Thursday`s Thighs :)

  • chuckieb 5 years ago
    Good Thursday Morning Everyone!

    It`s a beautiful looking day outside this morning but it`s ca-ca-cold out there this morning. -1C/30F. My remaining flowers in planters outside have frozen and look VERY sad. :) Only supposed to go up to 3C this afternoon. I think it`s a good day for cooking inside. :) Plan on making a big batch of my Aunt Rose`s
    Cabbage Rolls
    Will bake up one dish for our dinner tomorrow night and freeze the rest.

    I`d taken out some b/s chicken thighs the other night and then we didn`t feel like eating dinner so for tonight`s dinner I`m making Don`s
    Italian Chicken Escalopes With Wine And Lemon
    and using up some of the fresh basil I harvested from the garden on the weekend.

    I`m also going to make a batch of Tina`s
    Sauerkraut Souppolish Style
    I think. Just to have on hand in the freezer.

    We had a really fun day yesterday driving around the Country and doing ancestry. Jim`s 3rd Great Grandfather had a brother named William and yesterday we drove up to the house of the 3rd Great Grand-daughter of William. Jim`s 3rd cousin George had met her twice before but we went in and ask if she would show us where her family`s homestead was (near White Lake) and she immediately put on her coat and off we went. Which was a real hoot. We drove for a ways and then had to park and walk in as the property is up for sale now by her Uncle. She was able to tell us what all of the out buildings used to hold and little personal anecdotes. It was perfect. We did a lot of other stuff as well....went to visit that Lady in the Senior`s Home in Arnprior (turns out she`s 101 not 103 but she`s still awesome. She has major Osteoporosis but she`s in great shape and her mind is totally still all there).

    Back to George and Cynthia`s for dinner. Cynthia is 80 and still puts on a gourmet feast and decorates her table to the hilt etc. She`d made Bruschetta for appy`s and served that alongside a nice dish of olives. Dinner was a tossed salad with a huge pan of deep dish Lasagna and a platter of cooked vegetables. Carrot Cake for dessert, moist and deelish. Great meal. A little glass of Bailey`s to finish. :)

    Wishing everybody a great day!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    What a shame Den had to go in to work yesterday Joce! :( Did he have to go in today as well? I googled weed and Holland and it looks like they are only allowed to `serve` it in coffee shops. You can`t just buy it and bring it home.

    Nice you were out again Kimmer with your friends for another wine pairing dinner. Your chicken breast recipe last night sounded scrumptious. Set an extra plate for me tonight at Cheese Night!!!! :)
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Thanks to hubs I had a just about sleepless night. I dozed off around 11:30 and he woke up around 1:00. He was up for about 1/2 hour then fell back asleep and of course out of concern I got up and then was up till 4:00 a.m. Fell back asleep and got up at 8:30 a.m. because the guy from StormSmart was coming as early as 9:00 to put up the trim on the pulldowns and I needed to be dressed. Good thing I did get up because he's already came and left.
    Will take it easy today as I know both of us will be tired. It'll be a good day to make bread. I have my eye on two pumpkin yeast bread recipe and another recipe that has a pumpkin butter recipe that I want to make too. How lovely it'll be to have a toasted piece of fresh bread in the morning with a sweetened pumpkin spiced butter. Stay tuned …

    That's so cool you are able to see still standing homes of your past relatives Janet, Jim's too. Brrrr, it is cold and I agree, a good day to stay indoors and cook. Dinner sounds great. I enjoy Don's recipes. One of these days I have to make Tina's soup but like you will look for a smoked turkey leg/wing because I've never seen smoked pork in the stores and turkey just sounds better. Yum on the feast Cynthia made.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Oh dear on your sleepless night Linda. What a drag! :( Nice the trim guy was there and gone so early. Making bread sounds like a lovely way to spend the day and Pumpkin bread sounds heavenly. You make gorgeous loaves and I`m excited to see how these recipes turn out for you. I way prefer the smoked turkey pieces (I`ve seen legs and thighs) over the smoked pork. There`s a lot less fat on the turkey and thus it`s a way better value. My crows do appreciate the pork fat though. :)

    Since we didn`t get home `til 10:30 last night and didn`t light a fire when we got in, Jim lit a small one this morning in the family room and now it is so warm and cozy I don`t want to move away from it. :)
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    One is a standard type bread recipe and the other a no-knead. I'm making the standard one based on the ingredients which seems like it'll be a more interesting loaf. I finished mixing it and it's on it's first rise. Not sure if I want to use a loaf pan or the round one I have. Hmmm??
    Pumpkin Yeast Bread

    A fire sounds niiiiiiiice! I know I can find smoked turkey pieces. Need to eat our way thru some stuff in the freezer now so I have room to freeze some of the soup when I make it.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Quick hi. We are in Branson on RV trip.

    Agree marijuana being legal for recreation is scary and would not like having second hand smoke around kids or anyone. Medicinal use non smoking doesn’t bother me. I though about CBD oil for back pain but am not 100% sold on it at least for myself.

    Bought some stuff for our house sitter. And homemade Amish noodles for daughter....she likes them and can’t find them.

    Wayne is back from checking a tool outlet so must go. See you later.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    I`d choose the round loaf pan Linda cuz Pumpkins are round. :) Guess it depends on what you want to eat it with too and if it will fit in the toaster.

    Hi Karen! I thought you guys had emptied the RV but obviously I`m wrong. Have a wonderful time in Branson. Are you going to see any shows? Super cool on home made Amish noodles.

    I`m chugging away with the cabbage rolls. Will roll them and finish things off after lunch. Soup`s pretty much done.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Enjoy Branson Karen! Did you bring Fritz? I tried a bottle of CBD oil just to see if I felt any better and to tell you the truth I didn't. It's expensive too and I think other things work better, at least for me. Copaiba essential oil is suppose to be all that, I have it, it came with my starter kit but I haven't really used it.

    Bread is baked and I'm waiting for it to cool so I can slice a piece to see how it is. At the least I can make French Toast.
    Cabbage rolls are so time consuming to make but well worth the effort Janet. I looked in my freezer and still have two left. Hmmmm, maybe I'll have one for dinner. Easy. I'll make one of the frozen chicken cordon blu things for DH and some sides.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    I went with the loaf pan Janet. If I used the round it makes a very wide loaf and it doesn't fit in my bread slicer guide thingy and since I may want to use it too for sandwiches it's best to have even slices.
    The bread came out wonderful but then again what fresh baked bread isn't wonderful. Pure comfort! I'll bring the bread Janet … when will the cabbage rolls be ready? LOL!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Cabbage rolls are easy to make but you`re right Linda....they take a while to assemble. Our fave breakfast bread is a sourdough with a ton of different seeds and things in it. It`s oval, so when you open the loaf the first few slices are very narrow and then it gradually gets bigger but then narrows down again on the back end. I would prefer uniform slices I understand it`s better in a loaf pan for certain applications. Fresh baked bread is certainly wonderful and I bet that pumpkin bread would go exceptionally well with cabbage rolls. :) Say dinner at 7? :)
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Dinner at 7:00 works for me! LOL!!!
    The after smell of baking is still wafting thru the house. It's smells so Autumny.
    I even squeezed a bath in for LD so he's smelling good too.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Dinner is prepped and the kitchen is clean again. I froze three meals worth of cabbage rolls and kept one out for tomorrow. We had some of the Sauerkraut soup for lunch and then I froze the rest of that as well. Making baked potatoes and sauteed asparagus as sides to the Escalopes.

    Jim got a call this morning from the Hardware store that his extra screws and the foam roof enclosure thingamajig was in. He picked it up but when he got home he realized that he just doesn`t have the tools and equipment needed to be able to reach the middle part of the hot tub roof. He can put the foam strips and screws at each end by reaching over from an extension ladder but he didn`t feel comfortable (and neither did I want him to) shimmying on to the now metal roofing (slippery as heck) to screw down the middle section. It looks great. If we get extreme winds we may encounter some difficulty but here`s hoping. He`ll be overjoyed to have this job put to bed!

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