Sichaun Pepper Sunday

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everybody! Had a big long FB message from Benjamin this morning. Was just like getting a Christmas present.:) 27 Days and counting! :)
    Not sure if I mentioned that I've been reading a book by Fuchsia Dunlop called "Shark's Fin and Sichauan Pepper - A Sweet-sour memoir of Eating in China". I just finished it last night. It was very good. Obviously I'm quite interested in the Asian culture now that my son is over there and this book gave me insight into how the Chinese differ in their attitudes towards different foods than we North Americans do. "Mouth Feel" is just another added pleasure for eating for them, thus they treasure fish eye balls, sea urchins, various offals for that reason where we tend to back away. :) The author visits Sichuan at one point and gets to see the Sichaun peppers growing on a tree and gives a lovely description of the area and their cooking style. I ask Benj if he'd bring me some from Taiwan when he visits. I know I can get them here but thought it'd be a fun souvenir. :)
    Jim's still sleeping and I am on my second cup of coffee. Got the fireplace stoked up when I woke so am enjoying some warm quiet time in the family room. No big plans for today although I think Jim wants to go and shovel the pond.
    I cut two steaks off that eye of round that I bought and Jim bbq'd them for us last night. The meat was nice but it's very lean and isn't as nice by any stretch as a rib eye, etc. So I think I'll just cut the remaining piece into two and use it for Beef Dip or a Pot Roast.
    Planning on making
    Chicken Katsu
    for dinner this evening with Edamame on the side.
    Did Wayne enjoy the Turkey dinner last night Karen? Any pie left? :) I had to google Clayton Moore and although I'm not famiiar with him I certainly have heard of the Lone Ranger. :)
    Glad to hear "Taken 3" was good Marie. I'll wait for it to come to Red Box or on Pay-per-vu.
    I'd like to go see that Stephen Hawking movie. "the Theory of Everything" I think it's called.
    Thinking of you Tina.
    Joce, how was your yummy salmon last night? And Michelle, how was the birthday party?
    Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Great book, it looks like a nice read. Glad you had a good message from Benjamin. I'm sure the approaching days will get even longer as you count them down for his visit. What was the outcome with the heat pump people? I want to see "The Theory of Everything" myself.

    Olivia is off today. She only worked one day last week and she is still in bed. She is worn out. We have a lot to do today and I don't have it in me to wake her. The gathering of friends for Fred will be Jan. 20, 2015, five to eight p.m. at the Toasted Monkey. The next day, I have my psych evaluation to determine if I'm depressed or not for my disability claim. It is also my deceased mother's birthday. Emotionally, I hope I can keep it together.

    We have food being brought in by so many, it is a leftover nibble night around here. We have half sub sandwiches, salads, fruit, roasted chicken.

    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and good wishes. I know Fred is in a better place. He had the day of his dreams on Friday, lunch out, a visit with Olivia, good food and a nap. I just wish I had one more hug and a kiss goodbye.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Good Morning Tina. The Heat Pump people say they will take a look at our system as soon as they get through the Christmas back log? I don't really know what that means and I'm so exasperated but am leaving it in Jim's hands to fight the battle. It just makes my blood pressure rise. :)
    I'm glad you got things sorted for Fred's Gathering. He really did have a nice day. I can imagine that Liv is wiped. Good luck to you on your Psych evaluation. Press forward so you can get some help. Your nibblees sound wonderful.
    Jim's still asleep. I think I need breakfast. ;)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Morning! I have some of Penzeys Szechaun pepper, I know it's spelled different, but I'm sure it's the same stuff. Too cool that you got a long message from Benjamin, Janet. I love that you are counting down the day's now! I'm glad the steaks weren't too terribly bad last night, good thing you didn't cut up the whole thing into steaks, good move :) Aw, that's sweet of you to let Jim sleep in :) Yum on Chicken the stuff!

    Hi Tina. I don't blame Olivia for sleeping in, I bet she is exhausted! Having the gathering for Fred on the 20th will at least give you some extra time to get things done. Once again that is so nice that people are bringing you so much food. You have such great friends and family :)

    It is is COLD dark, windy and rainy today. Staying home! It's actually been that way the past 2 day's as well and I was out in it a lot, so I'm not doing it again today. The b-day party went well. They had cleaned out their garage and had tables set up with the garage door closed and heaters going. It wasn't bad at all! The kids had fun! I pulled out some pork chops for tonight, but not sure what to do with them yet. Also, I bought some kohlrabi at the FM the other day. Anyone have any ideas? Want to do something with them tomorrow :) Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Very nice to hear you received such a nice message from Ben this morning, Janet. Sounds like an interesting book you were reading about the Food and culture in China. I am going to bet Jim had his skates sharpened so he can skate on the pond after he shovels the snow off of it. Reminds me of when I was a kid and we had rinks in our backyards. My salmon was lovely last night, thanks for asking:) Chicken Katsu is a perfect meal for tonight.

    Tina, Very nice of people bringing you so much food and good to hear you have everything planned and ready for Fred's celebration on life, on the 20th , at the Toasted Monkey. Fred did have a very nice day.

    Michelle, Nice to hear the kids had fun at the birthday party. Your weather sounds YUCKY! A good day to hunker inside and watch movies or something like that.

    Karen, I hope you have a good drive to Church today and the weather stayed good for you. Lucky you, I bet you have lots of leftover turkey today. I love hot turkey sandwiches or just plain turkey sandwiches.

    Den is doing laundry and tonight we are having Garlic Studded Blade Pork Roast with mashed tators, gravy and carrots. I can't wait for “The British Bake Off” and “Downton Abbey” tonight.

    Wishing everyone a pleasant Sunday!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Sichuan, Szechuan, there are a lot of variables Michelle, but yes, it's the same stuff. We noticed on the news that Texas was receiving bad weather and were giggling a bit at how put out my FIL will be (he winters in Corpus Christi) Glad to hear the Party went well. Wasn't kohlrobi one of the 2015 Food trends foods? :) I've never tried it.
    I'm with you on can't wait for those two shows to be on this evening Joce. Benjamin said he had been streaming Season 5 of Downton and only had the last episode to watch. He's also watching "Marco Polo" which we would LOVE but we don't get HBO. :( Your dinner tonight sounds wonderful.
    I made Poached eggs on toast with fried tomatoes for breakfast. Jim has added another log to the fire. So cozy!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Just sent you a bunch of Kohlrabi pins Michelle. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi Joce, yes the weather is SUPER YUCKY! Steak In The Oven and it was deeelish! I was really surprised with the minimal ingredients and how fast it was to throw together! I'll post it in the IMI if I can get my darn picture to upload. My computer has been giving me trouble with that. Oh I forgot to mention I watched the first episode of “The British Bake Off” last night! I loved it! Although their version of cherry pie is a lot different than mine :)

    Aww your poor FIL Janet! I sure bet he's not a happy camper right now lol! Thanks for the recipes Janet, I pinned some :) Also I just saw that you sent me that juice link a long time ago! For some reason I don't see some of the things people send me until it's been weeks or months, then all the sudden it pops up. Weird!

    Made breakfast for lunch it was good but I sprinkled the inside of the peppers with salt and pepper, which I definitely think it needed. I wish I could master the art of baking eggs with a runny yolk. I even tented with foil this time, but still my egg whites took so long to cook that the yolks were hard :( Oh well, I still enjoyed them. Going to make this pork chop recipe tonight along with these brussel sprouts and maybe a salad.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi. We got 2/3 of the way there and the roads went from wet to icy. Then the president of the congregation called and said not to try to go on because some were already iced in. So we turned around, stopped at a WalMart to pick up stuff for our daughter. The lot was slick. GS fell when he got out of the truck. Three people had fallen that morning. I heard the accident two vehicles down, as an old truck hit a cart which hit another truck. It was typical January ice event -- not bad here, so far just rain, but it is coming North as we speak. We did grab a bite of lunch -- fried chicken, mashed taters, corn -- not bad chicken. I think it had rosemary in it.

    Supper will be turkey leftovers. In something. Maybe. If we are hungry by then.

    The service for Fred sounds like it will be very nice, Tina. Will be thinking of you.

    Enjoy "British Bake Off" Joce. Wayne is watching a Bourne movie and I am ignoring it or will go to the sun room if it gets too icky for my tastes. No good or bad movies were on the free-for-the-weekend channels so he has to deal with commercials and is not happy with AMC -- LONG involved commercials.

    It is cold and wet here also,, Michelle. Good day to stay inside.

    Janet, good luck on the heat pump repair / replace. I don't do well with that sort of negotiation either.

    Rainy and icky still. No ice or freezing rain but it should be here shortly. Hope to stay inside and NO fire calls.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Stay safe and inside, Karen. UGH! Your weather sounds terrible!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    But my new laptop is wonderful. I am getting more used to the changes and LOVE the lighted keyboard. I am a MACaholic. Take care all.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    That's fun you're enjoying the GBBO too Michelle! I've got tonight's episode on PVR already. :)
    Ai yi yi on the bad travelling conditions Karen. Glad you managed to run an errand and get some lunch at least. Nice you're enjoying your new laptop. :) A lighted keyboard eh? Interesting.
    Had a laid back day. Got a couple of letters written and went out for a Hot Tub in the afternoon. Did Won Ton soup for lunch and am just about to start dinner. Jim's watching Football which I have to admit finding BORING! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Ick on the bad back, Janet. Hope you feel better soon.

    Am about to start dinner also. Two people from church called to be sure we got home OK, one is going to let others know. It is still raining but am not sure if it has started to freeze or change to frozen -- but as long as we do not have a fire call all will be fine. We are curled up watching the Globe Awards in between doing other things.

    Downloaded Firefox and had to redo a few things, also updated the printer. Takes forever with our SLOW DSL internet. I was spitting tacks. I am ignoring TV as it has nothing at all interesting.

    I did go thru my Allrecipes mailbox and delete a lot of stuff I will never make. Have not had the courage to go thru GR bookmarks, but have printed ones I do not want to lose.
    See you later.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Bad back Karen? We're fine here.
    Just about set to watch Downton. :)

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