Wednesday's Woodlands.....

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's going to be a beautiful day today with the temperatures going up to 20C/68F by this afternoon! We've decided to head up into the Gatineau Hills today on the Quebec side to go admire the Fall leaves. This time of year Ottawa holds "Fall Rhapsody" and we get a lot of tourists flooding to the area to look at the changing leaves. It gets so busy on weekends that to get up into the hills you are in a huge traffic jam, so that's why we've elected to go mid-week. :)

    May pack a picnic lunch. There is a 1.5 hour trail to a Waterfalls that we'd like to walk and I'm sure there are picnic tables to sit down at and enjoy the scenery. We used to do this a lot when we first moved to Ottawa and it was a great place to bring guests for sight seeing but we haven't been in years now.

    Dinner is easy peasy. Jim requested Hot Turkey sandwiches so that's no problem and we have our season opening Hockey Game tonight, my Ottawa Senators against the dastardly Toronto Maple Leafs, so that will be very fun as well.

    Wishing everyone a most wonderful Wednesday! Pics below are of some ruins that are located on Mackenzie King's Estate up in the Gatineau's that we will go visit today as well. Mackenzie King was Canada's 10th Prime Minister and he spent almost 50 years beautifying his property up in the Gatineau Hills and then bequeathed it to the Canadian Public when he died. It's a 231 Hectare country estate.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Very cool on the King's estate Janet! Can you imagine being a king/queen and living like they did ... I love stuff like that. About how old are the ruins? Hot turkey sandwiches sound perfect and better yet, easy. Have fun on your excursion today.

    That stinks you can't get your pot filler Bren especially because you had it in your mind for so long that you could. Arrgh. Good to hear you are seeing progress with MIL's house.

    Nice on the southwest throws for the RV Karen. Isn't that how it always is ... the ones you want most are not on sale. Can you call the company and ask them if they would offer the sale price?

    Glad you had an easy day yesterday Michelle to take a little time for yourself and relax.

    How did your beef stew turn out Shona? Good to hear your new car is "growing" now that you have it side to side with the other.

    We went out last night with the dog for something to eat. The weather is finally starting to give and is actually pleasant. It was low 80(s) around dinner time. The restaurant we went to is "famous" for their pork belly appetizer so I finally tried it and it was very good. I never had pork belly and their description of it being like bacon really wasn't accurate, it was more like a spare rib without the bone. It was marinated and finished with an Asian glaze. I would get it again. It was filling and by the time I ate my salad I was stuffed for my salmon dinner and brought most of it home.

    No plans today except to go to the gym, practice Kenpo, and dust. Not sure what to make for dinner. I'll let DH pick with what's in the freezer.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    No Kings or Queens lived there Linda. The Prime Minister's full name was William Lyon Mackenzie King. And the ruins are from old buildings around the Ottawa area (I think) that he had brought up there and placed strategically so it would make an architectural statement. They're very beautiful. His house is still there and they have a tea room inside it where you can go eat. NICE on the pork belly appy. Sounds YUMMY! Your entire dinner sounded lovely.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Got it! I thought medieval Kings/Queens live there and that's what was left of the estate. My imagination can be grand at times ... :)
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    A grand imagination is a wondrous thing Linda! I share it as well. :)
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Enjoy your drive in the Gatineau today, Janet. The Fall colours should be spectacular today! A good idea going there, mid-week.

    Your dinner out last night sounds amazing, Linda. Have fun at the gym and practising Kenpo.
    Den has gone to the dump to dispose of a few things and then he is ordering a yard of stone to put down between the houses to help with proper drainage. We have to do that every few years just in case. I am going to get my hair cut this afternoon and I can hardly wait to get it done as it is out of control! At the moment I have no idea what we are having for dinner? We had hot turkey sandwiches last night and we are starting to get turkeyed out. Maybe pork chops or something but at the moment nothing is laid in stone.
    I didn't read back, so I will go check it out in a minute.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Good luck to Den on his project Joce! Have fun getting your hair cut! LOL @ starting to get turkeyed out. :)

    I'm making up some egg salad sandwiches and will pack some tomatoes, blue cheese and figs to take along for a little picnic lunch.

    My niece just messaged me to say that my SIL from Alaska is secretly going to arrive this weekend for my BIL's 50th Birthday party in the Niagara so that's very exciting! :) I'm not even allowed to tell Jim!
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Morning! Good call going on a Wednesday to a tourist spot Janet, hopefully it's not too busy for you :) Good luck to your Sens! The King’s Estate is beautiful!!

    I have never had pork belly Linda, but am very curious. I’ve always imagined it being like a big piece of fat, seared on the outside. How close am I?? Lol.

    Hi Joce, enjoy your haircut! Pork chops sound great, I think you just gave me my idea for dinner, pork ribs!! :)

    About to shower (No, I was so lazy yesterday I didn’t even do that lol) then head to Sam’s, as I have a huge long list and the kiddos are getting frusterated with no snacks in the house. Today Emma and Skyler are coming over after school to practice the PETA play so it should be eventful. Pulling out ribs for dinner and going to have to make a homemade BBQ sauce if I don’t find a good one at Sam’s. Not sure what the sides will be, need to dig through the fridge and see what I have! Have a great day everyone :)
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    HI Janet, that park looks beautiful! I guess the ruin's were put there as a folly? I can see now that we must always get our Fall earlier than Ontario! We have all our Fall festivals, fairs and celebrations starting September and ending this weekend with the Full Moon Pumpkin Fest. Just the last of the apple tree leaves need to fall then it's bare outside. Our Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames face off tonight too! I still cheer for my Canucks though, if I had to choose ;) Wishing your Senators a good game! How cool on the surprise visit from your SIL! Enjoy the walk and picnic today :)

    Hi Linda, that pork belly sounds good! Enjoy the gym :)

    Hi Joce, maybe you could freeze the leftover turkey and make soup or something for another day? I get turkeyed out really fast too. But I do like to make a gumbo or turkey ala king with leftovers :)

    Hi Michelle, you sound like me today, lol...need to shower and go shopping as the kids last night were bugging me for snacks..."what I can eat?" "theres nothing to eat!", lol. ;) I love to have some kind of coleslaw and corn on the cob with ribs, yum! Hope you find something in the fridge. ;)

    It's icy outside, brrr. Currently -7C. But sunny! ;)
    I went to get the beef out to make the stew yesterday and saw the leftover ham, so decided to finish that off instead. So today is stew day! I have a few errands to run so I'm going to put it in the slow cooker. If I'm feeling ambitious later, I'll make some biscuits to go with it.

    Have a great day everyone :)
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Not even close Michelle. That's what I thought pork belly was like too ... the servers describe it to be like bacon. It taste nothing like bacon either. It's like a spare rib without the bone. Yes there is fat on it but the way it cooks it's either crispy fat or melt in your mouth fat like a spare rib and there is pork meat on it like a spare rib, more meat than fat and it's sliced thin not in a big thick hunk.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Hi Joce. There's only so many days in a row anyone can eat turkey and then enough is enough. Have fun getting your haircut and hope all goes well with the stone laying.

    How long is winter/cold weather usually in your area Shona? Seems you start early and end later than the average.
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    It seems we hardly get a Fall or Spring around here, Linda ;) The snow usually falls in October, then it might melt and not feel too freezing cold..... But by Nov-early Dec. we get the big dump of snow that lasts until April before it all melts. The only thing that gets you through the winter here is it's almost always sunny and blue skies; sometimes the Chinook's bring warm weather and you can be outside shoveling the snow in a t-shirt, lol! And it's a dry-cold at least, the humid-cold weather can be a lot more bone chilling even if the Temp. says it's 20 degrees warmer. For instance if it dipped to 2C on the West Coast I find that feels just as cold if it were -22C here! The kids seem a lot more use to it now then me, even Pete loves the chill. My nose, hands and feet are like icicles all winter long! But I'm trying to keep positive about it as I sometimes want to scream and run back home to the island! ;)
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Love. The pix of the King Estate Janet! Our fall vests (fests!) are usually a bit later in October.

    It is just beginning to have cooler weather. 80F here would be too warm, Linda.

    Michelle, I am also in a blah....lazy day. No energy...aargh!

    Wow on the short fall, Shona. We have yet to begin the autumn season.LOL!

    Pork chops sound good Joce. I put a wild boar uncured ham in the slow cooker with Mediterranean Sea Salt Spice and it is simmering away. Maybe pasta and a salad with it. .???

    The guys burnt a ton of dry branches and twigs (too small for the stove or bug infested) they cut down to make room for our and the neighbor's RVs. It was quite big but dry and burned quickly. They are out doing whatever. Probably sharpening the chain saw. They are planning on putting up a building for the RV.....the cement cost more than the building! Yi!

    Drier is calling.

    See you later.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    That's a beautiful property, Janet, enjoy. You certainly picked a great day. Hot turkey sandwiches is one of my favourite meals.
    Thanks Linda. The designer really should have know that it wasn't possible, grr. I've never had pork belly either, sounds like something that I would love.
    Pork chops sound good, Joce, I haven't had those in ages. Good luck with the stone.
    Another dish that I haven't had in ages. I love potato salad with ribs. Enjoy the rehearsal.
    Wow, that's cold Shona. I never realized that your fall was so much earlier than ours. I love beef stew with dumplings. I wouldn't blame you if you went running back. It's hard to get used to extreme cold.
    Mmm, that sounds good Karen. I had wild boar sausages recently and they were really good.
    I've been in the kitchen most of the afternoon making soup and broth. Some of the soup will go to my daughter and the rest will go into the freezer for those days when I don't have a kitchen.
    I have this in the oven for dinner Pork Loin Roast With Baby Bellas and will serve that with garlic mashed potatoes and a garden salad.
    Gotta run.....
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    Hello all. Just popping in at the end of the night as I used to always do, lol!

    Deli chicken and "fake potatoes", as my daughter used to call them, here tonight. (she's on her own now so she can have whatever potatoes she wants!) Neither hubs or I felt like cooking.

    Hope all have had a wonderful evening and with that being said will offer a..........

    sleep sweet always.........

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