Sunday's Sunday

  • LindaLMT 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Wishing you all a peaceful and easy Sunday.

    Happy to hear you are having a wonderful Valentine’s Day weekend MichelleB. The buffet sounds amazing. I love buffets … to be able to choose what you want and how much of it not to mention the assortment of foods to choose from. The Bird of Paradise sculpture is stunning!

    Happy Birthday to Bri! Sounds like the girls will have lots of fun Michelle… heck, I’d have lots of fun with all that is planned. Can’t wait to hear how it went.

    Good for you Janet spending the afternoon at a hockey game. I’m sure you enjoyed it. Is it just as good watching it live as it is on TV? Were you able to see most of the action? That’s a nice change of pace to work in the flower shop. Ouch of being bitten by the thorns. Roses are so beautiful!

    I do love all animals but it’s the claws and teeth that scare me about cats because even with the gentlest of cats you can still fall victim to those claws even with the best intentions. I rescued several cats when we lived in NJ and one lived with us for about 2 years, KitKat, she turned out to be a real sweetie but if I picked her up those claws came out and even though she didn’t mean to hurt me because she wanted to get down she would dig in and down she would be.

    Rock picking must be the pits Karen. Hard work for sure. Amazing how they just “show up” year after year. Maybe when GS gets older he’ll acclimate more to animals. Congrats on the getting the adjoining 80 acres!! AWESOME. Will you just leave it as is?

    Hi Bren, Joce, Laurie, and Kimmer.

    Hoping to hear from you soon Kimmer. You had mentioned Charlie saved your life twice. Perhaps when you are ready you could share those stories here. I would love to hear them.

    Yesterday was a hard day with DH. He’s not doing anything wrong, he’s just intense with wanting to get better and learn and it’s so consuming both mentally and emotionally that it just gets to me and he wouldn’t give it a break. Finally I had to ask him to just chill out because it was getting to me. I just need to establish some boundaries and have a little me time even though I can’t go anywhere or do anything without him. The day before he thought he was all that and pulled out a razor and shaving cream to shave when I was in another room occupied. Walked in the bathroom to find him trying to stop the bleeding from the two nasty cuts he gave himself. Three soaked tissues of blood and it took me about ½ hour to get the bleeding to stop. Thank God he had one of those shaving pencil things that I kept applying. I know it scared the bejesus out of him and humbled him which on one hand was a good thing to put him in his place. He needs to understand he can’t yet what he use to.
    Need to go grocery shopping today so will take showers in a bit and go after lunch.
    That’s enough for today. What’s everyone else up to?
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Morning Linda! Watching an NHL game live vs. on television are two different experiences altogether. I love sitting in my family room in my Lazy-Boy recliner in front of the fire with a glass of Chardonnay watching the game on our big flat screen TV. You get to hear the announcers and you get stats and close ups. And being at the Game live, you are one of the multitudes of cheering, boisterous fans, which certainly adds to the atmosphere. You see the things that happen off camera, the Canadian flag being passed around the crowd, the goalie skating over to the bench for a drink during a TV time out and you get to be 'in' the game in that you're actually at the arena, and your voice is cheering your team on. Plus, it's fun to walk around the arena and see all the memorabilia they have on display and visit the "Sens Store" etc. Can you tell I'm a real fan? :) We didn't have the greatest seats and were up in the third level, but the arena is a good one and I don't believe there are any bad seats in the house. Deep breaths re: DH and indeed, try think of someway you can establish some me time. It's so very important. Have fun grocery shopping.

    We are supposed to get a ton of snow today so I am hibernating and just having some down time. I need to clean off my computer desk (Yes, the one that I filled up with odds and sods after cleaning out the bookcase a couple of weeks ago) :) I'd like to do up a bit of a menu for next week, call my Mom, work on my family tree and make a nice Sunday dinner.

    I'm going to make
    Roast Chicken With Balsamic Gravy
    for dinner. Probably a baked potato on the side and I have to look in my fridge to see what veggie to do. I also need to do a quick clean of the fridge. I'm sure there is something hiding at the back that I've forgotten about.

    Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    It is good to hear your DH is now determined to want to get better, Linda. However, he has to understand he needs to give you a break. I hope you can get that through to him. Are the people still coming in to help him yet? If not maybe you can try that again and see if he would cooperate now. A good thing you were able to stop the bleeding! I am guessing he is on blood thinners. Does he have an electric shaver? Lol I know so many questions! I hope you enjoy getting out to do some shopping today.

    The game was really good yesterday, Janet. Loved the pics you have on FB. I know Yikes on all the snow coming! They say we are going to get over a foot of it! Enough already! Enjoy your dinner and puttering around.

    I hope the BD party was a hit, Michelle.

    Congrats on acquiring the adjacent 80 acres of land! Lol I know what you mean about rocks just seem to grow out of nowhere like they are weeds or something!

    We are doing laundry and for dinner, we are having pot roast with all the trimmings.

    Wishing everyone a pleasant Sunday!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Hi Joce! Good luck with your laundry. Pot Roast sounds wonderful. Is Chris back yet?
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    He has several electric razors Joce ... he likes to switch off and he knows he is suppose to use electric. He wanted to test the waters and well that just didn't work out like he thought it would. He has been off all meds since end of January including the blood thinner.
    Pot roast sounds fabulous! and so does roast chicken!
  • laurieg 7 years ago said:
    Hi everyone
    Congrats on the land purchase.
    Snow snow and more snow. I so want to live somewhere warm and by the beach.
    Franks shoulder has been bothering him he has had two cortisone shots so shoveling is not the best but when we try to help him he has to have it in a certain way lol
    The doctor found something on the MRI and he told frank he doesn't usually see these things in men his age and so frank says do you see it in older men and the doctor said no we usually see it in women lol!! So he ordered some blood work. Everything came back normal but his sugar is slightly elevated. Meaning borderline but he thinks he can get it under control with diet and exercise. Not a surprise since all we have been doing since I left Macys is eating and drinking. But we are getting back on track.
    Today's dinner roasted chicken and potatoes with stuffed artichokes. I broke down and bought 4 artichokes at $2.50 each. I feel like that is expensive
    Hunkering down in the snow. I did get on the treadmill this morning and took Becca to turn in her paperwork for her road test on Friday.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Ugh on Frank having to get cortisone shots Laurie. :( You know the pain's bad when....Glad to hear his MRI and blood work went fine. I'm sure he'll get his sugar under control now that he knows it's a bit high. Go you on the treadmill.
  • mbelisle 7 years ago said:
    Hi all and Happy Sunday
    Early Monday morning here and I am sitting in the airport at Nausori with my breakfast?? of a can of salted peanuts and a Coke Zero. I left home at 6:30 to be at the check in counter for 7 (even though I did online check in) as prescribed, and now here I sit to wait for the 10:05 flight to Auckland. It is an interesting mix of old and new here with everything done on the computer but also done manually at the same time so it makes for a lot of hurry up and wait. They are sticklers for the rules though so if you aren't checked in on time they actually close check in and you forfeit the ticket, even if you are the next person in line when the time is called.
    The mall birthday scavenger hunt sounds excellent Michelle. I know my daughter and her friends would have had a blast with that one in middle school. Hope it all went great.
    Linda, glad to hear that DH is trying which is good but you do need to take time for you as well. Thinking about you and wishing you well.
    Karen I am not sure where your rocks are sprouting from but I know that where I grew up, they were from the ice age. The glaciers stopped going south right around our part of the province and as they melted they dropped random rocks everywhere. Over the hundreds of years those rocks worked down and then back up through the top layers of soil and it seemed like every year new ones popped back up where none had been the year before. My uncle had piles of them on his farm on the edge of the valley and kept having to pick more all the time.
    Janet I can only imagine how great it would be to go to a live NHL game. I have only ever been to major league baseball and CFL football games and they are both fun - like you say a totally different experience than on TV. Still, I think overall I like the recliner and glass of wine over -20 football in high winds.
    Yuck on all the snow Laurie!
    Roast sounds delicious Joce.
    Hope everyone has a great day.
    Michelle B
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Ugh at Peanuts and Coke for breakfast Michelle B. but I know travelling isn't always conducive to good meals. LOL @ -20 football in high winds. I hear you. Have a good trip. Safe travels. Perhaps they'll feed you on the plane?
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Ufff, since it was a nice day here I wanted to go out for a bit and too get the dog out so I thought lunch out would be a good idea and DH seemed to be on board. After a battle of the wills as to when we left decided to go to TGIFridays since we don't know nobody there so he wouldn't feel awkward. Worse meal and service! The place wasn't even busy and after about 20 minutes or so I had to get up and get someone to find out when we'd get the 2 cups of soup we ordered to start. Someone brought those out and I told them bring the rest of the order so they did. The meal was awful. DH had a burger and I had a Mahi wrap with 2 teeny tiny pieces of fish. Then when I paid the bill in cash, needed change, she disappears again for about 15 minutes. Had to go inside and tell the hostess to find her. Needless to say I got my change and left, no tip either.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Good afternoon. We are back from church and I am settled in my recliner with Trouble on my lap. She is the chubby (VERY much so) black kitty when fears nothing and no one.

    We have a TGIF in Springfield but the service is much better,, Linda. We ate at Millers Grill on the way home. I had my chicken fiesta salad, and Wayne had bacon wrapped pork tenderloin. Hope DH improves. You must have been scared to death with his attempt to shave. Maybe hide the razors? Hope he gives up and lets therapists come in to help him. We don't plan to do much with the land except open up Gator friendly trails. I have not seen all of it yet.

    Janet, My fridge will run away if I don't clean it soon. I think I will watch sports in my recliner, maybe twenty years ago attending the game would have been fun! Ha ha. I am glad you had a wonderful time.

    Joce, pot roast was my grandmas signature dish, only they did at call it that back in the fifties! Yum!

    Laurie, getting back on track is no fun....LOL! I have to start eating better or else.

    Michelle B, a can of salted peanuts isn't bad for breakfast.....ha ha...better than a couple of cream filled donuts!! I don't do Coke Zero bec. Don't trust sweeteners except for stevia. I would really miss a good cup of java with real Cream and stevia.

    We are in a bad dry spell. Need some precipitation so please, guys, feel free to ship some excess Canadian or Massachusetts snow this direction.

    Have a great day!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Sorry to hear lunch out was not a good experience at TGIFriday's Linda. :(

    Your dinner at Miller's Grill sounded nice Karen. That's not a good thing that you are having a dry spell. We certainly have extra precip to send you but I suspect you wouldn't like it once it arrived. It snowed here all day long and hasn't stopped yet.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    DH does do the therapies. 2 times a week speech comes, occupational, and physical come to the house. So that's 6 times a week for about 45 minutes each session. It won't last long. The insurance only covers so many visits but all three put in for another round. If he doesn't participate I told him I'd put him in a nursing home and I mean it, I will get an elder law attorney and put him in a home. I can't force him to take meds but I will force the therapy issue.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    I will take my chances Janet. Send the snow!

    It seems insurance never does cover the amount of treatment that is needed, Linda. Hoping things improve.
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    Has anyone heard from Marie? The Oroville dam is overflowing and the town is under mandatory evacuation to Chico. I've lost email contact with her and Frankieanne. I'm worried.

    Olivia was in a car accident. Rear ended by a car driving without their lights. Air bag deployed and she is bruised everywhere. Don't know if her car is drivable. Glad I kept the convertible.

    Linda, honey...I am sending hugs and prayers your way. Recovery is hard on the caregiver as much as the patient. Take advantage of any offer for help. Be kind to yourself. My Fred would often be inconsolable over the things he could no longer do. It broke my heart. Seeing the frustration in his eyes was hard. I will admit that I wasn't as patient as I could have been. I still feel guilty for every harsh word uttered. I miss him so.

    Hi to everyone. I have far too much to catch up with the group but my eyes are closing. Take care.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Tina, I hope Olivia is feeling better soon. Thank goodness for airbags!

    Thanks for letting us know. The news tonight showed a dam in California leaking water and they have ordered people to leave for fear it blows. Didn't realize that was where Marie was.

    Missed you.

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