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Snowflake Kingdom Sunday!

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! We have a busy day ahead of us. Our guests have never skated on the Rideau Canal
    so they are keen to head there first thing. Between it being the last day of Ottawa's Winter Festival (Winterlude) and the Family Day weekend this weekend I suspect there will be a zillion people there and the ice will be in bad shape, but we'll see. They also want to check out the rink on Parliament Hill.
    although we were unable to get passes. And....they want to check out Snowflake Kingdom over on the Quebec side
    I'm looking forward to that one as I've never been to it. So as you can see, it will indeed be a busy day. Jim and I are going to make Chicken Fajitas for dinner this evening. I've got some tortilla chips and salsa and I'll make up a veggie tray with Heinz 57 dip. Jim is going to smoke the chicken in the BBQ with his smoker tube and some wood chips. Should be fun. Don't know what time we'll actually eat but we shall see. LOL.

    It's just Jim and I awake at the moment. I think we'll have a quick breakfast....bagels and fruit and yogurt, etc. and then they wanted to head out by 9:30/10 o'clock. As soon as they are up and at 'em I'll unload and reload the dishwasher and get breakfast items out. I'd like to re-set my dining room table as well as the Chinese theme doesn't go with the Fajitas. :)

    Wishing everyone a fun Sunday!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Ice Skating sounds like a great way to work up an appetite for tonight and Snowflake Kingdom looks to be a very active place too. Yesh ... your girls sure have a lot of energy. Fajitas sound wonderful for dinner!

    I remember when we visited Boston over a long weekend Laurie we had gone out for dinner and on the walk back to the hotel we passed a liquor store and stopped in. I like to look for unique/local wines. We bought a bottle of something and when we got back to the hotel we no sooner stepped thru the door and security stopped us wanting to know what was in our bag. When we disclosed that it was a bottle of wine, they would not let us back to our room unless we checked the wine in and left it with security and could only take possession of it when we checked out. We were stunned! The laws are just crazy regarding alcohol in Massachusetts.

    No plans today. Will catch up on light housework. My upper back still hurts and I don't want to make it worse. No clue yet about dinner.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Have fun at all your activities today, Janet. It is a beautiful day for it. I am sure they will all have a great time.

    Wild about the alcohol laws in MA, Linda. I remember picking up alcohol and beer in
    Florida and they asked if we wanted a brown paper bag! Apparently, if you cover up what your drinking while driving it is allowed! Corinne (who is a member of this group and on our FB group) mentioned about the brown paper bag thing last year as she had never been asked that before when buying beer. Take it easy with your back today.

    We are doing laundry today and I have to go out and pick a few things up this afternoon. We are having pork chops for dinner tonight. Not much else is happening here as usual.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    That's weird Joce about being offered a brown paper bag to drink your alcohol out of ... how long ago was that? I assure you it's not the norm and there are weird things here that still surprise me. When I go grocery shopping they ask if "plastic is ok" ... so I assume if I don't want a plastic bag they have paper bags that they don't offer up right away.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    It was in the 1990's, Linda. But as I mentioned Corinne lives in Florida and they asked her last year when she was on holidays in Daytona. We have to pay for our plastic bags in most places or bring in your own or other bags that stores sell that are made of fabric and they are reusable. What bugs me is they wrap so many things in plastic and in the meat departments they use styrofoam under the meat and then wrap it with plastic. Remember in "The Graduate" plastic. I got everything I needed when I was out and it is a lovely day. Mild for us.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Quick Hi here. Been busy this weekend redecorating the porch. Bought some new lovely blinds for the windows. Really helps with privacy and noise. Got the cabinet full of air plants moved to another location outside, but under cover from the elements. Chloe was really going after them and every day was a struggle with her. They make us money! Quit destroying them! Yes, it's not that she just plays with them.........she tears them to shreds! Also got some tool cabinets out of there that have bugged me since we moved in, lol. Brought another one of my adirondack chairs and footstool in to go along with the adirondack loveseat that I already had there. I have numerous ones but this was one of my newest wood ones and it was somewhat out in the elements so good thing there. Just wasn't room with the other cabinets there. Very please as it was quite an accomplishment.

    Making beef stroganoff soup in the Instant Pot for dinner. Will just serve that with a dinner roll. Still loving my IP! Love the way I can pretty much cook a meal in the same pot, just different settings. Right now I am pressure cooking my beef and broth ingredients. Once that is done will turn it to Soup feature and finish off. Deeelightful!

    Hope all enjoy the rest of their Sunday.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Hi everyone!! Hope the ice wasn't too bad for y'all Janet, and that it wasn't too crowded either. Enjoy your fajitas, smoking them sounds wonderful!

    That is insane the Massachusetts alcohol laws Linda. Hope you back feels better soon!

    Hi Joce! If you buy just a can of beer here at a convenience store they will automatically put it in a tiny brown paper bag here that fits snuggly over it. Drinking and driving is extremely against the law, so I'm not sure why they do that, maybe for when you get to where you need to be?

    Wow, you were busy this weekend Kimmer!! Love hearing what your cooking in your IP and how, makes me more excited to get one :)

    Friday at the hotel was a blast! Girls swam most of the time. They were asleep by 1am which is earlier than I thought they would be, but I was still exhausted in the morning lol. Came home around 11:30a Saturday and Bri went straight to Emma's party that didn't end until 10pm. She was SO tired and passed straight out. We went and picked up Caiden from my Mom's today and hung out and played card games for a while. Dinner tonight is tacos, got them made up this morning so we didn't have to worry about it tonight and we will just reheat. Have a great evening everyone!!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    OH MY GOODNESS I'M EXHAUSTED! But I'm still standing and I'm still smiling so we're good. :) Adults ended up wanting poached eggs on bagels for brekkie this morning and then I got the kitchen all cleaned up and the dining room table re-decorated and then we headed off. We did almost 4 km. on the canal. I ended up just walking it in my boots. The ice was really bad, slushy is some spots and very soft. If I'd skated I'd have gone so slow I would have frustrated everyone else I'm sure. The weather was lovely and warm and the sunshine was gorgeous. The 8 yr. old tuckered out very soon. We saw some of the ice sculptures and then went for a bite to eat for lunch at Johnny Farina's.
    Shared a couple of pizzas. One of them was a seafood pizza with alfredo sauce, scallops, shrimp, mussels and bacon. The 8 yr. old actually ordered a plate of mussels in white wine cream sauce. How fun is that? Kids have a lot wider tastes than they did when I was a kid!

    No one felt like proceeding on to the rink at Parliament nor to head over to the Quebec side to Snowflake Kingdom.

    Home for hot tubs. The Fajita dinner was a big hit.

    I think everyone will sleep like a log tonight. :)

    Sorry your back is still giving you grief Linda. :( That's nuts about not being able to bring a bottle of wine up to your hotel room!!!

    Hi Joce! How are you preparing your pork chops?

    Sounds like you were very productive today Kimmer. Nice on beef stroganoff.

    Michelle, it was so fun to see Bri's pics on FB of her party. Taco's sound yummy.

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