Tiny Turtle Tuesday

  • LindaLMT 8 years ago
    Good Morning … Hope everyone has a great day.
    I'm up early, need to run some errands and the grocery store is first on my stop.

    Janet and Shona, how are your necks today? Hoping a good night’s sleep lent to some relief. I know too things that I do during the day can contribute to neck pain that I don’t feel until much later.

    Cool that you may have a lead on your family tree Janet. It’ll be fun to see how far you can trace people.

    Karen, so nice on all the plants. Lilacs were one of my mom’s favorites. We had several in the yard around the house and when they were in bloom and the windows were open it was wonderful. I however thought they were too strong cut and brought in. Love the deep purple colored ones. Wish I had a green thumb. About the only thing that does well for me are herbs, to me they are like cousins to weeds, hard to not be able to grow them. I hear wonderful things about night jasmine and will look for it here and try planting it. The scent is supposed to be intoxicating.

    Teacher passed me/us yesterday and we are officially 3rd degree Brown Belts. Yea me! There are 3 levels of brown and 3rd belt is equal to the first level. I know, it’s kinda backwards. Still much more to learn. What’s that saying … oh yea … “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger “.

    Found this tiny turtle in the parking lot yesterday. How he got there I don’t know. I don’t know if a bird got him and dropped him or if he was wondering trying to find another body of water. Brought him home, set him up, called the wildlife center and determined he was a water turtle and it was ok to release him. They recommended releasing him in a pond with reeds so he could find cover and in our neighborhood we have plenty of ponds so I picked one and set him free. We see turtles all the time, mostly crossing the roads in the development to get from one pond to the other, we always stopped and help them get to the other side.

    Not sure what'll be for dinner. Will figure that out at the grocery store. Probably will do burgers without the roll.
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Hmmm, not sure why the 2 uploaded photos of the turtle didn't stick but to give you an idea of his size he was about 1 inch x 1 inch.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Neck is much better this morning thank you although dear hubby was sawing logs last night so had to switch rooms in order to find some peace. :) You and I are garden buddies because your description of your gardening prowess fits me to a t. Never heard of Night Jasmine but am guessing it doesn't grow in my area. Shall google. Sounds wonderful. CONGRATULATIONS on your Brown Belt. You should be very proud of yourself. Having had both son and hubby in Tae Kwon Do I know how much effort and work goes into these things. Congrats as well on the turtle rescue. We have so many turtles out in our area that the city has put up "Turtle" signs warning people to watch for them as they spend A LOT of time crossing the roads. Last year Jim and I saw a Blandings turtle for the very first time. They are on the Endangered Species list. It was gorgeous. And BIG!. I would love to see that picture of the turtle. *Just an idea...you could put it in your avatar pic for a bit, or.....try again another day. Do show us though, it sounds adorable. I also had pet turtles when I was young. Fats and Curious. :)

    Just finished my second cup of coffee so haven't thought about dinner yet although I have that chicken recipe Michelle made recently on my short list. The shrimp scampi was very nice last night. I'll write it up in IMI in just a bit. I think I may head into town by myself today and do a bit of clothes shopping. Just need to freshen things up a bit as you said yourself Linda recently. Also need to pick up some things for Jim's birthday which is quickly approaching.

    Wishing everyone a great day.
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Picture is sideways but at least you can see him ... Thanks for the idea!
  • Good4U 8 years ago said:
    Big Congratulations on getting your Brown Belt, Linda! BRAVO! Very nice of you to save the turtle and relocate as well. I have never heard of night Night Jasmine either.
    I am glad your neck is much better today, Janet. Too bad Jim was snoring last night:(
    Good luck clothes shopping. Not something I enjoy very much as I am so hard to fit. They don't make much even in the Petites for people under 5 ft tall. Plus now it seems the quality of things has gone down quite a few notches IMHO.
    I hope your neck and shoulder is feeling much better today, Shona. Lol I have problems with pillows too! I think it is b/c I am a stomach sleeper and I get my hands wrapped under me and they fall asleep. I don't sleep well at the best of times anyway.

    Hi to Marie, Karen, Michelle, Tina, and Bren. Plus a whole bunch of people I am missing.

    It is snowing! YUK! I don't know how much we are supposed to get. I will have to check the Weather Network and see. I am not sure what we are having for dinner. It will probably be chicken something.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Awwwwww....he's ADORABLE Linda! Thanks for showing me. :) Wonder how old he is?

    Giggle Joce. I actually like the sound of Night Night Jasmine better than just Night Jasmine. :) I don't like clothes shopping either simply because I wish I was 50 lbs. lighter and I would like how I look in the mirror. But....it is self induced I know. :) My girlfriend in Perth told me it was snowing earlier this morning as well. I told her to move to Dunrobin...God's country. :)
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Thanks Joce! Yuk on the snow ... didn't anyone tell Mother Nature it's Spring?

    Night Jasmine ... a.k.a. ... night Night Jasmine blooms at night, little white flowers open up and are suppose to emit this heavenly exotic scent. I'll have to call around to some nurseries and see if I can find it.

    I'm sure the tiny turtle is a hatchling, not that old because the kind of turtle he is gets pretty big ... about 12 or so inches wide, maybe even more.

    On-line shopping is the best. So much better the chance of finding something because the stores are usually picked over or don't carry everything. I still want to pick up a few more things, as noted, just to freshen things up. Too need to pick up another pair of sandals or two and let go of the heeled shoes I'm not wearing and probably never will.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Good morning.

    Cute pix of a turtle, Linda. Bass Pro has a bunch of different ones on display! I thought one was dead - but the guy said that one always rests that way, weird, but nature does have some strange citizens! The round shelled tortoises abound here. We have a lot of the little guys crossing the roads this time of year. They are cute and some live to be quite old.

    Is it a snapper? They are flat shelled and when full grown have been known to kill young ducks by pulling them underwater and drowning them. Not my favorite creatures! They can remove a finger if they bite!

    Snow, Joce?! We are headed to the 80's (F) today and the sunny sky will turn to storms, some severe but I don't think we will be in the bad area. The rain would be good - we are 6 inches behind so far.

    Janet, I have had one cup of coffee so will wait a bit before getting the second one. Lots to do today.

    The lilacs are planted and we plan on putting another couple ones out later. Maybe. They do smell good but I agree a bit strong to have inside.

    See you later.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Just checked if we could grow Night Night Jasmine here and I don't think so. Gardening zones always intimidate me but it says Night Night Jasmine needs Zones 8B to 11 and we're 4b. Oh well. Awwww on the hatchling. The cutest! He had a big adventure already for one so young. :)

    Nice again on the lilacs Karen. I love to bring a bouquet in and put it on my night table so I can smell them all night long.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Cute turtle! So glad you were able to release it. I love lilacs, I have several around the house. Light purple and white. I love jasmine, our good friends named their daughter Jasmine. The only night scented flower I grew was nicotinia --I think that's how it's spelled? I would put it on the deck by the sliding glass door so I could smell it at night when the door was open. It has little purple flowers that open at night.
    Woke up with a sore shoulder/neck again! I did sleep with the same pillow again. I like to sleep on my side, but I probably shouldn't sleep on my bad shoulder for too long.
    I woke up to find bloody paw prints. Checked both dogs and didn't see anything. After taking the kids to school, I took the dogs out back and saw fresh blood drops coming from Jersey. She's almost 10yrs old and was spayed years ago. It's pure blood dripping from her bladder or privates. I just phoned the vet and they have an available apt in an hour. So I'd better get ready. If it's not one thing, it's another around here! Geez, ;) Hopefully it's just a bladder infection--She did have crystals in her urine before and she had bloody urine then. They mentioned then that she had a dark- enlarged kidney a few years ago when they did an ultrasound and said she might be in the early stages of renal disease...I hope not :(
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Cool on nicotinia Shona. I'll have to check that out as well. Sorry to hear your shoulder and neck is still painful. :( And oh goodness on Jersey. The poor thing. I will keep my fingers crossed tightly that it's something easy and inexpensive to fix. Keep us tuned.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Thanks Janet. :) It looks like a urinary tract infection right now. They tested her urine (which is very bloody) and on top of the red blood cells they found white--which is a sign of infection. She also has a high fever. So she's on antibiotics. There are no crystals in her urine this time, thank goodness, so no need for an ultrasound or xray. The bill was already $200, so it would go upwards to $900 if they had to keep her and do more tests! I bought her some doggy diapers on the way home, but Miss. Smarty Pants figured out if she rubs her back under the dining room chair she can take it off! Lol, she's on a towel sleeping, hopefully she'll stay there for awhile. She looks tired.
    I'm intimated to plant here since moving from zone 9a to 3b. I use to be such an avid gardener, but the climate is so different here I need to learn everything all over again. I have more books and encyclopedia's on gardening than cookbooks! I need to get back into it. :) I just looked up Nicotiana in my book, it would be an annual in cold zones and comes in different colours. I remember them flowering numerously from Spring to Fall, kind of like little petunias. Just pinch of the dead heads and you have flowers forever. :)

    Hi Joce, I use to be a stomach sleeper but when I was pregnant with Sophie, and afterwards, I just couldn't sleep on my stomach anymore. Probably because of the C-section and bladder repair, they moved around some organs and it feels...different? Lol ;) I've seen pillows meant for stomach sleepers, but who knows if they work! Hopefully that's the last snowfall you see until next winter!

    Congrats on the brown belt Linda!! Good for you! :)

    Hi Karen. Sounds like your garden is coming along :)

    I have no idea what's for supper, we have some leftover pasta so whomever doesn't want that can have hot dogs. I'm still coughing up a storm and feeling blah, so hopefully they won't complain! ;)
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Oh no Shona on Jersey's UTI ... poor girl ... hope the antibiotics knock it out and she feels better. Must have been frightening to see blood then have to look for the source. Geez, your not catching a break there are you. Thanks for the congrats!

    The little turtle turned out to be a very common Florida Softshell.

    Went out for lunch to a dive of a café that has the best food! I had their quiche (spinach, ricotta, and bacon) with a side tossed salad. The quiche had to be at least 3.5" deep and oh-so-good. DH had a turkey club that looked equally as good. Split a bowl of their chicken soup that was incredible. All homemade stuff from scratch. The café sits on a busy road in an older section of town.

    Went back out grocery shopping after we got home. Tried Cashew milk for the first time and I like it. Worked well in the ice coffee I like to drink in the afternoon. I got unsweetened, maybe next time I'll try the sweetened version just because.

    Was not hungry for dinner and I had ground turkey that needed to be used so I made a pot of simple turkey chili. DH had some and I portioned the rest for reheat lunches.

    We have a Bass Pro shop very near Karen and they are a lot of fun to visit. Their aquariums are awesome! Their restaurant is pretty good too.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi everyone! Caiden was up coughing all night long so I took him to the doctor and found out he has strep throat. Poor guy. He missed a T-ball game tonight and will miss a school again and practice tomorrow. His life can continue as normal on Thursday. Am having to keep reminding the kids to not get too close to each other. She has a busy rest of the week and a tournament this weekend, so I need her to stay well!

    Bri had part of her "bridging" tonight for GS's. Bridging is steps they have to take to move up in ranking. So she is going from a Junior to a Cadette. I feel like she JUST became a Junior, jeez time flies! So tonight they did a project helping a first year Daisy troop (5 and 6 yr olds) earn their detective badge. It was so cute our "big" girls helping out their "little" girls. I got a couple pics I'll try and post soon :)

    Dinner was a slow cooker beef stew. Good night everyone!!

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