Taipei Tuesday!

  • chuckieb 10 years ago
    Morning Guys!
    I got caught up a bit at the tale end of last night's thread so thought I'd finish by beginning today's. :)
    Browneyedgirl.....on the whole....we try and do one thread per day. One person generally starts it and then everyone just pops in and out throughout the day to chat. Feel free to jump in at any time! If everyone starts their own thread the conversation gets a bit fragmented.
    We had yet another lovely day today and we sure are getting to see the sights. We slept in late after last night's jaunt and headed off around 1? to Wulai which is the most mountainous district in Taipei and also known for its hot springs. Pic below of a walking bridge we crossed the river on.You can rent a room there at any number of hotels/spas that line the streets for a two hour period and have your own private hot springs experience. The rooms have two chambers. A sitting area and then an area with a hot springs pool (fed by the hot springs directly outside) and a cold plunge pool for contrast. it was awesome. (And inexpensive!) A late lunch at a booth on the main drag (an indian naan chicken roll) and then we walked up aways to see the Wulai waterfall. It was extremely humid, misty and rainy. A real rainforest experience. In just a bit we're heading to Benjamin's favourite bar for dinner.
    Pic below I already posted on FB but it's of the coolest fruit I've ever seen called a Buddha's head, or Sugar apple (although it is nothing like an apple in any way), Custard apple, foreign lychee or Sakya. It weighs about a half a pound and you're supposed to refrigerate it and then it tastes like Mother Nature's ice cream. It has pulpy segments and custard inside and a lot of seeds, very very much like watermelon seeds. About 30 seeds per fruit. To die for. Jim and I picked one up at an outdoor fruit market the other day and I'll be sure to go back and get another before we leave.
    That's great you got some replacement plants Michelle! doing okay? Today's a day off for you I believe. Have a good one.
    Hope you had a nice Skype call with your brother and parents Shona!
    Hope Den made out at the Dentist okay yesterday Joce.
    Have a wonderful day everybody!
  • notyourmomma 10 years ago said:
    Hey all. I'm tired. I can't seem to beat the fatigue. My chatty Cathy gene is in retrograde at the moment. Going to get my nails done today. Fred is being a real pill. No matter what I say he snaps at me. It is getting old fast. This too shall pass. (Thank you dear Pat)

    Janet, you are killing me with the foods and adventures. I am living vicariously through your trip. I'd be so happy with trying the different veggies and fruits. Weird meats, maybe not.
    It does seem that Benj has carved a nice niche in his neighborhood. So very cool.

    Liv has been scarce for a week. I miss her. My friend Lynda went through her reconstructive surgery yesterday, She did well. She is asking Liv to come up in 6 weeks to help them move. She will be starting her chemo then and will really need the help. I want to bi-locate. Although I doubt I'd be much help with moving.

    I haven't had time to read back....will do when I get home. I did see the Pioneer Woman do a show on investment cooking and her do-ahead hints are going to help me with my cooking marathon tomorrow. Hugs and best dishes.....LOL
  • Good4U 10 years ago said:
    Janet, You are getting to see such amazing places and what a pleasant way to experience hot springs with your own private room. That would be awesome to see! The Buddha's head fruit looks and sounds very cool indeed. No doubt you are all tucked into your bed for a much deserved sleep.

    It is pouring rain here at the moment! LOL Not much exciting happening here again:)
    We are having leftover have with cheesy scalloped potatoes for dinner. I am not sure what else we will have with that on the side yet.

    Wishing everyone a very pleasant day!
  • chuckieb 10 years ago said:
    Hey Tina....totally understandable that you're tired. You work like a dog maam. :) Have a wonderful day off and enjoy your pampering at Ang's. (Is she still doing your nails or is she off yet?) Mani-pedi's are big here. The majority of women are all coiffed and they dress more fashionably than us Canucks at home too. :) Hope Fred's meds are in order. It's happened it the past when he gets grumpy his meds are off. Glad to hear Lynda is doing well and got through her surgery. Cool on the Pioneer Woman's investment cooking.
    Yes Joce, I honestly feel blessed. I am seeing and experiencing such things that I never ever thought I'd see or do before. We got home just a bit ago so are having a glass of wine before we head to bed. I like the sounds of the pouring rain much more than hearing of snowstorms. :) Cheesy scalloped potatoes sound awesome! :) I bought some nice looking asparagus at the Morning Market today to make the three of us eggs benedict for brekkie tomorrow.
  • Good4U 10 years ago said:
    Tina, I am glad Lynda is doing so well after her surgery:) Pics of your nails please when you get a chance.
  • Cosmicmother 10 years ago said:
    Hi Janet! Gosh if you didn't tell me that bridge was is Taipei I would have thought you were on the Capilano Suspension bridge in Vancouver! Wow, it looks so cool, especially in the mist! What does that fruit taste like? Does it have a citrusy flavour, or just creamy like a pudding? So interesting! Sounds like you are having the time of your life, I am living vicariously through you too!! :)
    I don't think I saw that PW episode yet Tina, is it a new one? I tape all her shows but on Food Network Canada we get them a year behind. I saw one where she shows you all her frozen things and what she stocks up on in the pantry etc. When I worked Mon-fri, I would try and do a big Sunday cook off, chili, lasagne things like that. I still poach chicken breasts so that we always have them around for lunches, the kids like wraps and I put them on my salads etc. So much cheaper then buying the pre cooked sliced chicken breasts at the store! I hope you get some much needed rest, take care!
    That's nice you have some leftovers still Joce. We're all out now and I don't feel like cooking today. I kept Sophia home from school, it's her last day of antibiotics and truthfully we just wanted to sleep in too, lol, how awful of me! ;)
    Hey Michelle, yep, that was back when doctors said women could not get pregnant while they breast fed! Apparently my parents waited exactly six weeks after me and boom pregnant with my brother right away! My mom said it was like having twins! We were the same age in September and all the kids thought we were twins except we were in different grades. We always confused people, "well how are you both 12 yrs old but you're not twins?" Lol, always fun! :)
    The kids rode their bikes yesterday, and by golly they out grew those too, and even their helmets!! What on earth are they eating to make them sprout like that??! LoL, Sophia's knees hit the handle bars, thankfully her birthday is in May so we can get her a new bike then! :) It must be those chia-berry smoothies I feed them, too much protein!! hah ;)
    Have a great day everybody!
  • Good4U 10 years ago said:
    Janet, Here is the grandson of a famous Taiwanese artist Yang San Lang who is overseeing an Art Museum Gallery of his Grand-father's works. Part 1, 2 and 3.

    Shona, LOL I had heard about that myth about breast feeding and birth control:) Den had a couple of brother's and sisters who were born very close like that as well. Maybe 11 months apart? Kids seem to grow like weeds sometimes. Lucky Sophia getting to sleep in and not having to go to school. She might as well enjoy a day off when she really isn't sick:)
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    Good afternoon everyone!! Hi Janet! I've always wanted to go somewhere with a hot springs...I bet it feels amazing!! That is the weirdest looking fruit ever...and who would have known what creamy looking goodness you'd find cool!!
    Tina, sorry to hear about Mr. Grouchy Pants today...just take a nice extra long time at the nail salon and hopefully it will pass. Glad to hear your friend Lynda is doing well after the surgery.
    Hi Joce, I love to have my boring day's sometimes! It's nice to just huddle up on the couch with a blanket on a rainy day and watch movies!
    Lol Shona, at people thinking you and your brother were twins! I know what you mean about kids outgrowing stuff! Luckily my SIL is only 16 so Briauna get's some of her hand me down bikes, toys and stuff.
    Took Caiden to the library but it was SO crowded we had to get in and out quick! Usually we hang around and they have a section with toys, puzzles and puppets but I forgot it was Toddler time and it's insane in there! Ended up taking him across the street to the park. Tonight I am making tostadas but I am out of taco seasoning for the ground beef, so I will probably be looking for a homemade mix for that.
    Looks like it may rain, so now I can just get some cleaning done around the house. Have a great day everyone!!
  • Cosmicmother 10 years ago said:
    The taco seasoning recipe I have at home is exactly like this except I add a 1/4-1/2 tsp of coriander and it's perfection, just like the packages! Taco Seasoning
    We're suppose to get a big storm coming in tonight, they are calling it a 30 hour storm! I guess I should get out and walk the dogs now. Sophia wanted to go to the park too. We don't have any rain boots, I tried looking for two weeks now and every store has sold out of our sizes already. This town is weird like that, you can't find hats and mittens in winter, bathing suits or bug spray in summer, school supplies in Fall! It's crazy!
  • notyourmomma 10 years ago said:
    I have the coolest nails....sunsets with palm trees. I have lavender/orchid toes too. And yes, Fred is off his medication and he is very very difficult to deal with these days.

    I'm starving. I didn't eat breakfast. I have some spicy hummus and celery. Then I need a nap.

    Oh, I love tostadas...especially guacamole with lots of shredded lettuce and cheese. Michelle, good luck with the new plants.

    Shona, it must have been a repeat of PW. I do the poached chicken breast ahead and freeze them too. I like the idea of her freezing in flat bags for chili, sloppy joes and spaghetti. I do a lot of two-fers. Double casseroles and freeze. I think I'll be making the sloppy joes with ground turkey and made a turkey pot pie x 2. with the turkey breast from the freeze. I think I'll do some stuffed shells with ricotta and chicken sausage. And hopefully I can get a couple of pans of layered Mexican bake.
    Good luck on the painting. I have a ceiling in desperate need of paint, too. Fixed the leak but we haven't painted the mess on the ceiling.

    Joce, have you ever frozen the cheesy potatoes and ham? I'm wondering if I could do that too, but I'm afraid it would get watery.

    Okay, time for me to nap. Going to bed at 4:40 am and getting up at 9:30 is for the birds.
  • Good4U 10 years ago said:
    Michelle, I bet it would be crazy in a library at Toddler Time! LOL now that wouldn't be boring at all:)

    Shona, A thirty hour storm that is crazy!

    Tina, Your nails sound fabulous! Did Fred take himself off his meds or did the doctor do that? I think the cheesy scalloped potatoes would freeze just fine. Although to be honest I have never done it. I've seen them for sale like that in the freezer section though. The scalloped potatoes absorb most of the liquid after they are cooked. Sometimes I even have to add more milk after they have sat in the fridge overnight. I am not sure if it would do well with ham in it? I have never been crazy about ham after it has been frozen myself. It seems to be watery and and rubbery loses something in that process like many things IMHO.
  • laurieg 10 years ago said:
    Hey everyone! I've been lurking.
    I think we are all living vicariously through Janet! What an adventure. Frank has a secondcousin that lives in Tiawan part time I think. We are FB friends but I not really close friends. It's funny to see my FB page I see your pictures and then his both from Tiawan but totally different
    Took joy for a nice long walk yesterday and today around Horn pond. Saw a cool blue heron (pretty rare around here) also a mama swan in her nest with daddy guarding in front.
    I think tonight is going to be hotdogs on the grill. Beans and broccoli.
    Kids are on vacation this week and both are at friends houses.
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    I like the looks of that taco seasoning Shona...pretty sure I have all the ingredients too! Wow a 30 hour storm...Good luck!!!
    Tina your nails sound beautiful...can't wait to see them :) Okay you got me making gaucamole to go on the tostadas tonigh..sounds good! I have heard potatoes don't freeze well, but I have never tried it to find out, so don't take my word for it!
  • notyourmomma 10 years ago said:
    I think in another lifetime, I may have tried to freeze scalloped potatoes with ham and it was watery. I tell you, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I know when I freeze stew with potato chunks, they don't turn out well at all. So maybe this will be a make and eat the same day casserole.

    My doggone phone will not "share" my pic of the nails to gmail, but it did to FB. Why?

    Laurie, hot dogs on the grill sound delicious. Enjoy the drama free night with the girls at their friends. Liv and I are at odds and I'm so over the drama with this mamma.

    Michelle, I love guacamole. Lime juice, grated onion, a bit of tomato, salt and NO cilantro is my purest guacamole. I've seen those crazy shows that have blue cheese in guac, or grilled pineapple in guac, or even bacon in guac. I can not wrap my head around those weird concoctions.

    Lola used to hang with pit bulls all day and our Charlie and Molly do NOT intimidate her in the least. She actually made Molly back down the hallway while she charged. They were playing but made me laugh hysterically. Skippy the cranky old lady makes Lola back off. So funny. Someone her own size makes her back off and the big guys are a piece of cake.

    Okay, I have my list and have checked it twice. Sam's Club at 9:00 a.m. Cookathon manana.

    Has anyone heard of Dingus Day? Please enlighten me. I know I can google, but my daughter and her "in-laws" w/o benefit of marriage wore matching t-shirts for Dingus day at the Toasted Monkey?? I missed the wedding apparently, but since my kid is dressing in matching shirts with her BF and his family and has been absent for days. I have to wonder does a Dingus day cause complete lapse of judgement? Okay, whine off.
  • notyourmomma 10 years ago said:
    okay rant on. I spelled it wrong.
    Dyngus Day is also celebrated annually in South Bend, Indiana and the surrounding region. People from South Bend and many visitors come to the area. Each bar is a bus stop for the day to ferry people to each bar.

    Scotty and his family is from South Bend. It explains it all. The bar hopping is an exact fit. He said to Olivia he would give her to Dyngus day to make up her mind about their relationship. No wonder she is avoiding me.
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
    Okay.Some times I really don't know what to say so I stay quit.
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    Browneyegirl if your worried about jumping in the conversation or trying to respond to everyone DON'T worry about it! If you want to just pop in and quickly say what is going on in your day or what your cooking up that night that's great! In fact that's what some of us do when we don't have time or don't feel like going back and reading everything. This group is just about chit chatting and that's it! No need to quit :) :) :) Actually the post's you were adding would have been great just put in our daily thread.
    Tina, WHAT! No cilantro in guacamole! :P I do agree with you on all the weird ingredients...not a fan of that!
  • notyourmomma 10 years ago said:
    Michelle, I do like my salsa, but not in guac? How weird is that. I was a former cilantro hater....but I like it with tomato, onion and peppers.

    I've been fine tuning the list and planning my prep time. I'm sick of sandwiches for dinner and can't wait to portion a "hot" food into the rotation.

    Browneyedgirl, just jump in the are welcome to ODD. We chit chat and it is never meant to be a chore. Just respond to the thread of a day to keep the conversation in one thread.....adding a new thread will splinter the conversation as Janet said earlier. One daily thread for Our Daily Dinners, unless you have special pictures to share like JJ and her granddaughter sewing.

    I'm whipped and need to sleep.

    Come back to the five and dime....Marie, Joce, Laura, we love your input. Hugs to all. Just ready to drop.....see you manana.
  • chuckieb 10 years ago said:
    Morning guys! It's my birthday today! :) Am feeling very happy and blessed. Just got back from having a family breakfast at Benjamin's apartment. Made Eggs Benedict with asparagus. Which sounds waaaayyyyyy easier than it was as they honestly have a very limited kitchen. Two elements period. No toaster. I toasted the toast over the elements with chopsticks. Had to reheat them just before serving. Used one element to cook up the Hollandaise and then the second to saute the asparagus which I then had to throw in with the sauce to keep it warm and then poach up the eggs. Ate around the coffee table. But it was perfect. :)
    Shona, the Buddha's head fruit doesn't taste like any other kind of fruit I've ever had. the custard is sweet and creamy. None of it tastes citrusy. So hard to explain. But so good. :) I think it's nice for all of you that you kept Sophia home. That's cool you're so close in age to your brother. LOL that your kids are growing so fast. :) A 30 hr. storm? I'll cross my fingers that you don't get flooded out!
    Those were neat links to the Gallery and Christopher Joce thanks. I'll go back and watch them in full later. We had our movie night in that large room with the paintings and piano. It was a wonderful setting.
    How did your Tostadas turn out Michelle? It sounds like a lovely day...library and then the park.
    Tina, your nails are beautiful. I think I've tried to freeze Ham n' Scalloped potatoes before but it didn't work very nicely. LOL @ Lola. She sounds like quite the character. Sorry things are a bit bumpy with Liv as well as Fred being grumpy. I do feel bad for Olivia if Scotty has given her an ultimatum.
    And yes everyone's said, what you say in your individual threads is perfect to post in here.
    That's pretty cool that Frank's 2nd cousin lives in Taiwan Laurie. Do you know where? Nice on your walk around Horn Pond. I've always believed that seeing a Blue Heron is good luck. :) Not that you of all people need any more of that. :) Yum on hotdogs and nice that the girls are on vacation this week.
    I had a wonderful sleep last night and I'm raring to go. Benj headed off to work and Jim and I are going to go check out the Museum of Natural History. It's very cool to learn more about Taiwan's culture and history.
    Sleep tight everyone.
    Sleep sweet Kimmer.
    Connie...missing you too!
  • browneyegirl 10 years ago said:
    Mommyluvs2cook, I understand what you are sayen.Some times that I don't know what to say so I stay quit.Notyourmomma, that I agree.I'm not a really chattie person.It's hard for me to think of things to say so I let it all be.
    Chuckieb, I know.That's why I post like the ones I've posted.

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