
How to make it

  • Put chicken breast halves between sheets of waxed paper and pound them out nice and thin.
  • Lay ham slice on each chicken breast, then Swiss slice on top of the ham. Roll up tightly, folding in the sides of the chicken in as you roll them up (this will help prevent the cheese from running out of the roll-up while it’s baking).
  • Place roll-ups in buttered 7x11 pan. In skillet, melt butter and add sliced mushrooms; sauté until mushrooms are browned a bit and moisture is removed.
  • Stir in flour, then add milk, stirring until it becomes the consistency of gravy. Season to your taste.
  • Pour sauce over roll-ups and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes, keeping dish covered the first 30 minutes. The cooking time will vary, depending on how thin you get the chicken.
  • If you like a crunchy topping, the last 15 minutes of uncovered baking, sprinkle over some crushed Ritz crackers and drizzle with 1 or 2 tablespoons of melted butter.

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  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    That looks fabulous. I love the ham, swiss cheese and mushroom aspect.
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