
How to make it

  • Fry onion, chilli and garlic in a dash of olive oil for 3-4 minutes until onions clear and soft
  • Add can of tomato paste and push it round the pan for 1 minute
  • Add drained can or jar of anchovies and break them up and mix the sauce all up. It is a thick sauce.
  • Toss through cooked pasta.
  • Serve with some ground parmesan and crusty garlic bread and a big green salad.

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  • jo_jo_ba 16 years ago
    I like anchovy flavour but I've never had them this way! Something new to try!
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  • cheric 16 years ago
    Yum! I love anchovies...on pizza or even just by themselves (which grosses my kids out LOL). This sounds great!! :)
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    " It was excellent "
    notyourmomma ate it and said...
    love anchovies, love pasta, love this dish.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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