Thundering Thursday

  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago
    Morning! It is POURING down here! I woke up early to make Michael breakfast because he had a class for work today and I thought I'd have a tiny bit of time to myself before the kids got up, but nope, the raging thunder and lightning woke them up. Oh well! I have a feeling Caidens swim lessons this morning may be cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow. I can't believe how we can go through such a long dry spell then raining every single day!

    Last night I did end up cooking dinner. Michael had forgotten about his class, and that he would need food to take, so if we ate all the leftovers, then there wouldn't be anything. So I made what was on my plans for tonight Honey Barbeque Baked Chicken along with zucchini and a salad and some roasted potatoes for Michael and the kids as well. I found the chicken recipe searching BBQ sauce in the ingredient bar as I wanted to use up the rest of that chipotle BBQ sauce from TJ's. Tonight will be something in the crockpot since we have Caidens teacher meet tonight. Not sure what yet though! Wishing everyone a great day!

    First pic. of Briauna at Volleball Camp, second pic. of my Brother, my Mom and I at my Aunt's house and last pic. is kids at the beach :)
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Great pictures, Michelle. I can relate to days of rain. We are still getting daily showers but not the all day rains of recent past. The honey bbq baked chicken sounds delicious. Good luck at the meet and great for Caiden.

    I didn't sleep well and have a lot of chores to do. Coffee is critical.
    Take care everyone, have a great day.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Good Morning Michelle! It's supposed to rain here this afternoon too. A severe thunderstorm watch is in effect and there's a possibility we'll get 50mm/almost 2" of rain. It'll save me going out to water my flowers and veggies though. :) Hope Caiden LOVES his teacher. Wow! Your Mom is beautiful! What a nice family pic. :) Love the pic of Caiden and Bri at the beach. Totally summer! (I'm still lovin' that pic of them with Foghorn Leghorn too!)
    Our dinner plans changed again last night as well. We were so stuffed from our lunch at Hockey Sushi that we decided just to microwave four cobs of corn. Had no room for anything else. That means I'll do the Rainbow trout up for tonight and put the chicken in the marinade for tomorrow night.
    Tina, I am so sorry to learn of Allison's diagnosis. That's really good that her Dr. found it early. Sending prayers. Is there a minimum order with Schwann's? What a great service. I hate folding fitted sheets too and end up doing what Liv does pretty much.
    I have lots of odds and ends to do today. My hummingbird feeders are bone dry so must make up some more mixture for them and clean out and refill my birdbaths. I would also like to research flights to Taipei for October.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Joce....sending you the 'Feel Better Fairy Dust". :(
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Yup, swim lessons got cancelled, it is NASTY out there! Rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon. The weather is supposed to let up in about and hour, and if so, I would still like to go work out then I really need to run by the meat market to get some chicken breast because I would like to make for tonight.

    Tina lol, sheets are such a pain in the butt to fold, I try my best but it always looks like I do the same as Olivia :) My Mom can get them into a perfect square, I don't get it! Hope you coffee kicks in and helps you with your chores :)

    Hi Janet! Too bad Foghorn's head is cut off in the pic. :( I must have missed when you mentioned going to Taipei in October before. Yay, I bet your excited, and it will be here before you know it!
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    It is clouding up a bit. Olivia gets home late tonight.

    Michelle, I hope you get your work out in. My mom could make perfect squares with fitted sheets too. She also ironed them!!!

    Janet, you are going to Taipei in October? How wonderful. Benjamin must be thrilled. And so nice that he got the position he wanted at the school he wanted.
    Haha, I had a dinner of corn on the cob the other night and skipped the entree.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Mmmm....that chicken recipe looks yummy Michelle. Jim and I had been planning all year to go visit Benjamin in Oct. but I held off until he'd secured his job, just in the event that he had to move out of Taipei to some other city. Now he has signed his contract I can book our flight and a place to stay. Am going to try and rent an apartment this time as opposed to a Hotel but we'll see how it goes. It's nice having Benjamin there to go check places out in person for us.
    That's nice Liv arrives home this evening Tina. Hope she has a less eventful time of it that on her way there. LOL. My Mom ironed sheets too now you remind me.
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    Hi all,
    I just squish the folding sheets together as best I can and the. When it's time to put them on the bed I run under water for a second to dampen and throw in the dryer lol
    Tonight's dinner is fajita lime steak with rice.
    Someone's calling my references but I haven't heard back about a job ugh!! So far I know two references that were called and they both said they gave glowing ones lol
    Ran this morning and running again tomorrow. I fit back into a pair a pants that wouldn't zip. Yay! Wore them today.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hope Olvia is back and did not have as much trauma on this flight. Coffee is good!

    Too bad Caiden's swimming lesson was postponed, Michelle.

    Good luck on the job, Laurie. Having your references checked should be a good sign.

    Wow on the trip to Taipei, Janet!

    We cleared out the bedroom and the water bed goes tomorrow! There is no space to maneuver in the center room. Carpet comes Monday. All is quiet, except Mauser is pouncing on a piece of twine.

    See you tomorrow.

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