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Tuesday's Turnovers.....

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Struggled to think of a thread title this morning. :) I love desserts and pretty much all things sweet but I can say 'meh' to turnovers. Give me a slice of pie any day. I think it's because I find there's too much pastry.

    So what's on everyone's agenda and menu for today? I'm going to make up a crockpot of Frankieanne's
    Slow Cooker Bean And Bacon Soup
    I've made the recipe before and LOVE it! I'll go pick up a nice loaf of multigrain bread at the bakery to go with it. Jim and I have a Sens Game on tonight so we'll eat in front of the TV. :) Only three more hockey games to go before the season is finished and I'm afraid the Sens were so bad this year that I'm actually kind of relieved that it'll be over. Here's to next year. (And I hope we fire the coach) :)

    Nice and sunny out right now but chilly. -8C/17F this morning and there is a substantially large snow storm heading our way. LOLOLOL. Have to laugh. Nothing else to do about it. :) I miss Michelle B's posts from Saskatchewan as at least she used to usually have worse weather than we did in Ottawa but of course now she's up and moved to Fiji! LOLOLOL.

    I have my Book Chat at the library this afternoon and Jim and I want to go for a walk this morning.

    That's a huge fire in Bourbon Karen. Yikes! I googled Bourbon, Missouri as it's an amusing name for a town. Wikipedia says that it is indeed named for the whiskey but they don't go into much more detail than that. Hope Wayne's foot is feeling better this morning.

    Wishing everyone a lovely day! (Have fun Laurie!!!!!)
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Morning Janet! I love turnovers, our FM makes them fresh everyday and when I go I usually grab one and eat it while I shop :) Yum, I hear ya on Slow Cooker Bean And Bacon Soup it’s a delicious soup! Hope the Sen’s win all 3 games to make up for the bad season :|

    It is beautiful and sunny here, light jacket weather right now, but I know in a few hours it will be HOT. My garden is going really good so far, everything is looking good and growing :) Going to go to the gym then head up to the Farmer’s Market as I am just about completely out of veggies. I think I have ½ a yellow squash and ½ a head of broccoli and that’s it lol. Then I need to get out and weed the herb part of the garden. Need to wash the truck but I think I’ll save that for tomorrow, and I’m not quite sure how long it’s going to take me, it’s quite a bit bigger than my Mazda was lol. Another game tonight, we won last night, yay! Wishing everyone a great day!!
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Good Morning!
    I'm up very early, had to get Colter to school at 6:45am so he could make the bus for the science trip. They're going to Edmonton's Telus World of Science Center for an exhibit and IMax film---I can't remember the theme, I think it's about planets?

    I love turnovers! I don't like the store bought ones though, the pastry is waxy and not enough filling, like you say. :) I make them with my Cheater Puff Pastry Dough
    I'm going to brine this for tomorrowLemon Rosemary Brined Roast Chicken I finally went to town yesterday so I could get a whole chicken (our little store is out of stock on lot's of items!) Pete said, you should make that chicken with the lemon and herbs--it took me awhile to figure out it was the brined chicken he was talking about, it's so moist and flavorful! Tonight I'll make Heartwarming Beef Stew, it's suppose to be windy and rainy today. And tomorrow and Thursday we're suppose to get up to 24c! So warm for this time of year. I can't believe the weather out east Janet, the news reporter's here were commenting on how we usually get the polar vortex this time of year, but the warm westerly winds are pushing it over your way! Sorry you're getting it, but I am glad we're getting a glimpse of Spring before the summer hits ;)
    Gosh, I'd better run and get Sophia to school now!

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi Janet and Michelle.

    Our vehicles seldom get washed because they get filthy the first time we drive down our dirt road, Michelle. Trucks do take a while to get clean. My car got so bad I actually asked Wayne to take it thru the car wash...much improved.

    Janet, is to climb into the mid fifties (F) today, rain tomorrow. Spring is here. We had no winter to speak of and I think the fleas and ticks will be bad this summer. Need to pot some plants potted soon.

    Have a good day.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    SP Michelle!
    Yay on the game win! Lol on the big truck, I need a step stool to get into Pete's truck--so I could imagine needing a step ladder to wash it! ;) Enjoy the gym and Farmer's market today :)
    Hi Karen!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    That's great your garden is doing so well Michelle. I shall keep that in my thoughts as the snow starts to fly here. :) LUCKY on the Farmer's Market trip! Great on the win last night. Have fun this evening too!

    How fun for Colter Shona. I'd love to do that myself! Tickled you like the Lemon Brine Chicken recipe. That's on our agenda soon as well.Wow on 24C tomorrow! That's lovely! Ya...the Polar Vortex hit us just recently and it was not pleasant. :( You're sure you don't want to keep in it Alberta eh? :)

    My girlfriend just went yesterday to get tick meds for her dog for the summer Karen. Lucky you on the potted plants. I can't wait!!!!

    Soup's on. Gotta clean up the kitchen and head out for our walk.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Fun on Colter's field trip Shona! Yum on both the chicken and beef stew. I think I'll pick up a couple of whole chickens next time I'm at the meat market to make that brined chicken. Yes I'll definitely need the step still if not a kitchen chair...I'm very short lol.

    I almost find it pointless to wash our vehicles too as the ball fields are all gravel. But I can't bring myself to leave this one dirty :(

    I still just can't believe how cold it is your way Janet!

    Forgot to mention that I'm going to get this in the slow cooker when I get home
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    I remember when our neighbour got a brand new truck, black! He washed it every night for at least a year straight--he would buff and polish that thing dry spending at least an hour drying it, use to make me chuckle. But I'd probably do the same thing with a new shiny truck! Especially a black one with all our dirt roads and dust storms here. That Korean beef looks yummmeee! I bet that would be good with Wasabi mashed potatoes :)

    Lol Janet, thanks---you can keep the Polar vortex this ;)

    That reminds me Karen, I have to give the dogs their tick stuff! I always start it in April and go to at least the end of September or mid-October. Even in -20 temps they don't die here, they go dormant and come out at the first sign of spring. We get the black-legged ticks or Deer ticks as they're known here.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    SP Shona!

    We start tick prevention early also. The snows seem to deter them somewhat but we didn't get much snow this winter! We have brown dog ticks and deer ticks both. Picked seed ticks off already and Wayne had one tick carried disease two summers ago, not the bad ones though.

    When we lived in town Wayne was picky about clean cars, Michelle. We do have a garage so that helps. It is like a maze getting two trucks, a zero turn mower, lawn stuff (leaf picker upper thingy), my car, saddles, hunting tents, motorcycle, pet carriers and cages, etc. inside. We had to switch stalls for his truck and my car because the mower is so large his truck won't fit in with I have the center area because there is room between my car and the mower. I still park it closer to the door than he likes.

    Must look for crockpot pork recipes for pork chops, or oven baked). Latter would be better because I mat con him into eating out after we vote. LOL! Just some tax stuff but I am still ticked at MODOT for using bond money meant for roads on non-road maintenance, so would not vote yes until they either clean up their act, fire or prosecute the offenders, or take the misused cash from their own salaries and not my pockets. Grrr! End of vent!

    Trouble and Fritz are escalating their arguments. I can see her gradually becoming a barn cat but will have to introduce her slowly to Geezer. Both are hard line, bull headed kitties. Hoping neutering him will take away some of his feistiness. At the moment he is asleep on Wayn's chair after chewing up a ball point pen. Sigh!

    Have a good day.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Yum on that Korean beef Michelle. Have you made that recipe before? If you recommend it I'm going to pin it. It looks yummy and I love that you can do it in the crock pot.

    What's MODOT Karen? Missouri .......Oh oh on Fritz eating the ball point pen. LOL.

    Had a great walk but the wind was fierce. Had a chat with a beautiful horse along the way. It sauntered right up to the fence and just willed us closer to talk to it. Beautiful!
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Hello everyone. Got a bit of a late start to my day and then out the door to run some errands.

    The linked slow cooker bean and bacon soup looks yummy! Growing up I wouldn't touch bean and bacon soup no matter the source. First time I had it was a few months ago when I found a recipe on Pinterest and made it because a friend was gushing how much she loved Campbells as a kid and this was a copy-cat. Thought perhaps I was missing something (and too my taste has changed) and discovered I was. Loved it!! Will try this recipe too.

    It's glorious here today. In the 80s but no humidity and bright blue skies with a cool breeze. Wish I could "freeze" today in time and recreate it everyday.

    I too love Turnovers but only if they are quality, and fresh with an ample amount of filling, flakey pastry, and a beautiful sweet glaze.

    Went to the feed store this morning to pick up litter for the bunny. I use horse bedding pellets and brought DH because the feed store is not in an ideal section and to get there you have to go thru worse. The feed store has been around since the 40s and everything else around it came after. It's such an oddity to its location but I love the store itself. After the feed store we stopped at the post office to mail a box that is going to my sister, then had lunch (kale caesar with grilled chicken for me, DH had a burger), ran into the grocery store for tonight's dinner (salmon cakes and crab cakes with corn on the cob and asparagus), then to the bank.

    I'm thankful my DH keeps both vehicles clean because I have no interest in washing them. I have enough to do inside but I will keep the inside of mine vacuumed.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Janet, MODOT is Missouri Dept. of Transportation. Fritz also chewed the filling out of his dog bed. Sigh!

    Korean beef does sound good.

    I dislike washing cars also, Linda. Youth group car wash events are my ideal way to get the car clean!
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Marie (and anyone else who has an interest) ... here is the link to the Sweet Potato and Black Bean salad I mentioned ... I had it all written up for my recipe box then hit the wrong button and lost it. I'll write it up again another time. Arrrgh.
    (It's really good!)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Your dinner this evening sounds terrific Linda. I love fish cakes and crab cakes. Love corn on the cob too but won't see any decent stuff in the market 'til August I think. :( The location does sound amusing for the feed store.

    Oh dear @ Fritz and this puppy chewing phase Karen. :(

    Book Chat was fun, soup smells great. Heading out for a hot tub shortly.
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    It's of those things you have to see to believe. The feed store is right on a major busy highway, near to the center of the city, in a Hispanic section, and everything around it is commercial type places ... It's two big warehouse type buildings that scream every thing country, hay and straw is all over, and there are even 2 or 3 resident cats that hang out because of the stored grains and feeds that attract mice. It just doesn't belong there.

    Happy your Book Chat was fun Janet ... what are you reading? What type genre do you like to read?
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Again, LOL at the location of the feed store Linda....I can totally picture it. :) I belong to a Book Club that meets at the local library once a month and we read all manner of books. Today's was "The Rosie Project" and it was one of the lighter ones we've had. It was fun and upbeat and got all thumbs up from all the members. I'm personally a big fan of Stephen King, but I also like reading biographical type books to learn about people, I like historical type novels and fun stories like the Sookie Stackhouse vampire series. I guess that truly I like most genres....easier answered and far less-long-winded would be what genres do I not like.....Romances, Westerns and mysteries...although I have recently read a couple of mysteries that might sway me over to the dark side. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Back from voting. We ate at Cracker Barrel then I went to a garden class at Bow and Barrel while Wayne hung out in the store. The company that did the class gave away a planter and flowers to fill it. Very nice.

    When we got home I went to feed Geezer but Blondie was on the porch. He left, I stayed for a bit then went inside. Went out to check, heard rustling in the leaves, and he was back! I yelled and Blondie scrammed. Two minutes later the raccoon scooted up the sun room steps. I rattled the cat food sack and he ran off. He may be back, he is very persistent. So glad we don't live in town, I can imagine the neighbors wondering what was going on.

    I have not read much since retiring, Janet. But mysteries (and Harry Potter) are my favorite. Along with alternate history.

    Our farm store is not in such a unique a small town, not too big, family owned.

    Tired and relaxing while Aynecwatches TV. Mauser is on my lap and Mel is beside me. Fritz is on Wayne's lap and chewing his rope. Goofball dog!

    Have a nice evening.

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