little hole in the wall spot with THE best ever Hot Chicken sandwich. Jim and I go there a fair amount.

    Thanks everyone for your lovely comments on our tree and Benjamin's ornament. He ask me to send him pictures of it which I did, including some close ups of ornaments as well.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    SP Linda. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun bread making! So nice!!!

    I had a super lovely day bopping about on the House Tour. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the homes which was a shame as I got a lot of inspiration for more decorating ideas. Some of the homes were stunning. All of them were beautifully decorated.

    The house smelled yummy when we walked in and the pork chops are pretty much done. We opted not to go for a Hot Tub tonight as it's a bit nippy out and the pellet stove beckoned. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Meatloaf is always good, Linda. A real comfort food. Banana bread is a favorite for sure. AC would have a better life and be able to enjoy the outdoors if he behaved. So far he has tried to pop outside several times, but was not successful.

    Sounds like a nice tour, Janet I compromised and did some dishes and laundry. Still haven't fixed the hot cocoa but am about to do so. I don't use Scentsy products but lots of people like them.

    Have a nice evening.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I've never heard of Scentsy, I'll have to look it up.

    Tonight's Supermoon is amazing and huge! We caught it a little after it starting coming up the horizon.

    That's too bad you couldn't take pictures inside the homes Janet but understandable. Hopefully your mind will remember what it seen for later inspiration. I love little old towns with shops and restaurants that you can walk to. I miss that here. Our downtown leaves something to be desired, it's cute, but not that old historically.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hope you got your Cocoa Karen. Do you make it with cocoa or with hot chocolate mix? I use the latter now but growing up my Mom always made it with cocoa powder.

    Linda, I looked in the middle of last night for the Moon but it was cloudy. I'll have to look again tonight.

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