Wonky Wednesday

  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago
    Good morning.

    It is Wednesday - hump day - Mittwoch - the sun is out, the air is crisp, the sun room is clear and free of rampaging kittens.

    Sometimes I question my animal-owning lifestyle - sigh [shaking head]. Last night Mary grabbed a midnight snack from her bowl, then upchucked ON THE BED so I had to change sheets. That was NOT in the plan.

    This morning, Mauser flew across the living room, leaping from recliner to couch to floor to trunk (scattering papers everywhere) to window in a blur of black. She popped into the sun room when Wayne removed A.C., who had popped in first, when he opened the door, and is currently purring while he toted her back to the LR. I wish I still had a third of her energy. I gave up any attempt to sweep the cat hair from the floor - it has been there this long, what the heck, it can wait a while.

    A.C. plotted an escape attempt. He was thwarted. I will prevail. I am the human. The boss. Got it, cat? Ha! Sure.

    Mel is pretending to be innocent. He is very adept at that. I know better. He will wait until I am ready to clean the kitchen / cook and then decide to “leap” into my arms. This is not cool. Especially when I don’t expect it and he digs in his claws to hold on. Ouch!

    Trouble played innocent. She is being tutored by Mel. She is a quick learner.

    Even Geezer, the 15 year old outdoor cat who vanishes when anyone is around, caught the “Wonky Wednesday” bug and insisted I talk to him while he ate the cat food I so generously provided. I would tell you about singing the “Geezer Song” to him but then you would be certain I’d lost it completely. However, he is big, tough, and has given his allegiance to me in return for mortgaging the house so his battle-wounds could be repaired. He has not forgotten the 12 weeks “captivity” inside while recouping from same, or the hours of lap-sitting and stroking which tamed his semi-wild psyche.

    I must stop chatting and get to work. Wayne asked when I am going to the commissary. Silly question, I don’t even know what I am going to fix Saturday and have not made a list. Which I won’t follow or will forget or change or……Sigh.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    P.S. Picture is of Mel, Trouble, and Mauser in my old recliner. They are in it more than I am, of course.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Wow on the big black boar hanging out with the neighbour's pigs Karen. I'd never heard the word Mittwoch before. Neat. Ugh on Mary not feeling well and giving you a bit of a surprise in bed. :) Cute picture and the Geezer song does sound intriguing. :)
    In honour of this most auspicious day I'm going to make up a big, batch of
    Cabbage Rolls
    for dinner this evening and freeze the rest for later. SO excited! :)
    I also bought a bag of ornamental gourds and pumpkins last night as well as a Buttercup squash to decorate with today and I'm going to decorate my fireplace mantel for fall as well and probably put out some wreaths, etc. :)
    I never heard of Hebrew National Tube steaks before. (Still giggling Marie?) But ouch at $7.19/pkg. Of course I had to google them. (You knew I would!) Says they're all beef and founded in Lower East Manhattan back in 1905 by a man who had emigrated from Russia. The manufacturing plant moved to Indiana in 1989 and then that plant was closed in 2004 when they amalgamated with ConAgra Foods Armour Hot Dog Plant in Quincy, Michigan.
    So Marie, how did dinner end up going? What did you order? Hope you had a wonderful day! So nice you brought your parents such a yummy meal!
    I'm so buying apple cider the next time I see it.
    Hi MA!
    Good luck on your job interview today Laurie! Nice on the early birthday present Garmin watch!
    I didn't hear about a pumpkin shortage here Tina. I was at the grocery store last night and they got in their first big crate of big pumpkins. $4.99/each. I know they go on sale in a bit for like $2.99 so am going to try hold out. :)
    We had SUCH a good day yesterday! It was like a treasure hunt seeking out the spots that Jim's Grandma took photos of. We got about three of them bang on. What fun! Did another quick visit to a cemetery and found more of his relatives gravestones. I swear I have never spent so much time in graveyards before. :)
    Had dinner at the Little India Cafe
    Chicken Tikka Masala, Shrimp Korma and a plate of rice (Puleao? I know I'm spelling it incorrectly). It was DELICIOUS! Have a teeny bit of leftovers for today.
    Then we headed down town and went to my friend's book launch. Too much fun. There were three authors doing readings. It was a very eclectic evening to say the least.
    Lucky that the grocery store stayed open 'til 10 as I stopped in on the way home and grabbed much needed ingredients.
    We're about to have a Skype call with Benjamin.
    Oh! And there was a triple homicide in a small town called Wilno yesterday. It's the place where Joce's husband brought them back cabbagerolls recently and Jim and I met my niece and relatives there once this summer and also had a big Polish feast. They caught the guy 12 minutes from our house! When Jim and I were heading to Almonte there were a million school buses all over the place and we couldn't figure out what was going on. Learned in the paper this morning they'd locked down the schools between Wilno and the surrounding area in rural Ottawa. Crazy. Glad they got him.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday!
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Wonky Wednesday is prevalent. Molly and Lola broke out of the back yard. A good samaritan called Molly's tag to Pet Watch and they called to report the dogs were picked up. Dear lady walked the bad dogs over to me. They are in the "dog house."

    Back later, they need water and a kick in the butt.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Oh my gosh Janet! I immediately thought of you and Joce when I heard that on the news last night!!! I heard he killed three woman in different homes in the valley. When the news said a rural area outside of Ottawa I thought of you right away, then remembered you went to Almonte and wasn't home alone, pheww. Scary to think it was that close to you!! My Gosh!
    Oh boy Tina, those dogs, tsk tsk, they need a talking too!! Thankfully the good Samaritan brought them back to you rather than call the city pound first. Here, that's 200 dollars per dog for the 'at large fine" plus whatever the pound fees are. Hopefully they behave!
    Cute Kitties Karen!! Haha, they sound so entertaining! My dogs just snore below my feet, lol ;)
    I ended up making a creole chicken pasta for dinner last night, so today I'll make the pork chops. Sophia is home sick, again, here we go Fall illnesses....She was choking in her sleep, like gagging, and now her stomach hurts and she has a sore throat. I give up trying to figure out what's wrong with her. She just picks up everything! I'm going to stay calm and not freak out every time she is sick, like I use to!
    Have a great start to your Fall everyone!! :)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Uh oh on the great escape Tina! Nice of the lady to bring Molly and Lola home.
    Looks like the murderer knew all the victims Shona so I wouldn't have been in any danger really. Guess he lives not far from us but far enough away that our paths may never have crossed. Is creepy though I'll give you that. Yum on porkchops. Sorry to hear Sophia is under the weather. :(
    I see the Pope is in the States. :) That's kind of fun. Just read that when Obama was meeting up with him in the oval office, Obama said to the press : "I notice, all of you are much better behaved than usual" . LOLOL!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Just saw another fun Pope story...(I'm not Catholic but I think this guy is cool)....

    "In a highly symbolic moment, Francis will pass on lunch with lawmakers after addressing Congress and will dine instead with homeless people in Washington." — CNN
    The meal will take place at St. Patrick's Church in Washington, D.C.
    The pope plans to spend as much time with the homeless diners as possible, and the menu sounds pretty great.
    Washington City Paper reports that Pope Francis plans to spend an hour with the group and will help serve the meal along with about 70 volunteers.
    Under a large tent providing shelter for more than 50 tables covered with white-linen cloth, the pope will bless a menu of boneless teriyaki chicken breast, Asian pasta salad, steamed green beans and carrots, potato rolls, and, for dessert, brownies and blondies.

    Now that's setting the bar I think. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi all! Oh my goodness on your crazy animals Karen! Blech on the throw up on the bed, I would have been dry heaving cleaning that up lol. Cute picture!

    Yay Janet, I'm happy it's Fall too!! I LOVE FALL! I need to make Cabbage Rolls again, those are delish! You are ahead of the game on Fall decorating lol. It's okay, I've had Halloween decorations up for 2 weeks now because the kids just couldn't wait any longer. So glad you had a blast yesterday, neat! I can't choose what I would order off of that Indian menu, everything sounds good! Scary on the triple homicide, yikes!! Wonder if they were all ex girlfriends or something?

    Bad dogs! Well at least you got them back Tina!

    Ahh..poor Sophia, that is too bad that she catches illnesses so easy :( I thought I was going to be going through Hell with Caiden starting school for the first time, but he hasn't been sick yet (knock on wood). Hope she feels better.

    I've been on the phone with this shirt lady and trying to get one of the Mom's to cooperate with me so we can get the order placed...ARGH! So frustrating. She want's two Toddler size shirts but the shirt lady can't get it in the right green color, so I need to know if a we can change up the colors a bit and she won't call me back!! I'm about to just tell the shirt lady to go ahead and order them and she'll just have to pay for them weather she wants them or not! Okay, rant over. Dinner will be just a quick stir fry of sausages and veggies. T-ball practice tonight! Have a great day everyone!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Cabbage rolls made and house part way decorated. It's been a lovely day! :)
    Hi Michelle! I haven't heard who the third victim was yet but yes, the other two women had dated the guy in the past. :( Ugh on the shirt troubles. "Like herding cats" I believe is the appropriate expression yes? :) Have fun at T-ball!
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Hi all:) Just checking in..been a busy day...

    Janet, I so want to make your cabbage rolls again soon:) They are the best:)

    Dinner will be grilled chicken and a salad packed full of veggies:)

    Hope everyone is doing well..I'll try to check back in a bit:)
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    We didn't go out to dinner..we had both been running like crazy and were just too tired..we had pizza..just sat and watched some TV and went to bed early:)
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    I can NOT stop thinking about cabbage rolls.
    The dogs came back panting so hard. Their great adventure wore them out. They slept all afternoon.
    Olivia came home and closed up the Shawshank Redemption hole in fence and filled the hole they dug with concrete blocks. Thank goodness for the "if found" tag.

    Shona, sorry to hear that Sophia is under the weather. Sounds like the post nasal drip makes her tummy hurt. Happened a lot when Liv was young.

    The triple murder is very scary. What a shocker. Those poor women.

    Michelle, having worked in the t-shirt biz for 7 years, not all sizes will come in identical colors. Toddler and extended plus sizes do not have the same range as regular tees. They can come close and I guarantee depending on how people wash the shirts (hot versus cold) by the end of the season everyone will be a slight different shade. Good luck honey. I remember one year every single team in the country wanted sapphire, you couldn't keep it in stock and some people couldn't accept anything close.

    I think we are having mac-n-cheese. Sauteed broccolini and garlic. Broiled salmon with lemon, z'atar seasoning.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Marie, you can reschedule a celebration when you feel like celebrating! Pizza and a bap is fine too.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Marie, tube steak joke, did it occur in McDonalds?
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Good on the house decorating, Janet. Glad dogs are back, Tina. Pizza is a cool BD celebration, Marie. Hope Sophie feels better, Shona -- it does sound like allergy drainage, doesn't it. Good luck with the shirts, Michelle - some mothers can be problem children, I guess.

    Wayne is coming inside so must go see about supper. Bye.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Hi Marie! Your dinner sounds yummy. I may grill some chicken tomorrow night if the weather is co-operative. I'd be totally good with pizza for my birthday dinner. Hope you had a good day.
    Sending you some virtual cabbage rolls Tina. I had a brain lapse and forgot to put them in the oven before we went out for a Hot Tub so they didn't go in until 7:15. They're supposed to cook for 2 hours. Dinner shall be a little late. :( Glad Liv covered up the escape route. I'm all over your mac'n cheese and salmon.
    I did a fair amount of decorating but am not finished yet. Shall continue tomorrow. Enjoy your dinner Karen.

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