Thank you for hosting group

  • trigger 16 years ago
    Invisible I would like to take this time to thank you for hosting this group.

    I will be attending a Spring cleansing Work Shop in two weeks. It will run for 5 weeks, at the yoga studio that I attend.


  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    I'm here for learning myself, I have to do my best preventive wise as me and my husband don't have insurance, he is a carpenter and is very loyal to his boss- although it doesn't seem like he reciprocates the feelings of loyalty as none of his employees have insurance. So what can we do? we just try our best, I look up all the diets you should be on when you are sick, either with cancer, heart disease,diabetes etc and this is how we should all be eating in the first place! every now and then splurge of course, lord knows I love my chocolate. Here every Friday night me and my son try to make a dessert together, since coming here it's been a lot easier to find recipes :)

    Trigger, you are so lucky. And I had no idea you attended a yoga studio, I was thinking that you might be able to answer me this the, why do I get dizzy every time I try to do yoga? But yet I can do pilates just fine, do you think it's because with yoga the movements are much slower? My son ( who is 10 by the way) loves yoga, he has his yoga workbook that he sometimes does. This is going to be my second question, do you know of any yoga DVDs that would be great for his age range? I would like to get him the mat and the DVD as a gift.

    What do you do at a cleansing workshop? do you fast? you should report back when you get back! if you like.

    - Marie
  • trigger 16 years ago said:

    This will be my first cleansing workshop,so I am a little apprehensive even though I trust the instructor I do not know how my body will respond.
    I will ask about the dizziness. and the yoga video for your son They have yoga for kids here they are so young like three and four year olds attending.
    I will inquire with that instructor for you about the video or DVD.

    They mention to rise slowly and your head should be the last to un- curl or rise when you are returning from a forward bend and if you get dizzy at that point to lower your glance back toward the floor.

    Inversions can when held for a long time can cause dizziness when coming out of them and the always caution us not to do those poses, and give those people alternative poses that do have an effect. Everyone has there own limits and it takes time to learn and for your body to adjust to yoga. Some big and brawny men come to try it and find out that they feel out of shape and can not believe Yoga was that intense when you are not moving very fast.

    We from the WEST are just coming around to the Eastern philosophy and the medicinal benefits from other parts of the globe.

    I am glad you are working hard for your family, and doing all of this research I really appreciate what you have tough me so far. Your cooking is great too, by for now.

  • cookinggood 16 years ago said:
    I also thank you for hosting this group. Went to the doctor today. Not too good, I have to work on cholesterol, triglycerides, and diabetic but can possibly control with diet. Both of my parents have diabetes and heart trouble. If I don't change now it will be too late to reverse some of these issues. (and let's not even discuss how much I need to exercise!!)
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    First Michael, if you were to remember to ask these questions for me that would be above and beyond and it would be greatly appreciated. Are you going to have your computer around? or just pure bliss, peace and quiet?

    Ferri, your very welcome. I'm sorry to hear the news, do you know all you really need is about 30 minutes of walking a day. Did your Dr tell you this? What I find helps me is bringing music along, you get so carried away you don't even pay attention to the time. Do you have a friend who would like to walk with you? And your so right, it's never to late to reverse some of your issues and keep you from having to rely on meds.

    My husband is a bit older than me, a decade and a few years LOL so I have lowered his blood pressure, just by the foods he eats, when he went in for his surgery on his heel, they were pretty amazed because he is a smoker. I have anxiety issues and suffer from depression so a lot of my diet is centered around foods that lift moods, and stabilize my blood sugar.

    So I will look up some information on how to control, cholesterol, triglycerides and diabetes. I hear Gillian talk a lot of these conditions on her show, I'm thinking eating whole foods will be the way to go. Check out my carrot cake, it's sugar free but you would never know. It has no sugar in it, I have looked around the Diabetes recipe sites and my cake has less sugar (none) then they have in theirs, so far from the ones I've seen. Also PattyCake has a awesome Kahlua Brownie recipe, so don't think you will have to give up sweets.

    Thanks for joining


  • trigger 16 years ago said:
    Thus group has no computers and is held in a sun lit room with out electric lights too ti is quiet. everyone is mindful of each other and it is a safe place to open up, what is said in the group stays in the group I do not even tell my wife. I do share the recipes but that is all.

  • trigger 16 years ago said:
    My mother passed away at the age of 59 and that started me thinking I better change my habits. I looked at dieting however they never worked for me because they were restricting me from the food I liked so eventually I would dive into really bad food and binge. In kept looking and shopping at the health food store and started asking questions.
    My cholesterol was out of control so my doctor put me on Lipitor my cholesterol started to drop but then climbed back up. I decided to look into natural alternatives and found a book. I followed the book and worked hard my cholesterol dropped and is way below what they say is normal.
    I finally adopted a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I practice mindful eating in other words I eat t and only eat I do not multi task i.e, eat while watching TV or while on a computer.


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