Thursday's Turkey Gizzards!

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone!

    A cousin of mine invited Jim and I for lunch one day while we were in Rainy River. She's a fabulous cook. She made us crab cakes as the main but had all sorts of Swedish delicacies set up as well, lefsa (flat bread), Gjetost, a brown caramelly cheese my Dad used to like , pickled herring, etc. I was reticent to try the gizzards straight off but Jim who will try virtually anything put one on his plate and sliced me off a wee piece. I tasted it but couldn't even eat it all. Pickled meat much less pickled gizzard? It just seemed wrong. LOLOLOL. you can see from the photos below. They look supremely gross. But.....some people actually enjoy them. Go figure. Anyone here ever tried them? Liked them? :)

    It's going to be another lovely late summer's day here. I'm going to do a big house clean on the inside today. I think Jim's going to go clean out the garage and he's even talking about priming the walls out there as they've never been finished.

    Haven't figured out what to make for dinner yet.

    Our company who were going to arrive Saturday and stay for two nights, emailed me and said they'd been delayed so won't be showing up 'til Sunday and just staying one night. Which is totally okay. It was a bit of a push trying to get the house in order after being away so that it was fit for company. :)

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Amusing thing happened the last few days with our morning coffee. Jim complained yesterday that it tasted stronger than usual. I'd just added the same amount of grounds but this morning I backed off a little more. He still complained. We had a discussion about why it might taste stronger, maybe we'd been drinking weaker coffee in RR all summer and weren't used to our regular brand anymore, etc. etc. And then.....he realizes that when he opened what he thought was a can of Carnation evaporated milk when we got home......was actually a can of Coconut milk. LOLOLOL. The labels indeed look very similar and they were both "Compliments" (Sobey's) brand. What a laugh.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    No way would I eat turkey gizzards let alone pickled ones, Janet! At least your company let you know a head of time instead of the last minute about things changing. Too funny about using coconut milk instead of your usual:)

    I have prescriptions to pick up later at the drug store and then I think I am going to pick up a rotisserie chicken and to make Den happy I will go and pick up French Fries at the Chip Stand. Then all I have to do is make a salad easy peasy for me.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Nope, no canned or pickled meat for me! Yuck! I tried pig's feet once, it was jellied (the jelly is made naturally from the pig's feet, shank etc while it boils down). That wasn't bad actually as the texture wasn't soggy and broken down like if it was packed in water or brine. But I certainly wouldn't make it and eat on my own! Lol ;)
    Too funny about Jim using the coconut milk! I wish I had a "Jim" at home to help me finish all the projects around here! Lol ;) Good luck with all your chores today!

    Hi Joce, your dinner sounds great. I love easy weeknight meals!

    I'm making one more apple pie with the last of my apples from the tree. Then I'll get the cabbage salad made for our perogie and bratwurst dinner tonight. It's still raining, lightly. Ahhh, feels like home on the "wet" coast! But it is much cooler! I got so use to it being 25C in the house that anything below 24C feels freezing. I'm starting to not like these extreme temp. changes! Last week it was 33C outside now it's 5C, brrrr

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning! Lol..the pickled turkey gizzards sound AWFUL Janet! Yuck! I do admit I have eaten fried chicken livers before (not pickled!) and I thought they were delicious :) Sounds like you and Jim have a busy day of chores. Hilarious on accidentally using coconut milk instead of evaporated in your coffee...glad you figured out the mystery though!!

    You dinners sound great Joce!

    Yesterday I woke up feeling horrible. Thought I was coming down with something. I was achy and tired and couldn't really get motivated to do anything. It never progressed any further though and I feel much better today :). I'm just going to chalk it up as not sleeping good the night before maybe?

    Going to get a little running around done today after the gym. Michael mentioned something yesterday about us grabbing some lunch somewhere today if I feel better so we may do that. Have sports this evening so I have no idea what to do for dinner yet. Something easy and fast! Wishing everyone a fantastic Thursday!!
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Sp, Shona!! YUM on apple pie!! Your dinner sounds delicious also, do you use frozen perogies? I've seen them but have never bought them before. Wow on how cold it is compared to last week! We've had such nice cool weather since Harvey, bit now it's back up to just plain hot and humid :(
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Life is returning to normal, at least for us, but there is still a lot of "mayhem" out there. I don't plan on going out till I need fresh veggies which will be soon enough. Bella's eye seems to have cleared up so maybe she had something in it irritating her and flushing it out resolved the problem. Still, will keep a watchful eye on her. Our little amenity center gym is open so we will use that this afternoon to get out of the house for a bit. Pool and such is not open until after inspections. Not sure what dinner will be. I don't have a grill, have lots of hamburger meat though, so I'll have to think ...

    I agree Janet, some foods are just wrong. There is so much other stuff to eat I just can't bring myself to try the unusual stuff. But there are a lot of people that eat things I would never. So envious of your beautiful fall weather. Too funny opening a can of coconut milk for the coffee.

    Dinner sounds lovely Joce. I have a chicken I split in the freezer and it's just begging to come out and into the crockpot.

    Yum on the apple pie Shona. Did you get a lot of apples this year? Did you make anything else with them? Yea, on it still raining. Any news reports that it's helping with the fires?

    Glad that what ever was ailing you Michelle didn't hold. Still be cautious though, since that your immune system might be a little weak from all you've been through of late.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    How did Wayne's appointment go Karen?
    How is Oreo Michelle?
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle, yep, I use frozen perogies. Some brands are better than others, I like the cheemo brand. They are not something I would have the time or patience to make, just like tortellini and ravioli etc...too tedious for me ;) Lol.....
    I sure hope you're not coming down with something! Your body is giving you a warning about something, so best get some rest and take care :)

    Hi Linda, I'm glad Bella seems ok and that things are slowly getting back to normal there! Is DH going to stay with you throughout the weekend as well? Our tree was extremely abundant this year. We trimmed the other tree down quite a bit so it didn't produce any apples, thank goodness! 60% of the tree fell to the ground or had holes from bugs and birds. Some we just eat others go to neighbours. I only made the one pie so far and we put the remaining apples in the garage to use up.
    The fires were really out of control because of the winds. But thankfully it has died down a little now and they say it's getting "under control". It burned down the visitor center to the National Park in Waterton lakes, and 5 homes lost in Pincher Creek, Alberta. Pincher Creek and Cardston County are still under mandatory evacuation. Hopefully the cooler weather continues to help it die down.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Speaking of fires......last week during out hot/dry period we had a fire ban. There have been road side grass fires everywhere because of cigarette butts etc. Our neighbour has his adult son living with them again, and he continually throws his LIT butts all over the sidewalk and road. This morning I noticed some on my gravel driveway next to my hedge and several all up and down the street. He's been there barely two weeks. Can you imagine what it will look like in a month or two? grrrr.....I was thinking of picking them all up and putting them on his walkway or front steps of his house. Or should I just talk to my neighbour? He's the same jerk we're still having parking problems with too :S (how I wish I could just move instead)
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    YUMMMM @ Rotisserie chicken and fries Joce. I'm comin' to your house for dinner tonight :)

    Morning Shona. I am lucky to have Jim be so handy and helpful. He is a good guy to have around. (Most times anyway) :) LOL. Again, I'm envying you your dinner. Maybe I can make it to Joce's and then zip to your house. :) UGH on your neighbour's son and his cigarette butts. I'd just die if I had bad neighbours like yours. :(

    Very glad to hear you are feeling better now Michelle. It's possible something was trying to get you and failed! That'd be nice if you and Michael could go out for lunch together.

    Yay that Bella's eye cleared up Linda!

    FINALLY got a call from Mom's Urologist in Winnipeg this morning. Over 2 months after Mom went in to septic shock after the procedure he did on her Jul. 10. Doesn't sound like there is much he can do in the future. Her left kidney is so shot that it's either the stent changes every 2 months or inserting a neph tube in her back. UGH. He's going to go over all of the info he told me with Mom and my cousin this afternoon so we'll have a little pow wow in a day or so and see what everyone thinks. What a shame her kidneys got to this point when it was so avoidable. :(
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Talk to the neighbor one time about the cigarette butts Shona. If no change in behavior then gather them up and "return them". No change in behavior report him.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    So sorry Janet to hear about your mom's kidneys. Hoping for the best. Yes, why won't people take better care when they can?
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    I just came inside from dropping the butts off to his front door. I was so appalled when I went out to get the garbage can and found 8 butts on my driveway! But now that I came inside I'm regretting that decision...:/ Should I run over and pick them up before he gets home? Accck, I don't know what to do. ...Just remembering leaving him that "nice" note and him taking the chainsaw to my hedge, I'm scared.....
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    so sorry to hear about your moms kidneys Janet. It's great to have a pow wow with the family, I wouldn't know what the best option would be in your situation. Goodluck with that decision!
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Ok, picked up the butts and put them in a zip loc bag for future evidence, lol. I'm going to catch him in the act with pictures and videos next time too. Just in case! No one messes with a Criminologist, lol ;)
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Ok GR ate my post. Will try again.

    Ugh on the pickled gizzards Janet. I only eat pickled pickles....ha ha! Too bad about your moms kidney problem.

    No way would I eat them either, Joce.

    Shona is the neighbor also bad or just the son? We should have 90 F by next week. Still no rain. Go for the surveillance video!

    Linda, Wayne is doing well. His tests were good. It is a combination of slow heart rate, inefficient oxygen exchange, that causes shortness of breath. He has to lose weight and exercise. We could both benefit! Glad Bella is improving.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Hi Karen! After the chainsaw incident and the long talk we had with the neighbour everything seemed good, he made sure to stay 5 feet from our driveway. But in the last two weeks his son has parked right at our driveway within a few inches and flicking his lit cig butts everywhere. So it's just the son...but his parents must see what he's doing? so I kinda blame them as well, or they're just turning a blind eye?

    I'm glad Wayne's tests were good, for the most part. I remember my Dad had a similar talk about that and his Cardiologist told him to walk for 5 minutes twice a day. After a year he lost so much weight just doing that! My Physiotherapist told me to get my heart rate up at least 5 minutes a day too, so I run up and down the stairs for 5 minutes. But walking is so much nicer! ;)
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    It's awful that bullies still exist even into adulthood. I totally hear ya on being afraid of your neighbour Shona. He's a nutcase. And such a shame that people like that cause people like us so much stress! :( Grrrrrrr.....

    Very good news on Wayne's tests Karen.

    I'm almost done the house work. Only have the bathrooms left to hose down. The place was in very good shape really. Guess we had everything battened down so no dust happened.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Shona, eat some apples and toss the cores over their way ... maybe they'll get the hint. No seriously call or go over with your husband and talk to them once. If it continues then call someone, isn't there a fire 🔥 thing in your area and cigarette butts are a problem not to mention it's littering on your property.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    That's good news about Wayne. Shouldn't be too hard to walk and watch what you eat. A little change goes a long way and just make the changes gradual and before you know it it'll be the norm.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    5 Spice Rock Cornish Game Hens
    for dinner with Edamame on the side for dinner.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    That's great all your house work is about done Janet! Soon you can fully relax and take it easy :)

    Lol, Linda. I never thought about it that way with the apple cores! But you're right, they sure wouldn't appreciate it if I was throwing apple cores in their yard! During the fire ban we had recently it would have been a $1000 dollar fine for throwing a lit cig. Someone was fined that last week when a passenger in a car video taped a guy tossing a lit cig out the window. In our town it's a minimum $150 per littering. In order to fine him (if he fought it in court) they would need photographic/video evidence. Unless they wanted to do DNA on all the butts I collected, lol :P
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Somewhat getting back to normal here. Went to Sam's Club today and got some ground beef. Their meat counter was pretty bare still. So dinner will be ground beef...........something. Not really feeling like burgers so might make up a cheesy pasta and beef sort of dish. Need to replenish my freezer and fridge when I can. Lost a lot of meats but that was to be expected. Still a lot of areas here without power. Daughter finally got hers back. My ex still doesn't have power or water so took him our generator to use. He was most thankful. At least they can have their fridge and television back plus power a few fans and lights. They have well water powered by a pump so no water for them til the power comes back. Bummer! Traffic lights all seem to be back working. That was scary trying to drive around with no lights. Some people can be such idiots!

    I would no doubt say something to the neighbors about the cig butts especially if a fire hazard.

    Well, off to do some more laundry. Towels are piled up!

    Enjoy the rest of the day all.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    The 5 Spice Rock Cornish Game Hens recipe looks really good Janet! Saved :)

    Hi Kimmer! How nice to bring the generator to your exes house. Such a bummer he doesn't even have water. Glad things are slowly getting normal there. Hopefully you'll have a restocked kitchen soon. Goodluck with laundry and dinner plans, cheesy pasta and beef sounds good to me! :)
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Mmmmm on a cheesy pasta hamburger dish Kimmer. I dated a boy in High School who's Mother made THE best Hamburger Casserole ever. I've never had any so good ever since. I should truly ask her for the recipe. I still see her when I go to Rainy River. :) A shame you lost freezer meals. But all things considered it went well for you guys. Very nice of you to lend your ex your generator.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Missed your post Michelle. Hi!

    Hi Kimmer.

    Watching GS swim. Will take him to Steak N Shake. Guacamole burger is calling my name.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Yum on a Guacamole burger Karen. Enjoy!
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Janet, what brand of 5 spice powder do you like? I was thinking of making my own but I might pick some up tomorrow instead. One brand I bought a long time ago was too cinnamon'y'.

    Yum, a guacamole burger sounds scrumptious Karen! :) I forgot to mention your avatar picture of Fritz is too cute!

    Dinner went awesome.... I'm full.... but saved room for pie ;)
    The neighbour was outside when Pete came home from work so he talked to him about the cig. butts and car parking. All is well now, phewww! I'm such a worry wort and hate getting anxiety and panic attacks over silly things :(

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