Sunday's Pool Party!

  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago
    Morning everyone :)

    Karen, so glad that the hail missed you!!

    Yum on your shrimp at Longhorn's yesterday Kimmer, is it Longhorn Steakhouse? We have one of those near us, went once, waited for 2 hours for a table and got horrible service. Haven't been back since lol. Holy cow on the wind taking off your gazebo roof!

    Sounds like you had a nice day out with DH yesterday Linda! I love Italian food places that make everything homemade. Hard to come by!! We have one that we go to often :) I'm sure Gaurdians of the Galaxy is good, just not my cup of tea, I'm just not into Marvel movies and the superhero stuff.

    I've never heard of cream cheese in bruschetta Janet, that's definitely a new one lol. So neat that you found where your Great Grandparents were buried, what luck! The Lilac Festival sounded fun, too bad you missed the BBQ though.

    My Uncle is having a pool party today that Michael and I are going to. Too bad the kids are at my Mom's though and will miss it as they love going swimming over there. I might not tell them we went lol :) Only plan on staying a couple of hours as the invite list on FB was a TON of people and I'm just not feeling in the huge party mode today. I did end up falling asleep last night even earlier than usual, which was weird. Don't really know what to make for dinner or even know if I'll be up for it after we get home. Have a great Sunday everyone!!

    First pic. of Caiden on his last day of school with his teacher.
    Next two pics. of the kids with my parents yesterday at the zoo, they got to feed the giraffes!!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Michelle! Have fun at the pool party. Glad you managed to get a decent sleep last night. Sounds like you might actually have a relaxing day today. Wow! When did that last happen? LOLOLOL. Lovely photos. That's very cool the kids got to feed giraffes! I'd like to do that.

    It's a beautiful sunny morning here. Jim and I are going for another jaunt this afternoon. The Central Experimental Farm is offering a free tour of "Tree Leaves of Canada" from 2-3:30. Should be lovely. Jim's also contacted a friend of his (someone he used to work with) to meet up with us afterwards, he and his wife and their two little kids.

    Since we ate out at the Pub late yesterday afternoon I just made us a grilled tomato, cheese and hummus sandwich around 8 p.m. so tonight we will grill up the steaks and asparagus.

    Hope to get some lawn mowing down after breakfast and before we head out.

    Wishing everyone a great day.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone! Nice day is shaping up here too. Sunny skies and will probably get very warm later.

    Very cool on the kids feeding the giraffes Michelle! I too would love it. I'm not into Marvel comics and superhero stuff either but it G.O.T.G. was entertaining. I think it was the raccoon that did it for me (LOL!). Enjoy the pool party and understandable not being into the "crowd" thing. You are always out and about and with so many people it's nice to have some solitary down time.

    Enjoy your jaunt today Janet. the tour and lunch sound perfect!

    I need to give LD a bath. He is a dirty dirty dog and since he will be visiting his daddy today I'll get him nice and clean and sparkley. I have an appointment to get him groomed but it's not for 3 more weeks. Uffff.

    That's it for about now.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    I'd had loved to feed the giraffes as well Janet! The many times we have been to the zoo that has never happened, then when we aren't there....go figure!! :P Enjoy your steaks tonight :)

    Gotta run to the store, I was asked to bring garlic bread and an appy today and I've decided on 7 layer dip. Might as well grab a few more needed things while I'm there!
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Sp Linda! Yes, I just want to sit at home and be a bum pretty much :P Good luck giving LD a bath, one thing I do not miss about having a dog!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    LD is so little (about 6.5 pounds) he's a breeze to wash and dry. I just put him in the kitchen sink. Yum on the 7 layer dip. Haven't had one of those in years!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Does LD like getting bathed Linda? I'm guessing not. :) Have a nice visit with your hubby this aft.

    I would kill for some 7-layer dip right this moment Michelle! Great idea.

    Got my mowing done and have 30 min. to shower, dress and grab a quick bite IF I'm lucky. The grass was SOOOOOO long.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Just a quick hello to all here. Did a number on my back the other day. Didn't think it was that big of deal as yesterday it didn't hurt at all. Well today OMG, can hardly sit, stand or lay! But that's what I get for picking up things that are way to heavy for me, lol. Lesson learned but probably won't be the last time, lol!

    Having burgers and hot dogs on the grill tonight. Made a new potato salad using bacon and the drippings in the sauce. Interesting, will see how it turns out. Daughter and grandson are coming over and will be here soon. Daughter had to take him to ER yesterday. He kept complaining that his heart hurt. Finally in the afternoon he was distraught about it and crying. Apparently he has an infection of his sternum and the cartilage around it is inflamed, thus causing the pain. Weird, never heard of it before. Just rest and pain relievers is all. Could last a couple of weeks..... Geez.......welcome to summer vaca buddy!

    Hope all are enjoying this Sunday!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    LD hates getting a bath. When he sees me get the towel he runs and hides ... I don't know how he knows but he knows. Then I get him and he growls all the way over to the sink. He loves how he feels after and loves to be blowed dry. Silly dog.

    Hope your GS feels better soon Kimmer. I guess it would sorta feel like an upper respiratory infection?

    Visit with DH today was OK. He was a real P.I.T.A. today. He was happy to see LD though. DH just doesn't want to be there and I can't say I blame him but he also can't be home so too bad. There just isn't much to do and he can't talk to anyone so he just doesn't fit in. He's too young to be there but not well enough to be home. He made me stay with him for dinner, which I really didn't want to do but I did. They gave me a dinner too. I know he doesn't like to sit with people and eat because they are all talking and he can't and when he does talk they don't understand him and it makes him sad and uncomfortable. Just wish there was more I could do for him or more help I could get him but ...
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Sorry to hear you put your back out Kimmer. Back pain is nasty.Yum on hamburgers and hotdogs. That potato salad sounds amazing. Do let us know what you think. Your poor GS. How awful. Glad he got in and got it checked. I've never heard of that before either.

    LOL @ LD enjoying being blowed dry. Sorry your visit today with your DH didn't go great. Strokes are a nasty thing and it's a long recovery process. You have done a really great job thus far and have put all sorts of things in place. A good laugh, a good cry and a good sleep make a person feel a lot better. Gentle hugs.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Oh, forgot to say too Kimmer that I hope you feel better soon, it was in my head to say then never got to my fingers. Back pain is no fun.

    Yes Janet, it will be a long long road traveled.

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