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How to make it

  • Heat a small amount of the oil to roughly 350F. There should maybe be about an 8th of an inch in the pan.
  • Using a SINGLE quarter inch hole on a cheese grater, quickly grate ribbons of the plantain directly into the hot oil. Grate at different angles so that the pile ends up resembling a circle. The top of the pile should be out of the oil slightly.
  • Fry for about a minute until the bottom lightly browns. At this point, you can either gently flip the nest to flash the topside, or if you'd prefer to top to remain softer, just remove it from the oil using a thin spatula with holes and let them sit on a paper towel for a minute.
  • That's can have these with a mojo sauce, or just sprinkle some salt on them and eat them plain as a quick little snack. You can also experiment with the layout of your grating and make little cups in which you can place some meat mixtures (roast pork anyone?) or even some elaborate crosshatch pattern that can be used as a bed for something. (I'm making this up as I go...)

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    " It was excellent "
    tuilelaith ate it and said...
    This is great! I eat it fresh in salads, and I use it in my herbal healing salve.
    This stuff is just good for you all the way around!!!! Great post!!! Love it
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