
How to make it

  • Mix the ingredients well and pour on your waffle iron or frying pan griddle for fabulous tasting results.
  • This batter will not keep, so cook the entire batch and freeze the leftover waffles.
  • These heat up well in the toaster!
  • Enjoy!

Reviews & Comments 4

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  • browneyegirl 10 years ago
    This would be great to put into the group called Breakfast
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  • osujulie 15 years ago
    I make waffles for all meals--or any time of the day, just like a 24-hour restaurant! Great with cream cheese and fruit for a snack, too.
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  • sunrae 16 years ago
    I always use Bisquick; although, any brand will do. Fruit lovers can absolutely top with whatever their favorite is! Don't forget the butter and warm syrup too (mine is low-cal but if you're not counting calories like me, the real stuff make this one a even more satisfying breakfast meal). Enjoy!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    craners ate it and said...
    OK...I'm in, what do "you" use for a bisquit mix? Waffles are so versatile, you can fruit or berries with....RIGHT?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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