Tuesdays Tidbits

  • Good4U 9 years ago
    It is nice and sunny today but, that is deceiving b/c, it is still very cold outside. It feels like -20F. BRR! Nothing special happening here as usual. We are having chicken something for dinner, not quite sure yet.

    I see the Rideau Canal has partially opened for skaters. (The World's Largest or Longest Skating Rink) Maybe Janet and Jim have gone downtown for a skate on it? http://www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places-to-visit/rideau-canal-skateway

    Hoping everyone has a good day!
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Hello everyone!
    I try and pop in often, mostly just lurk around, there's usually so many posts I don't have time to read them all, but it's quiet here this am.
    Not much new here, I'm just feeling better now from the flu. The one year I don't get the flu shot I get the worst flu ever!
    I made a Ham with cheesy scalloped potatoes and corn on the cob last night. I also made a carrot cake, because ham reminds me of Easter, which reminds me of carrot cake, lol ;) I didn't get much baking done at Christmas so I am making up for it now! Pete got me a mandolin slicer for Xmas, wow, makes quick work of the potatoes! The carrots were a pain though, I would prefer my grater on the food processor, but all in all a great tool to have. I think I might look at getting a new magic bullet so long as I can order just the machine as I have all the bits and bobs that go with it. I miss being able to chop nuts or make icing sugar etc in it. I have a blender, but it's just not the same!
    I see it's very chilly out East Joce! We're just getting out of the deep freeze. We had some snow on the weekend, and we finally have a gorgeous sunny day today. Thankfully I have enough leftovers for dinner tonight because after my marathon cooking day yesterday I am looking forward to taking easy today :)
    I joined up to a be a Canadian All-star member for Allrecipes.com. Being a Brand Ambassador and trying out new recipes, photographing them etc. I don't get paid or anything like that, just thought it would be fun! I'll let you know if I try anything that is fantastic. The US Ambassadors just did a Reynolds (wrap) Campaign, so perhaps us Canucks will be able to try out new products too. :)
    Anyways, just wanted to say hi and I hope you are all doing well! Take care!
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Oh, I just signed up to Facebook too.(I had to in order to be an Allrecipes all-star). Is there a group on there for ODD?
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    BBRR that is cold Joce! That is a cool looking skating rink! I'm a horrible ice skater, I'd be falling the whole way lol!

    Finally the sun has came out, but it's still cold. We are just hanging out trying to be quiet because Michael is sleeping. Tonight Bri had play practice and also there is softball registration afterward, I guess we will be signing her up! Not sure how we are going to have time to do everything, but we will make it work! Have some fresh mozzarella in my fridge that I want to use with this recipe http://allrecipes.com/recipe/monterey-chicken/detail.aspx will probably make some some steamed broccoli to go with it. Hope everyone is just busy, and have a good day!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Oh my Goodness! IT IS COLD OUTSIDE Joce! It's so cold that my face hurt when I was out in it! :) I was thinking today about Tina and Michelle and those who really don't get COLD weather and I was thinking that their faces have probably never hurt because of the temperature and they also haven't probably experienced the pleasure of a car seat warmer in the mid of winter either! :) LOLOL! We haven't gone for a skate on the canal this year yet but we have invited relatives from Montreal down the last weekend of January when Winterlude starts and we'll bring them then.
    LOL! Hi Shona! So you'll pop in if it's quiet but if we're too chatty we scare you off? That's no reason. You are not obligated to read allllll the posts. Having you say 'hi' is good enough for me anyway! :) Nice to see you! Glad you've recovered from the flu. YUM on your dinner last night. I haven't made Ham in forever and Jim actually remarked on it this morning so I'll have to put it on the menu soon. And I totally get your thought process with the ham and carrot cake. :) I've always wanted a mandoline and never got around to getting one for myself. A Canadian All-star member for All recipes....Have fun! And yes...Laurie just started a Group Recipes FB group recently. Called "Friends of Group Recipes". And there's not as much chatter on there so maybe we'd see you more often. :)
    I had a Dentist's appointment this morning and just got home. I got a partial crown about four years ago and my Dentist noticed a hair line crack in it so said it'd be best to fill it. Ugh. Which required a big needle, freezing, drilling. It was not pleasant. Jim came in to town while I was there and went for breakfast at McD's. :) Then we went and bought some cross country ski poles. Our old sets had broken baskets on the poles and now with Jim not working we will have more time for such activities. Went to Costco and got a good deal on freezer bags and then to the library. Stopped for lunch at Chang Thai Kitchen. I had the red curry chicken. It was yummy and hit the spot (and warmed me up!)
    So we were supposed to have Tacos last night (get this Marie!) but when I went to the pantry the Taco box was a used one not a new one so it didn't have the taco mix in it. Plus....I looked in the freezer and I only had two tortillas left (Jim prefers soft shell and I prefer hard) so I was lacking in that as well. Rolling eyes. So I ended up pulling some chili out of the freezer and we had chili dogs instead. So today I grabbed an envelope of Taco seasoning and this afternoon I'll make some more taco shells and we'll do Tacos tonight. Sens Game on at 8:30. We have not been playing well and won't make the play-offs.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    SP Michelle! You will be busy indeed with all Bri's extra-curriculars! :) That chicken recipe looks good. Let us know how it turns out.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    SP Shona!! I think a mandoline is one of the only kitchen tools I don't have, besides a rice cooker! Your dinner last night sounded yummy! Glad your over being sick :)

    Lol Janet, cold to use is in the 40's! It's 47 today and I don't even want to step a foot outside haha! My car does have seat warmers which we do use some. I think all cars in TX should put seat coolers instead of seat warmers!

    Ugh on your dentist appt. I really think going to the dentist is one of the worst things. I think bad teeth run on my Mom's side, is that possible. I've had so much work done in my mouth starting at a such young age it's ridiculous. Yummy on your lunch! I think I would order Letter D, chicken with mixed veggies in a Thai sauce, and I would probably have to add a spring roll, love them :) Too bad taco night didn't work out for you last night, go figure huh?! At least you have the stuff to do it tonight though!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    I'm amused that you use the car seat warmers Michelle and I think your idea of seat coolers is excellent! :) Yes, I'm sure bad teeth can be in the genes.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Well never mind on sunny weather! It just got really dark. Weather man says no rain today, but I'm not sure if I believe him or not!
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Hi Janet, Hi Michelle!
    I got this mandolin: http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/pro-mandoline/6000177656585
    Fairly inexpensive and it has a great guard on it-- because the mandolin scares me without one! (that's the Cnd price, so probably cheaper in Usd.) My food processor died, as did my magic bullet. So this is a great replacement. I love the julienne slices too!
    I'm sure bad teeth runs in the family! My kids have my husbands and my MiL bad teeth! I just got the estimates from the orthodontist for my kids problems, for the both of them it will be over $10,000!! And none of it is covered under our extended health coverage. oy vey! At the moment I hope most of it works itself out without treatment. Time will tell, or another health plan with coverage in the near future ;)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Ai yi yi on the Dental estimate for the kids Shona. That's nuts! Nice Mandolin. I really should look into getting myself one one day. :)
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Hey everyone
    Selectmen meeting was successful. The voted unanimously to oppose the pipeline. They also voted to join the coalition of towns to band together against it. They realized that the land they let them survey feeds into the two water wells which is 64% of the town's water supply.
    I'm making chicken sausage and escarole soup. Pat has a recipe and its loosely based on that because I've made some substitutions and also her version is cooked in the slow cooker.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    That's excellent Laurie! Now if the Selectmen oppose the pipeline does that mean that's the end of it now? Yum on your soup. Sounds ah-mazing!
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Unfortunately, no it's not the end. It's a huge fight. Because the Federal gov issued a report saying we need more gas and once they issue the permit to Kinder Morgan (they haven't yet) there is pretty much no fighting it. They can even take over the conservation land which is there plan. The Selectmen though have legal council at their disposal and more resources that the homeowners alone. So it's a step in the right direction but a small step if we can find an endangered species on the land it might help. But since it's the dead of winter I'm not sure how to go about finding one lol
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Interesting. Good luck in the fight. Certain birds that hang around in winter may fall under that endangered species designation.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hello, everyone. Gone all day so just stopped by for a sec.

    I believe the 2015 Dodge Ram 1500 we looked at last week has heated and cooled seats, front and back. Nice. The 50,000 dollar price tag makes it more than we would ever spend on a vehicle. It is royal blue, very snazzy. Only if I win the BIG power ball --- LOL.

    Low last night was 11 F. Typical January freeze. January thaw next week should be highs in the 50s.

    Mel is on my lap so am typing one handed! have a good day.

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