Tell us a Tale Tuesday.....

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone!
    I was thinking the other day about the ladies that have come and gone within the ODD Framework of GR. Sure miss a lot of them. And it got me to thinking about it's beginnings. I joined about four years ago. I was really nervous to join. It was Benjamin that found GR for me. He had been encouraging me to go on FB or join different groups online so I could chat with people of similar interests. When I started, Tina, you weren't actually active at that point. Pat and Lori were the main ringleaders and after awhile, months, a year? you came back on....but they did tell me that it was you that had started the group (and they also told me what a great person you were)
    But then all me to wondering about the beginning because I think ODD is pretty much the same age as GR am I right? So if you have the time or inclination today Tina....tell us a tale...Tell us how it all began....first people to join things have changed over the years, etc. Were there lots of other groups like ODD at the beginning? I know there was a dark time for GR where there was a lot of silly people trash talking and what not. That too happened I think just prior to me joining cuz I missed it all thank goodness! :)
    What time did was your brisket finally done Tina?
    Sorry to hear Rachel's still hurting Laurie. :( Congrats to Becca's team on the win. LOL @ your Aunt and the new bed story. :)
    LOL @ your SIL having no inclination to live in a rural setting Karen. Different strokes right? :) Scary on the fire. Good the truck got there just in time for sure! I used to visit this super cool place not far away called "The Herb Garden" and they used to sell a lot of essential oils and such. Loved them.
    Not sure about dinner yet. Thinking maybe Pork Larb. I'm going to decorate the inside of the house for Fall today. :)
    Joce, hope you're doing okay.
    Michelle, how'd your burrito bowl turn out?
    Marie, is it today that you guys are changing the garage door springs on that person's doors or was that yesterday after Rick's big door job?
    Wishing everyone a really nice day.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    I was on Allrecipes first it was different than it is today, less commercialized. And it was Keni who invited me to join her group and I was mostly in that group and then came onto this group I think it was Lilliancooks that was very active (I have such a bad memory). And then she upped and started something else and there was drama that I wasn't involved in so I stayed with GR and ODD. There has been some trolls and some fights. Pointsevenout was also a daily poster and I really enjoyed him but he sometimes made comments that you really have to take with a grain of salt lol and he was chased away. I miss him and the chasers aren't even in the group anymore. Maybe. He could be invited back? I mean this is the internet you are going to get some different senses of humor and personality but unless someone is an outright racist or defamatory I say live and let live.
    Not sure what's for dinner but I'm off to work on this dreary rainy day! Be back later
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    ODD is a comfortable chat group - and very supportive. I can tell by the postings that political differences etc. are accepted. The main subject is cooking and recipes, but we are also interested in supporting each other. I feel comfortable here and have noticed the friendliness from day one.

    There are some groups I would like to see removed (Marijuana, etc.) as well as the obvious spam posts and the test groups that clutter the site. I also feel that the site managers need to be more attentive to removing less than stellar groups / people. But that is another story.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good morning ladies:)

    I also miss everyone who used to frequent ODD on a daily basis..Pat, of course...& Corinne & Lori..I am glad we have the "newer" members though, Michelle, Karen & Shona:) This is such a great group of people! I can't remember when I joined ODD..craft:) I've been here 4 years now..

    I'll be heading to Chico to check on Mom ^ Dad, then I'll have to get some EOM stuff done when I get back home...

    I don't know what the heck to have for dinner! I have lots of fresh veggies I need to use so let me think about it for a bit!!!

    Janet, we did the spring job after he installed the door..the lady was a sweetheart! She had 7 cats! (Lots of cat people here Karen!) Mostly rescues..She got our # from her neighbor..Rick did a job for them a few months ago..anyway, Rick originally installed her door many, many years ago..he must have been in his 20's..he could tell by the type of opener she had the time frame. Made him feel old:) HaHa:)

    Wishing everyone a great Tuesday!
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    I joined ODD and GR about three and a half years ago, when Janet was preparing to go to Italy with her family. It was around Easter time. LOL I still giggle to myself b/c, Janet had misplaced her favourite traveling PJ's and was all in a fluster about it:) Pat said, “don't worry about it you are good to go without them”:) She did finally find them exactly where she thought they would be:)

    When I joined Odd, Pat (now diseased), Laurie, Ang, Marie, Corinne, Brook, Dahlia,, Lori, Laura, Donna, Tina and Janet were the regulars back then. Arthur, Smokey Mike, MichelleB, Noreen and others might pop in now and then. I remember days when we had over a hundred long posts! It was really hard to keep up with all of them. It would be really nice to hear from some of the ones we have been missing from ODD:)
    I LOVE ODD:)

    I have many errands to do today. Many are mandatory and others may have to be done another day. I am picking up a rotisserie chicken meal for dinner tonight so, I don't have to worry about making dinner tonight.

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful day!
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi Joce:) I LOVE ODD as well:) I sure missed quite a few people didn't I...Ang, Dahlia, Brooke & Donna...I haven't forgotten about these wonderful people..just forgot to list them. Your dinner sounds just perfect for a busy day! Off to Chico, I'll check back later:)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    You were the facilitator of another group too weren't you Laurie? Have a good day at work.
    It would be nice if there was someone around that did delete silly groups and such Karen and it would be nice if there was someone around that was there for questions/concerns etc. When I started "Kristopher" was that person and he was on a lot more than now.
    And you're absolutely right Marie....I'm pleased that we get new members on a regular basis. Keeps it fresh. :) Have a nice visit with your parents. My Mom called me this morning as did my Aunt Jeannine which was really sweet. That's fun that Rick had installed that lady's original door way back when. :)
    Giggling a little bit on your spelling of 'deceased' Joce. Pat will be chortling. :) Your memory is far superior to mine so I don't remember a Noreen I don't think. I do however remember the threads with over a 100 posts. LOLOL. Good fun. Good luck with your errands. I love Rotisserie chicken.
    Am thawing some of that breakfast sausage I bought recently to make a Sausage and Leek soup I haven't made in a long time. It's cool out today so soup simmering will be a good thing. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi! I too think I found GR right after all the weirdness happened. I'm curious too of when GR started! I guess it's easy to figure out as we don't see too many recipes older than 6 yrs. I think? Interesting thoughts Janet! The “burrito bowl” turned out AWESOME! I used some homemade enchilada sauce instead of the taco sauce. I did burn some of the sweet potato fries, so I ate those and they didn't bother me one bit lol. Have fun decorating and yum on your soup tonight :)

    Hi Laurie! I do miss Lilliancooks. It was crazy how she was so active in IMI and then just gone! Thank goodness for Frankieanne, she's a great leader in the IMI! Have a good day at work :)

    I agree with you Karen that there is a ton of Groups that could probably be removed, as well as “recipes”.

    Hi Marie :) Holy cow on the amount of cats that lady had! Lol at Rick feeling old, it happens :)

    Lol at you remembering so many details about when you first joined ODD Joce! I didn't know Pat that well, I do remember her popping in IMI every once in a while, and then remember how shocked everyone was when she passed away, me included. I do remember her getting into a big argument over something with someone in the IMI, maybe a couple months before she passed? I think it was Lilliancooks, but maybe not. Good luck running errands and a rotisserie chicken sounds perfect for a busy day!

    Been running around town like a crazy person today, I think I killed a half a tank of gas lol! I went to the farmers market where this time I bought 2 $1 buckets. One with 5 HUGE tomatoes and the other with about 10 medium red potatoes in it. Lovin' the buckets lately! Then made my was to Erma's health food store to pick up a couple things. Also went by Walmart where I found a Woman's Superman shirt with a cape that I am going to where to our next family themed get together. Everyone was told to wear costumes so that will be mine lol. Still have to take the kids costume shopping. I think Caiden want's to be a Ninja Turtle and Bri can't decide. She will probably just make her mind up when she see's something she likes. Gotta get dinner in the crock pot, chili! Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I stumbled on GR originally purely by accident. I joined right away. Now nine years ago, my mind was in a far different place. I was still deeply mourning Tyler. My friendships gained here at GR were a great help in easing that pain and helping my heart heal. It was a meeting of kindred spirits and I still marvel that through the years, how fortunate I am to call you friends.

    Oh Heavens. So many people have come and gone. Joce did a much better job of remembering than I did. I set up the group originally because I truly was curious about daily dinners and what we serve our families. At the initiation of GR there were a flurry of extremely exotic and gourmet recipes being posted. There was a bit of a discussion in ancient Help threads about copying recipes and not crediting the source. I was sick of the bickering. So ODD was born, just tell us what you really cook and share. Pat Leclare, Pat, Corinne, Helene and others were the original posters from the Massachusetts area. Ang and her sister were the St. Louis area, Donna D from Seattle, Lori, Judy and Gem from TN, Laura my fellow Floridian, Linda B from Tx, Renee, and Peeta. Arthur was our flirt and dear kind friend. There were some moments when people were hurt by thoughtless comments and I've only had to delete one post that was highly insensitive. Yes, I did have a sabbatical (Dead computer and no money) and Pat L and Lori were champions in keeping the daily threads going and monitoring the group.

    In the original GR format, people were able to set up numerous accounts using a single computer. There was a column, (thankfully defunct) that showed your ranking on GR. People wanted that top spot on the list. It created a nightmarish flurry of people creating extra personalities who would rank and rate their own recipes to boost the ranking. Certain trolls would enjoy ripping a recipe apart and creating strife. Fortunately in the new format, you can not create extra accounts. The groups with the most discussion activity rises to the top and is easily found by the contributors. AS for all the groups, many were started with a single minded purpose and when the group originator stopped posting to GR after the relaunch, then the group faded away. There should be someone to eliminate the test groups and inappropriate topics.

    I can say it has been a pleasure to meet so many people across the country (countries) and share the conviviality of cooking, either for family or for one. Pat LeClare was a dear woman. She delighted us with her no nonsense attitude. She also kept the threads going. Those 100 post threads were hysterical. We would have such fun and the conversation would go full circle. Pat would often have a typo and it made for some confusion and we would laughingly figure out the intent. She loved lighthouses and shared her many trips. Pat would often say, "This too shall pass" when we presented a dilemma in our lives. Her death was shocking and most sad. She had just hosted a meal for friends, doing what she loved to do best, entertaining.

    The ebb and flow of easy conversations with like-minded individuals is what I love about ODD. It has always been a treat to catch a glimpse of life different than my own. We have had great fun, there is support like no other and it is a lovely part of my day to visit with friends.

    That said, we didn't eat until 9:30 last night. We are having brisket sandwiches for dinner tonight. Heard from Olivia, she is strapped in the back seat for the ride home from Alabama. Her bum hurts more than ever, she should have listened to her momma and stayed home. But "I told you so" is not the conversation she wanted to hear. LOL

    Michelle, I love the costume idea for the next theme party. Ahhhh, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I have a history. When Tyler was alive we used to do a family costume for trick or treat. One year we covered his wheelchair in foam core shaped like a boat and painted it to look like the SS Minnow. Tyler was Gilligan, Olivia was Ginger, I was Mrs. Howell and Fred was the Captain. It was hysterical. Another year, Tyler was Chef Boy-r-Dee, we set up the tray table on the wheelchair with a red and white checked table cloth, with a Chef's hat on his head and we had a big pizza in the box. Fred dressed up as a waiter to push him around the neighborhood. I love Halloween.

    Marie, poor Rick. It must have made him think back, "If I knew then what I know now" kind of way. Nice referral. EOM time, already. Take care.

    Joce, take care with the errands. Thank goodness for rotisserie chicken.

    Laurie, I sure hope Rachel feels better soon. LOL on Simply potatoes. They can be a fail safe time saver. And your story of your conservative aunt made me laugh!

    Karen, glad the fire was taken care of quickly. That brisket was one tough cook. Glad to know I'm not the only one to have one of those kind of cooking days.

    Janet, hope your sausage soup hits the spot today. A lovely cool day sounds wonderful. Our weather is supposed to ease up on the rain by the weekend and it is predicted that Sunday will be our first fall like day. It just finished pouring.

    So nice to hear of your memories of joining ODD. I love having new people chime in and it does a heart good to remember all the others who have been a part of the group.

    Where has the day gone? Yikes, this took me forever to type.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I went to check my email account and low and behold, I had a message that PLeclare was now following me on Twitter. I don't know how that happened, but it is nice to think that Pat can feel me missing her.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Janet, yes, we love all the ladies of ODD:) I believe I told Karen about ODD, I just knew she would love our little group:) We love hearing about her wonderful farm life stories:)
    And our dear Michelle! She adds so much life to our group!

    To answer you question from yesterday, I have never grown parsley.. I wish I could, I have a Rosemary plant, and had some basil last year..we just don't have the sun for a good sized garden..even our tomatoes didn't do well this year:(

    Tina, well said my dear...I am so glad you started ODD..there's nothing like it as far as I'm concerned:)
    Poor Liv! Hope her bum can handle the road trip:( I couldn't sit for that long with a bruised tail bone..:(

    Sauteed chicken tenders with garlic & fresh Rosemary, roasted brussel sprouts (Janet, I KNOW your jealous.hahaha) maybe a salad to go with:)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Oh no on using up a whole half tank of gas Michelle! I'm still very jealous of your $1 buckets. Jim and I are going away this weekend (resort in Algonquin Park, leaves changing, sauna, canoeing, gourmet meals, ahhhhhh) so I won't get a chance to get to the Farmer's Market as I usually do Saturday and I'm worried by the following Saturday I won't be able to buy tomatoes there anymore, which means I have to buy the dreaded grocery store tomatoes! :( I LOVE the Superman shirt costume idea. You are after all a "Superwoman" my dear. :) Yum on Chili.
    ODD is a meeting of kindred spirits Tina you're absolutely right and I also very much love getting that glimpse into others lives as well. You created a good spot here. I didn't realize Ang's sister used to be on here as well. And Peeta used to have another chat group didn't she? I remember one group's thread used to be started by someone who posted it at like midnight. Poor Liv. :( Tyler had awesome costumes! Love it!
    I'm actually making the Leek and Sausage Soup for next week. Doing Pork Larb for tonight's dinner. Jim is inviting a bunch of his 'team' over for dinner next Thursday. Just low-key, homey stuff. There will be people over at the Ottawa Office from the Cambridge Lab as well as maybe one from the California one as well. I asked him for two weeks notice if he was going to go ahead with the dinner. I got a week and two days. : )I haven't totally hammered out the menu yet but I'm thinking of two soups (I'm worried I may get two vegetarian guests which will quite increase my workload), chili, home made bread and cookies for dessert...and a veggie tray....hollowed out peppers and mini pumpkins with dip etc. :)
    Got the house decorated inside for fall and had the Cold Climate Heat Pump guy out once again. He had been given the wrong circuit board the last time he was here so had to come back to install the correct one. Rolling eyes.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    That's super weird about Pat and your Twitter account Tina....although I too love the idea of it. :)
    And okay Marie...I'm not surprised I dreamt you had the parsley plant. :) But you were the inspiration no matter. :)
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Marie, if only I had some brussel sprouts. I love those petite choux roasted with garlic. I'm going to fix some frozen french fries to go with the brisket. The brisket sat in the sauce over night and I skimmed a thick hunk of fat off the top of the dish today. It will slice better chilled for sandwiches. I had Fred get pretzel rolls and I think they will handle gravy and not get too soggy.

    I wish I had planted some herbs. I love rosemary, parsley and thyme. I did have them in the front entry way, but they fried from the eastern sun and I can't keep them alive. Fresh is best.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    I also get phantom notifications of Pat? On FB once while I was on it listed her as also online.
    I did have another group called the Massholes. A play on what people call Massachusetts drivers.
    Tonight's dinner is unstuffed peppers.
    Ugh we got the dreaded MCAS results today. This is a tests in English, math and science that you have to pass in order to graduate high school but the kids start taking them in grade school. Rachel passed by the skin of her teeth in math and science and passed with Advanced in English. So she is all set and can graduate
    Now Becca who is my all A student. Did not pass math or science and got only in proficient ranking in English. How can it be that this child scored higher than 83% of the kids in the state and is currently in honors math but scored "needs improvement". I'm thinking it's the stupid test that needs improvement! Now the tests taken last year don't count for anything but it will stress her out when taking them when it does matter! Rachel and my mom said I should just tell her she passed.? She will obsess over this.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Awwww Janet..I can't believe I was your inspiration..that makes my day..even if it was a dream!!!! What's funny is, I always seem to have fresh parsley around and when a recipe calls for chopped parsley I FORGET to add it every single time! I think it adds so much to a dish..we even like to eat it plain:)

    Tina, I immediately thought of the Simon & Garfunkel song when you mentioned the herbs:) Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme:)
    We love brussel sprouts around here:) My fav way to prepare them is just roasting them with a little EVOO and S&P..I have added dried cranberries to the mix and something else..I forget..oh well, maybe that's why I just use olive oil & S&P!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Lalalalalalalal brussel sprouts lalalalalalalal......:)
    I also think it's interesting that Laura was there at the start. I knew she was on before me but hadn't realized she was an original too. :)
    Pretzel rolls will be wonderful for the brisket Tina. I have rosemary (gotta remember to bring it inside any day now too!), thyme, and mint planted as well and I was just kicking myself this past week that I hadn't used them as much as I should have. I never made Pork Souvlaki once this summer and that's a good one for fresh herbs.
    LOL @ phantom notifications from Pat as well Laurie. Love it! I wonder if it is her daughter checking in on her accounts? Poor Becca. Indeed, it doesn't sound like she needs any more stress! I think those standardized tests miss the mark too. I wonder when they were last revamped? they encourage free minded thinkers?
    lalalalalal brussel sprouts. :)
    My nose is burning from the Thai chili peppers. :(
    And I'm hungry. Dinner won't be for awhile yet.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    The hay is baled. A neighbor with a round baler did small (300 lbs more or less) round bales. I will post pictures some of these days. So funny - it only took 45 minutes to do the round bales instead of 3 or more hours working on the smaller ones.

    Wayne threw his back out again and is trying to get in to the Dr. to see if she can prescribe something. So it is back to using the cane. He fussed that he needed to help with the haying but finally admitted that there was NO WAY he could even climb into the tractor, much less drive it. As it was, he didn't need to worry about it.

    Severe storms are called for on Thursday - maybe. A cold front follows. We need the rain, as evidenced by yesterday's fire.

    It was very interesting reading the background of ODD. I enjoyed the "cameos" of the first to chat.

    Well, horses are fed, outdoor cats are snoozing. Our 19 1/2 year old kitty was not acting right this afternoon. I am keeping an eye on him, and hoping he is not "shutting down." He is laying around more, but then yesterday he strolled up to the barn with Wayne and the other 2 cats.

    I guess I better get supper. I saw a recipe for creamed hard boiled eggs so I will probably concoct my own if I don't have all the ingredients. A little ham and some onions will add flavor.

    Have a nice day.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Karen, ouch on Wayne's back. Hope he bounces back quickly. Glad the baling is done for the season. Ohh, about your old kitty. I know it would be hard to lose another cat so soon after Ezra. My mom used to make creamed hard cooked eggs for her buffet brunches. It is a good dish. She could out Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart. LOL I know she added a bit of ham and I think possibly asparagus pieces to her cream sauce.

    Janet, sorry I misunderstood the meal of the day. You know I would invite myself over for the Pork Larb. Love that dish.....and I could so understand the runny nose from the chilis.
    Ah, the infamous cook for colleague challenge, good for you to plan ahead. You will be fabulous as always. I'm sure Jim's group will appreciate everything you do.

    Laurie, honey...what a dilemma you face! Tell the truth and have Becca panic more or fudge the results and let her have peace. Have you given more thought to a counselor? I can only say after Tyler died and I found that Liv was 'cutting' despite 18 months of therapy and her continued issues with grief and depression, I wish I had pushed harder to keep her in therapy. She is taking anti-depressants now and I don't know if drugs without therapy is the way to go. I keep telling her not to be me and how horrible of a message is that to project to your child. ARGH, a whole nother kind of discussion for a different time.

    Leftover brisket is awesome. Next time, I'll make it the day before for service the next day, never a day of dinner. Fred is looking for something sweet. IF I had a can of pumpkin, I could make the angel food pumpkin cake version for the season. IF!!

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