How to make it

  • Using a vegetable peeler, peel the skin off the stem of the artichoke. Then grasping each leaf with your fingers, snap it off and it will break where the toughness begins. Do this all the way around several times until most of the artichoke showing is cream and purple.
  • Lay it on its side and use a sharp knife to cut off the spiny purple part. Use your fingers to open the flower, and a teaspoon to scrape out the choke that lies on top of the heart.
  • Cut the stem end off.
  • Put each one in lemon water as soon as you've finished so they won't oxidize and turn black. When they are all pared, pour some olive oil onto the water bath and bob them up and down so that they all get well oiled.
  • Take them out and put them upside down for a little while to drain a bit.
  • Put the artichokes into an oiled flat baking dish and put them into a 165°C or 325°F oven, scattering coarse salt over them. scatter the garlic cloves among them. Start them face down.
  • Cook about 2o minutes, and turn them over, scattering with a bit more salt. Test for doneness by inserting a cooking fork in the center. It will enter easily when they are done.
  • They can be eaten as-is or they can be sliced for various recipes.

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  • nakedchef 16 years ago
    I love artichokes
    they tastes so good
    thanks for the recipe
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    linebb956 ate it and said...
    Had these for lunch today with a friend.. They were so good.. It needs more than a 5 rating!
    Thank you for the info on this dish.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    linebb956 ate it and said...
    I hate to ask you this.... but artichokes are hard to get year round... can I use the frozen?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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