Thursday's Things

  • LindaLMT 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! The start of our day here is SWFL is sunny but storms are expected to roll in later ... what else is new.

    I'm sure you still feel awful Janet. Hope you will again take it easy today. I love a good cantaloupe but when you don't get a good one they can be pretty bad.

    The pink dianthus is so pretty Joce! Did you finish the gardening you wanted to get done yesterday?

    You should charge something for your efforts making dog treats Bren. Even though you love to do it it will soon become a hardship. I have no idea what to charge though ... If you can figure out the cost of ingredients then perhaps add another $5 for your time and utilities used ... ?? You have me hungry for Asian food now with your dinner last night.

    Sweet on daughters new kitten Kimmer. I hope there is a special place in Hell for people who dump animals. What kind of person dumps an animal let alone a baby.
    More storms are expected again today. We again had some awful ones pass thru in the afternoon. I stayed in and didn't bother to see DH because I didn't want to be out driving.

    When will Wayne's friend be back home Karen? You sure do have a lot going on. So sorry to hear about your Deputy Chief's son ... It is sad, much too young.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Because we had storms yesterday afternoon I stayed home and didn't visit with DH. I hate driving in bad weather. It's not my driving that concerns me but that of everyone elses. I did get a lot of cleaning done though and some laundry.
    I bought a fleece sheet set from JCP and they are the softest nicest sheets! They are not heavy and more sheet like than blanket. I just love them.
    Have dentist appointments this afternoon so will need to pick up DH earlier than I normally to see him. After we will run errands and then get something to eat.
    My smoothie this morning is peach, grape, blueberry, spinach, and chia seed.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Linda! It's a stunningly gorgeous morning here in Ottawa. Beautiful breeze, blue sky and sunshine. We have thunderstorms forecast for this evening and then rain all weekend. Blah. It's an ideal day to work outside but ya, I'm still hurting so will take it easy. I've done three rounds of penicillin and I was able to sleep horizontally last night so that was nice. My rib cage hurts a lot from so much coughing. Nice on the new sheet set. Good luck at the Dentist appointments. Your smoothie sounded wonderful.

    Indeed you've had a busy time of it lately Karen. Is Wayne feeling more like his old self now? Ugh on the neighbour with the flat tire so late at night. I think I might have fallen asleep by the time AAA showed up. How awful about your Deputy Chief's son. And so young!

    Goodness Bren at wiping out the salt and minerals in your body. I've never heard of that. How scary! NICE on 200 dog treats. Very fun!

    Jim has just headed off on a jaunt with a relative he discovered through our genealogy research. They are going to drive all over the countryside looking at old homesteads and landmarks of their forefathers. So fun! :) Jim's going to treat him for lunch somewhere along the way.

    I need to clean the kitchen. Jim told me to leave it and he'd do it when he gets home but it'd drive me nuts to see it all day long. LOL.

    I'd like to make a fun dinner for this evening seeings Jim is heading off to the Family cottage tomorrow. I'm thinking of making
    Thai Shrimp Boats
    I picked up the ingredients the other day.
    Pork Souvlaki
    and maybe devilled eggs? Not sure yet.

    Wishing everyone a great day.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    I am glad you stayed in b/c of the storms yesterday, Linda. Good luck with your dentist appointment and getting everything choreographed today. I did get most things done that I wanted to do in the garden, yesterday.

    Very sad when you hear about someone dying so young, Karen. Especially when they leave behind little children. I hope things slow down for you soon.

    How are you feeling today, Janet? I hope you take it easy and let Jim do things for you again today.
    I just don't understand why someone would leave baby kittens like that, Kimmer. Nice your daughter was able to take one make arrangements for the rest of them.

    You are very lucky to have your memory back, Bren. SO Scary! As Linda said I would at least charge for the cost of the ingredients, time and other expenses.

    I need to do some errands this afternoon.Last night we ended out having spare ribs with rice. At the moment I am not sure what we are having for dinner.
    Hoping everyone has a great day.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    We SP'd Joce! :) YUMMERS @ your spare ribs. Did you grill them or bake them? Good luck with your errands.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Hi Linda, good call on staying home through the storm. It's the other drivers that scare me too! Nice on the fleece sheets. We use them in the Winter time here because they are so soft and cozy. Good luck with the dentist and errands today! :)

    Hi Janet, that's great you slept better last night. Yikes on the Strep Throat, is your stomach upset too? The kids and I always get an upset stomach from Strep. Hopefully the med's kicked in and you'll be better in no time! Jim's jaunt sounds like fun! And dinner sounds awesome! Tryyyy and take it easy! I know it's hard ;)

    Hi Joce, yum, spare ribs sound great!

    Wow Bren, I didn't know about the seizure either. Glad you recovered well from it! 200 doggy cookies, that's a lot of work! Make sure to charge enough for your time as well. :) Those doggy cookies at the Pet Boutique are pricey for a reason!

    Hi Kimmer, awww at your daughter getting a kitten too! There are so many abandoned and feral cats here, just hundreds and hundreds of them from farmers not spaying the barn cats and so on. The rescue facility's can't even keep up and often have cages of adult ones for free. I can't even go near those places or I'd end up with an arm full of cats! Two dogs are plenty for me right now! ;)

    It's a beautiful sunny day, a cool breeze and wet ground. Perfect for gardening and pulling weeds. My raspberries have some fruit forming already! I haven't seen any birds go near them yet. :) I'm not sure what dinner will be, I forgot to look through the freezer last night so I'll rummage through it later. I have some smokies in the fridge as back up dinner, perhaps I just need a potato salad.
    That escort post is driving me crazy, time to load another recipe! I wonder.... since they used a new sign in if someone in charge saw the Help post and blocked them? But of course they can just keep making new accounts, grrr.
    I'm halfway through coffee #1 and still need to wake up! ;)

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    I bake the ribs then grill them, Janet. You were mentioning Sweet Williams yesterday. Just buy some seeds and they take no time at all to grow. The are bi-annual so I sow seeds every year and save seeds from them so they come up every year. They last quite a long time and look so pretty.

    Good luck with pulling weeds, Shona. Sounds like we are getting the same weather today. Those escort things drive me crazy as well.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hi Shona! No, my stomach isn't upset. I do have an iron stomach though I truly do. LOL. How awesome your raspberry plants are forming fruit already. I really should buy some plants/canes? one year and just give it a little try. Smokies and a potato salad sound like a perfect dinner idea for me!

    Sweet William from seeds you say Joce. :) That's very cool. I should pick up a pkg. next time I'm out as it'd be fun to try.

    Am taking a little break. Got the kitchen cleaned up and the bed made. Prepped souvlaki and boiled an egg to make Jim a sandwich out of tomorrow that he can take along with him. I nuked a mug of that Thai broth I made up the other day. I've been so enjoying it! What a nice little treat, and it feels good on my throat.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon.

    It is hot and sunny although we did have rain last night, nothing severe. Fritz and Mel hid, I woke up from the storm and Wayne snoring so I put Fritz in his crate and sat in my recliner. The smoke detector kept chirping its battery needed changing and the rain on the roof made the sun room too noisy so finally gave up, moved two cats off my lap, and went back to bed. I guess he woke up and shifted position, no more snoring, so I finally fell asleep.

    Hi to everyone. We are about to go feed critters. GF is feeding tomorrow and his buddy will be back Sunday. So only two more times.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon to all. A very warm 88F and humid here. Wondering if we will get another storm here soon. I see you've been getting them daily too Linda. Stormed late morning today naturally while my grandson and I were out and about. But we made out ok. I'm watching him today and tomorrow. He didn't have to go to summer school this morning and he was quite pleased about that! So we went on a shopping spree at Petsmart for his new kitty. Hubs and I went over to their house last night to meet her. She is adorable! Bit bigger than Chloe. Kaiden and I were playing with her in his bedroom and he looked up at me with sad little eyes and said, Marlie Mae doesn't have any toys yet Grammie, lol. So I told him we would go shopping for her today and get her a few toys and a scratching post. I needed to get Chloe some food anyway. Also got their dog Maggie a couple new toys because Kaiden was afraid she would feel bad when she saw all the stuff for Marlie, lol. He has such a good heart!

    Glad you slept better last night Janet and hope by tomorrow you feel more like yourself again.

    Going out for dinner tonight. Looking like it will be Cody's Roadhouse. Cayce really likes it there and we said he could pick.

    Enjoy the rest of the day all.
  • gaspesiangal 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon everyone. I just got home, busy day again.

    I know that I should charge for the treats, Linda, I just have to decide on a price. The recipe is an AR one and was quite tasty but the cooking method was off. I too hate driving in stormy weather and it may just be me but I find people really aren't great drivers when there is a storm. Nice find on the sheets.

    That sounds like a whole lot of fun for Jim, Janet. Nice to hear that your feeling better and hoping that your back to 100% soon. That souvlaki recipe looks great, saved.

    Good luck with your errands, Joce. I make spare ribs the same way.

    Good luck with your weeding, Shona. Lol, I didn't know what smokies were and googled it. Potato salad would go great with them. I find the escort service disturbing too but there is nothing that can be done about it unfortunately.

    Oh my gosh Karen, I've had nights like that too and I am exhausted the next day. I sure hope that things settle down for you soon.

    Your grandson sounds like a real sweetie, Kimmer. Nice selection @ Cody's and the prices seem reasonable. I love the play on words for some of the items.

    The seizure was a few years ago and it really shook my world. I forgot how to do simple things like cook dishes that I've made for years but it's in the past. It was a super busy day today. We were looking for a new leather sofa but didn't find anything that we liked in our price range. Then we went sandals, I bought a pair that I really like. Then off to visit MIL at the nursing home and that was really depressing. People shouting and calling for help. She was upset that she couldn't find anything on tv to watch so I tried to set that up for her but she couldn't grasp the concept of turning it on and then clicking the up and down channel button, so sad. Then we picked up a few groceries and home. I'd best get dinner started. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    How scary to have had a seizure Bren. Happy to hear it was only that one time though and the cause was identified. We all have a hard time with people's names unless they are immediate friends and family or people in our circles.

    Hope you got your errands done today Joce. I had a few to run today and only got one done. Tomorrow is another day.

    We use fleece sheets all year long Shona. They are just too soft and snuggly not too. In the summer I only use one very light blanket and it's comfortable with the air conditioning on.
    I just don't get the escort ads ... do they really think someone is looking at saying "OMG, I really need that, let me call".

    WOW Michelle. I was at the grocery store today and bought the brand of almond milk you like and it is very good, the best! Our store sells it for $3.99 which is better than the $6 you pay. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Oh no on your smoke detector chirping and Wayne snoring Karen. When our smoke detectors chirp we have to change it right then and there because the sound drives the dog nuts and it seems they always go in the wee hours of the night.

    That's cute you went kittykat toy shopping with your GS Kimmer and nice he didn't forget Maggie. We didn't get rain till about 4:30 today and it wasn't horrific.

    Is the broth recipe you are sipping linked here Janet? I would love to make some ... sometimes sipping broth is better than tea or coffee for change. Nice you are able to sleep horizontally.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Dentist appointments went well. We were both really hungry after so we ate a late lunch. I had fish tacos and DH had broiled sole with mashed potatoes and asparagus. We shared a Caesar salad and shrimp cocktail.
    Stopped in the grocery store before taking DH back because he wanted a few things and I picked up a couple things too.
    I want to make muffins tomorrow morning, just not sure what kind.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Ugh on both the snoring and the smoke detector chirping Karen. Sorry you didn't get a very good sleep.

    How fun Kimmer that you got to go shopping with your grandson for kitty stuff. Enjoy dinner out tonight! They have a huge menu. Their Jumbo onions on a stick look very tempting. I love a good onion ring. Also liking their Cody's Buffalo shrimp. Never tried that combo before and I bet I'd love it.

    Re: the escort would hope that if they didn't get any response to it, it wouldn't be worth their while to continue to post? She says in a hopeful voice.

    I can't imagine how scary the seizure would have been to deal with Bren. Good for you overcoming it and coming out the other side! Did you happen to check out Lazyboy for a leather couch? They have a lot of choices. Gentle hugs re: your visit to your MIL. Perhaps as our country's citizens age more and the baby boomers become the Seniors, more emphasis will be put into figuring out a better way for doing things. I know how sad it is. I've often thought about volunteering at a Senior's home and just going it to chat with residents. Seniors are such interesting vital people and I love to hear their stories. If I could bring them just a bit of time to forget and enjoy and laugh, I would take a lot of enjoyment from that.

    I found that quite surprising that you use flannel sheets year round Linda but I guess it makes sense because I suspect the majority of time you have your air conditioning on as well and the flannel is just cuddlier isn't it. :) No, Tina didn't post her broth recipe but she sent it to me. I'll copy and paste it for you tomorrow as it's on my other computer. Love both yours and your DH's lunches. Yum on muffins. Comfort food.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Jim arrived home happy and tired after a day out driving the country roads. The endive I bought for my appy only had 4 decent leaves on it? Whaaaaaa? So I pulled out some little croustades I had in the pantry and used them as the base instead. Plus we'd picked up some of our favourite blue cheese on the weekend and so I put a smudge of that in the bottom of some croustades with a thin slice of apple as well. Verra nice. We went for a hot tub and Jim will soon throw the souvlaki on the BBQ for dinner.
  • laurieg 6 years ago said:
    Hello everyone! I feel like I haven't posted in forever. I had tried to post my pics from Bahamas of swimming with the pigs but GR gods were not cooperating and I keep getting error message.
    Janet Frank got his DNA results, he is 75% Italian or Greek but most likely Sicilian. (Which he is). Then he had some other few middle eastern countries in the mix. He did get matched with someone when they said was most likely a3rd cousin in PA. He did have an uncle that settled there but he hasn't emailed. Now I really want to do mine lol
    I think mine would be more exciting as my maternal grandfather grew up in a boys home and my paternal grandfather was adopted.
    Frank had a work thing so we had Salmon for dinner.
    It's been a hell of a week. Yesterday Becca called me when I was at work she had been in a minor accident but her fault she rear ended someone so my insurance will skyrocket
    Then Rachel wasn't feeling well sore throats swollen glands stiff neck. She went to the doctor last night and she has mononucleosis! This morning I'm in the shower when Becca burst in so hysterical no words were coming out. So I'm there withshampoo in my hair naked and Rachel deciphered that Becca had backed into my car in the driveway. Ay ay ay! Luckily she just tapped it so no damage to my car!
    Work has been crazy busy since I came back from vacation!

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