Sunny Saturday

  • LindaLMT 8 years ago
    Good Day Everyone ... Hope your Saturday is wonderful.

    The day started filled with Sunshine and warm weather (88 degrees right now). Weather predicts a cold front coming in whatever that means. Usually it just means the humidity goes down which I'll take.

    Going to take care of some household chores today, nothing exciting, just stuff that needs to be done that I never feel like doing (laundry, vacuuming, dusting, etc). I should get to the grocery store but I'll do that tomorrow morning.

    Trimmed my bunny's nails this a.m. and noticed that she broke two nails below the quick which is the first time it's happened and odd that it was on both back feet the same toes ??? I trimmed the jagged edges and treated with hydrogen peroxide. She's fine but I'm sure it's tender.

    Nothing planned for dinner tonight. I'm so in the mood for brick oven pizza ... I'm hoping DH will be also.
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Good morning..I mean good afternoon to you Linda:) Wow on 88 degree weather..we're supposed to get into the 70's's a dry here here though. I cannot handle humidity at all..I guess you get used to it?
    I'm doing EOM stuff today in the office..Rick is installing a door and has another call after that. Also doing laundry..neve rending laundry!
    You have a bunny? They are the sweetest little things..I have always wanted to have bunnies, but afraid to do so since we have cats...

    Janet, no, I didn't pickup donuts for the delivery guy:( Just tipped him and gave him some Reese's PB eggs..leftover from Easter.

    I'm thinking grilled chicken and mushroom risotto for dinner. Rick loves making risotto..more power to him:) haha

    Back to work..have a lovely Saturday all:)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi Linda. Welcome to Our Daily Dinner.

    You are in Florida? I guess cold weather there is different than Missouri. LOL! Temperature today will run in the fifties, sunny. April is supposed to be dry, hope we don't have another drought this Spring.

    We are at an auction .... Wayne is looking at the stuff outside but I opted to sit inside out of the wind and weather. Bought enough already ... ha! Have to stay away from the quilts or we will never fit it in the truck. Did find a wooden basket with lid and an hour glass I could not resist.

    Have a good day all.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Good Morning Linda! Wow on 88F! We're at 4C/39F at the moment. Supposed to get colder tomorrow. Fun on your bunny. What's her name? Perhaps she got her foot stuck somewhere and that caused the nails to break? How old is she? Do you make your own pizza or go out for it?

    Morning Marie! Oops....guess it is afternoon isn't it. Here anyway. :) LOL @ the Reese's peanut butter eggs. That's cute! Grilled chicken and mushroom risotto sounds wonderful. Don't work too hard.

    Good afternoon Karen! I'd be a sucker for quilts big time too! The basket and hour glass sound cool.

    Had a lovely long Skype call with Benjamin and we ate and had coffee before that. I'd best get my day going forward. The sun has peeked out for a bit although it was 'sleeting' just a few minutes ago. May go on an artist's studio tour today and I am craving BBQ steak big time so need to do something about that.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    70 degrees is an ideal temp Marie.
    Bella is my 3rd bunny. I have had one as an indoor, litterbox trained pet now for the last 16 years. I found Bella in a field dumped after Easter July 2011 so she'll be 5 this year. She was about 4 months old when I caught her. She's been spayed, lives in the house, and is all Black. Bunnies are sweet. I volunteer my time providing education and write for a newsletter for a rescue group I aligned myself with back in NJ. She probably did snag her nail on the carpet, how I don't know because we don't have loopy carpet just for this reason.
    The auction sounds fun Karen! I love finding cool unusual things. Thank you for welcoming me too.
    I do and have made my own pizza many times Janet but I'm not wanting to make a mess for more to clean up, at least not today.
    Time to get my lazy self over to the gym and burn some calories. Have a great day all!
    I'm hoping I'm catching everyone's name correctly, if I'm not please bring it to my attention as I mean no intentional disrespect.
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Hi Karen..I agree, the auction sounds like fun:)

    Janet, I've come to the conclusion that the drivers don't care what kind of treat they get as long as they get one:) It was Jelly Belly's the last time:)
    How nice you got to talk with Benjamin this morning..he's something else:) I admire what he's totally cool to be living and working in another country... really breaks my heart that some people think animals are "throw away"..especially Easter bunnies...that's why they say to NOT give an animal as a present for Easter, Christmas etc..they are not gifts, but lifelong "family". Good for you being into the rescue part of your love for rock my dear:)

    OK, back to work..sigh...almost done though:)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    I've really never had an experience with bunnies. None of my friends had them and I never did. Bella is a cute name. Love that your write for a newsletter and volunteer for a Rescue Group Linda. I'd like to do that kind of thing one day. Go you on the gym. A lazy self is when you don't go to the me. :) Don't fret one bit over getting everyone's names right at the beginning. It takes a while and we certainly won't take any offense.

    Jim ADORES Jelly Belly jelly beans Marie. It's one of his favourite sweets. I admire Benjamin too. He's thinking of heading to China to teach next. He and his friends are off tomorrow morning to Yilan, Taiwan until Tuesday. It's 'Tomb sweeting Holiday" there so he has a couple of days off of work.

    Off to the Studio Tour. I packed us a lunch today as we've eaten lunch out too much this week. :) Egg salad. Jim's fave. An apple, some cold cuts rolled up and some nice old white cheddar cheese slices.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Good Afternoon! It's noon here and I still feel like I just woke up ;) I've wasted my morning looking at microwave hood combos and kitchen pantry's on-line. I'm being very careful with this kitchen reno, I want to make sure I have enough drawers for utensil's, and even a junk drawer. I was getting out a pen and a measuring tape and realized how much I rely on my "junk drawer" battery's, flashlight, note pads. So I changed the pantry to have 3 outside drawers, with one small drawer for 'junk'...pheww..I'm glad we're not rushing it! Since we're saving so much money on the countertops, I'm going to get a porcelain farm sink! I'm so excited! I've always wanted the butcher block with a white farm sink! :)
    It's another warm day for us, 20c degrees again (68f) which is hot for us in April. I think I'll grill some burgers outside tonight, with some foil packed potatoes.

    Hi Linda, Poor bunny, I hope her nails heal quickly. Good on you for rescuing, we have two rescue dogs and I fostered two other rescues when I lived on Vancouver island.

    Hi Marie, I hope your work is over soon! I love that Rick makes risotto, that's awesome! ;)

    Hi Karen, those auctions sound like fun. I've only gone to vehicle auctions with my dad. 4 yrs ago we bought our truck at an auction here, a 3 yr old F-150 for $7000, and even the used blackbook value today is $13,000. So not bad if you know your prices. I'd probably get carried away at an antique auction though! Lol ;)

    Hi Janet, that's great you had a long talk with Benjamin. How's he feeling now? Better I hope! How long does he have on his work Visa, I'm guessing he can renew it for longer or does it change if goes to another country?

    Well, my day is wasting--better get a start on!
    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    SP Marie. Hi Shona and Janet.

    Auction was fun. We are home and glad to relax. Left the stuff on the truck for unloading later. It is good to be home.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Sounds like you're having fun with your kitchen reno plans Shona. I LOVE my junk drawers! We have three. One for things like you mention, tape, scissors, batteries, post-it notes, etc. and then Jim and I each have our own. (Jim's is far neater and way more organized than mine) :) Mine is full of address labels, envelopes, note pads and odds and sods of things I don't want to throw out yet. :) A Butcher Block counter top with a white farm porcelain sink sounds super nice. I wouldn't get a porcelain sink myself, purely because I do drop things a lot and I'd be worried I'd knick it.Benjamin is feeling a bit better thanks. He went back to the hospital yesterday and got some stronger drugs. They did another x-ray and told him to come back in a week if he's not better.

    What did Wayne end up finding at the auction Karen?

    We're just home from our jaunt as well. It stayed pretty sunny out for the most part which was nice for a drive around the countryside. I bought two fabric bookmarks and three fabric brooch/pins and that's it. We went to four of the studio tour stops. One was at a Brewery. LOL. The artist there did encaustic art.....wax. It was very neat. Jim ended up trying three types of beer and bringing home a bottle of their Blonde beer as well as a bottle of carbonated maple water which is kind of cool.
    Picked up two rib-eyes to BBQ this evening. Checked a butcher in Almonte and they were asking $30/lb. for their beef tenderloin so we high-tailed it out of there in a hurry. Our local butcher is half the price and we think they're expensive. :) It cost me $31 for two steak, but they are beauts.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi again.
    We bought an assortment of junk..ha ha. Car ramps, battery charger, wooden ammo boxes for decoration, hour glass, kerosene lamps, BB gun for GS to practice target shooting, ceramic heater for daughter for next winter, pet carrier (new). Went to the Eat In Place for lunch, Wayne a tenderloin sandwich and I got a taco salad and iced coffee -- except it came with real whipped cream and chocolate sauce -- not what I expected! I will fix a ham and egg dish for supper, maybe.

    Love bookmarks! Fabric pins sound so cute.

    Junk drawers are a necessity, I have a modified one in the kitchen but it is under control. The real one is in the cart in the sun room. It needs redoing! It is just a relocated one.

    Wayne is back from walking Fritz so I am joining them to do chores. See you later.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi all, games Caiden had a morning game and then Bri had a tournament for the rest of the day. Didn't get home until about 10pm then we have to be back up there in the morning at 8am. I'm pooped! Hope everyone had a great day, may pop in tomorrow evening, if not, Monday :) Good night!

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