
  • frankieanne 14 years ago
    Need an appetizer recipe for a party this weekend!
  • mrtnzangel8 14 years ago said:
    Hey Frankie. :)

    This one is always a hit...

  • frankieanne 14 years ago said:
    Thanks! I'll take a look. That might work. It is an Italian themed party. :)
  • barbiemensher 14 years ago said:
    Hi frankieanne. How many people are you having and is it a buffet or are you serving everybody sit-down style? If the latter, how many courses in all?
  • frankieanne 14 years ago said:
    It is at my cousin's house. 30 people and get a plate and find a place to sit kind of thing. :) Right now, I am leaning toward meatballs in marinara/pizza sauce in a crockpot along with cut up French bread to dip. I think. :-P
  • barbiemensher 14 years ago said:
    Sounds delicious but think of your host! Meatballs roll so easily off a plate and think of that red sauce all over their couches and carpet. (Can you tell I'm reliving a moment?) :)
    Bruscetta is a classic if you want to serve something cold. Eggplant Parmesan is a good hot option - holds together well and although people need to cut into it, they don't need knives, per se. An anti-pasta platter could be nice, too: marinated asparagus, artichokes, peppers, olives... I take it this is pot luck and you only have to bring 1 thing? If you had to choose, which would you prefer; hot or cold?
  • frankieanne 14 years ago said:
    Hey, barbiemensher. Thanks for the suggestions but my cousin decided I am definitely to bring the meatballs. When she heard about my idea she started drooling. Maybe I'll flatten them on one side. :-)

    Thanks again everyone!
  • barbiemensher 14 years ago said:
    lol! I can't blame her. A nice-a-meat-a-ball always goes down well. Enjoy your party! :)

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